Mass Shooting in Plymouth UK.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
That's the rumour but I've seen little actual reporting on it.

I've seen reporting he had a youtube channel and did weird rants but that's it.
It's been confirmed that this was his Reddit account: Wayback Machine link. His last posts (and I imagine most others) were pathetic, and he clearly hated his mother but kept a lid on any murderous inclinations. I reckon he was always sensible enough that he could talk his way out of trouble with the authorities, even though below the surface he thought about ending everything. Sadly because of his disdain towards mum, I doubt it was possible that he could've simply started and ended it with himself.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
I don't really consider "state terrorism" to be a thing, since it kind of broadens the definition of terrorism to be meaningless.

Introducing a flimsy metaphysical distinction like whether an agent is part of or is employed by a 'state' only makes things less clear and shifts the focus to irrelevancies.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
A white asshole murders a child and I'm not surprised that this thread has become "but what about Muslims".
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Incels are a death cult, and yet people still refuse to believe me when I say that. Guess they haven't killed enough for their tastes.

These people are a threat and we are far past time to start treating them as such. I say this without apology.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2021
On the subject of incels, perhaps society should slightly lower the pedestal upon which sex is placed, and people should stop insulting others on the basis of physical appearance, height, weight, or their hobbies. For example: "basement dweller".

Then maybe people won't feel so bad about being celibate, enough to join a "death cult" over it.

I remember some Disney Channel shows where the topic was unrealistic beauty standards for women. Magazines would have photoshopped models, which would contribute to eating disorders as young girls chased a literally unattainable figure. This seems a little comparable to that. If society says that this one thing is really important, people who can't attain it are going to be seen as, and feel like, losers, which will cause aberrations in behavior and mental states.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
On the subject of incels, perhaps society should slightly lower the pedestal upon which sex is placed, and people should stop insulting others on the basis of physical appearance, height, weight, or their hobbies. For example: "basement dweller".

Then maybe people won't feel so bad about being celibate, enough to join a "death cult" over it.
SJW snowflake

but no, I mostly agree. It would be sensible not to be mean like that.
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
On the subject of incels, perhaps society should slightly lower the pedestal upon which sex is placed, and people should stop insulting others on the basis of physical appearance, height, weight, or their hobbies. For example: "basement dweller".

Then maybe people won't feel so bad about being celibate, enough to join a "death cult" over it.

I remember some Disney Channel shows where the topic was unrealistic beauty standards for women. Magazines would have photoshopped models, which would contribute to eating disorders as young girls chased a literally unattainable figure. This seems a little comparable to that. If society says that this one thing is really important, people who can't attain it are going to be seen as, and feel like, losers, which will cause aberrations in behavior and mental states.
Who is this 'society' dude?
Like, how does society do this? Is there an official meeting at which said sex pedestal will be lowered?


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2021
Who is this 'society' dude?
Like, how does society do this? Is there an official meeting at which said sex pedestal will be lowered?
I don't know, but they did it with plus-sized and amputee models, so surely they can do it again.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
SJW snowflake

but no, I mostly agree. It would be sensible not to be mean like that.
But how will the people who keep being accused of sexual abuse and worse who also like to proclaim how progressive they are keep being able to lord it over more people and insult them more if they can't keep calling people Virgins and Pissbabies etc?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
On the subject of incels, perhaps society should slightly lower the pedestal upon which sex is placed, and people should stop insulting others on the basis of physical appearance, height, weight, or their hobbies. For example: "basement dweller".

Then maybe people won't feel so bad about being celibate, enough to join a "death cult" over it.
I can get with the first paragraph to some degree. But much less so that following sentence. I'm not particularly sure it's societally healthy to pretend incels don't get there primarily through their own agency.

