Mass Shooting in Plymouth UK.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
It's a thing right wingers used to post on these forums whenever there was an Islamist terror attack,
I have never seen that statement posted here.

Twitter and other social media sites sure but not here on The Escapist so are you confusing here with other social media sites?
I guess the question is what's the difference between an "Islamic terror attack" and a "non-Islamic terror attack?" Why aren't the latter called "Christian terror attacks" or "atheistic terror attacks?" Last I checked, all involve the killing of innocents based on the twisted beliefs of twisted minds; the religion qualifier seems pretty superfluous. When the media remembers that their purpose is to inform and not instill fear for ratings and propaganda, I might give a shit what they have to say again.
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Elite Member
Aug 8, 2021
really indicates how bad the gun violence situation in the US really is, where 5 people getting killed in a shooting may or may not make interstate news.
Yeah, that's what I found shocking. I thought to myself thinking "just 5? The worst such event since 2010?"

If you think that's insensitive. No. Insensitivity is refusing