Also, I think it's potentially a big mistake to think that the main problem incels have is being ugly, poor, and/or enjoying uncool hobbies. After all, a great deal of other men who don't have looks, money or style going for them are doing okay.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Also, I think it's potentially a big mistake to think that the main problem incels have is being ugly, poor, and/or enjoying uncool hobbies. After all, a great deal of other men who don't have looks, money or style going for them are doing okay.
It seems to me that very many incels seem to feel as though they are owed sex (since they can't be "manly" without it), and that women are actively attacking and degrading them by not giving it to them. Their hostile attitude towards women only keeps women from wanting to have anything to do with them, feeding into a loop of resentment and anger.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
On the subject of incels, perhaps society should slightly lower the pedestal upon which sex is placed, and people should stop insulting others on the basis of physical appearance, height, weight, or their hobbies. For example: "basement dweller".
You mean exactly what incels do by writing off anybody not down with the proverbial sickness as Chads, Stacies, etc?

Then maybe people won't feel so bad about being celibate, enough to join a "death cult" over it.
While it is true that society views virginity and celibacy with a degree of stigma, this does not excuse the cult itself for its predatory behavior. In fact, that they are preying on the most alienated members of our society makes what they are doing even worse. This isn't to say that incels don't get there of their own volition, there's always another choice. Only that predatory behavior becomes more vile when perpetrated against vulnerable, alienated people.

I remember some Disney Channel shows where the topic was unrealistic beauty standards for women. Magazines would have photoshopped models, which would contribute to eating disorders as young girls chased a literally unattainable figure. This seems a little comparable to that. If society says that this one thing is really important, people who can't attain it are going to be seen as, and feel like, losers, which will cause aberrations in behavior and mental states.
Again, the problem is what the cult does to people. How it exploits them, remakes them in the image of a leader figure, encourages acts of violence and terrorism then making martyrs out of the ones who follow through. I'm not angry at cultists for getting suckered in, but I am really fucking furious at the cult's true believers who have committed horrible acts they must be held responsible for.

Beyond that, I'm not qualified to talk one of these guys out of the cult. And fuck knows I've tried. But you can't reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into. So long as they still maintain contact with the cult, the cultists have little hope of ever recovering.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2021
remakes them in the image of a leader figure
I am no expert on incels, but I am not aware that they have any "leader figures". It seems more like an idea than some sort of organization with leaders and a hierarchy. For example, I've never seen any sort of organized incel event, where dozens of them show up and march around for awareness or something like that. Can you tell me more about "leaders" among incels?
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
I am no expert on incels, but I am not aware that they have any "leader figures". It seems more like an idea than some sort of organization with leaders and a hierarchy. For example, I've never seen any sort of organized incel event, where dozens of them show up and march around for awareness or something like that. Can you tell me more about "leaders" among incels?
Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured fourteen others before killing himself in Isla Vista, California on May 23, 2014, near the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara. These killings drew media attention to the concept of involuntary celibacy, and particularly the misogyny and glorification of violence that are a mainstay of many incel communities. Rodger self-identified as an incel and left behind a 137-page manifesto and YouTube videos in which he detailed his involuntary celibacy and discussed how he wanted revenge for being rejected by women.[32][124][125][126] He had been an active member of a community popular among incels called PUAHate (short for "pickup artist hate"), and referenced it several times in his manifesto.[127][128][44][66][129] Although PUAHate shut down soon after the attack, Rodger became something of a martyr to some communities that remained, and to some of those that emerged later.[17][44][130] It is common to see references to "E.R." in incel forums, and mass violence by incels is regularly referred to as "going E.R.".[73][22] Rodger has been referenced by the perpetrators or suspected perpetrators of several other mass killings, and is one of several attackers who are regularly praised by members of incel communities.[75][66]

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
On the subject of incels, perhaps society should slightly lower the pedestal upon which sex is placed, and people should stop insulting others on the basis of physical appearance, height, weight, or their hobbies. For example: "basement dweller".
Yeah, but get woke go broke buddy. Sex sells. It is what it is. We like to look at beautiful people. Ugly and overweight people won't put butts in seats. And more of such nonsense that gets peddled by the very crowd this particular lunatic was listening too.

These people are told the world, and especially women, owe them something. And it's people like Sargon of Akkad and Stephen Molyneux that regurgitate this shit over and over. Dipshits like Tim Pool blaming not being able to get a date on women being feminists.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Also, if your religion gives you onus and/or cause to murder people because of your belief system, then your belief system is screwed up. And if you want to say "well, don't most religions?", congratulations, you now know why religion is terrible.
It is never religion itself that prompts terror attacks. It is always a particular religion interpreted in a particular way leading to a st of ideals, beliefs, goals and sanctioned methods that promote terror attack.
In the same way atheism itself does not promt terror attacks. But you absolutely can and do have particular utterly mundane ideologies interpretated in a particular way to promote terror attacks in exactly the same fashion.

It is always annoying when people demand religious persons should feel responsible for what some nutters do in the name of warped and most likely completely different religion but don't feel like having atheists answer for social darwinism, nazism, communism, nationalism and similar secular ideas.

And just because this is the internet : No, i don't blame atheism for the Nazis. But i also don't blame religion for Al-Qaeda.

As for the current case : this whole incel nonsense does not strike me as some particularly religious set of ideas either.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
It is never religion itself that prompts terror attacks. It is always a particular religion interpreted in a particular way leading to a st of ideals, beliefs, goals and sanctioned methods that promote terror attack.
You're really splitting hairs there - it's the difference between an idea, and how one interprets the idea. If the idea is able to be interpreted in a way that leads to violence, then that doesn't reflect poorly on the idea itself.

Even if religion didn't do that, there's plenty of reasons why religion is problematic.

In the same way atheism itself does not promt terror attacks. But you absolutely can and do have particular utterly mundane ideologies interpretated in a particular way to promote terror attacks in exactly the same fashion.
Again, splitting hairs. Where are the atheist terror attacks? Where's the atheist crusades, inquisitions, jihads, or human sacrifices?

When it comes to religion and non-religion, one has a better record than the other.

It is always annoying when people demand religious persons should feel responsible for what some nutters do in the name of warped and most likely completely different religion but don't feel like having atheists answer for social darwinism, nazism, communism, nationalism and similar secular ideas.
Well, for starters, I don't believe in holding individual believers accountable for the actions of other believers, but that doesn't make the belief system above scrutiny. However, I have seen similar calls for atheists/secularists to be held accountable, though usually on the fringes. That doesn't bother me for various reasons, but for the ideas listed, they're not all equal. Everyone agrees that social darwinism and Nazism are bad, while communism still has plenty of defenders, and nationalism is fairly neutral, even if I'm wary of it (and patriotism for that matter).

Even then, there's plenty of criticism of secularism. One can make that criticism, but I'd argue the historical and contemporary record is clear on what approach has better served humanity.

And just because this is the internet : No, i don't blame atheism for the Nazis. But i also don't blame religion for Al-Qaeda.
I'm not sure why the Nazis are being linked with atheism - if anything, the Nazis seem to have more in common with religious movements. Certainly the anti-semitism has played a heavy role in Christianity.

As for Al-Qaeda, well, where are you drawing the line of blame? Religion didn't literally play a role, but they're a religious fundamentalist group, among many. There's no getting around that. It can even be on the level of the state - when you have explicit Islamic states, whose systems of government range from stoning of homosexuals, to blasphemy laws, to curtailing of women's rights, maybe there's something rotten in the programming? And that's just one system of belief. If I look at the scope of human history, and apply it to Christianity for example, then yikes.

As for the current case : this whole incel nonsense does not strike me as some particularly religious set of ideas either.
Incel ideas aren't religious, but the ideas themselves are terrible. And there's a few cases where attacks have been made driven by incel ideology. One can't really divorce the actions from the ideas that drive them.

Actions are worth more than ideas, but if the ideas are driving horrific actions, maybe there's something wrong with the ideas? I mean, if I said that I believed in the incel ideology, but hadn't committed any violence against women, I mean...okay, yay, but chances are you'd be giving me a wide berth.
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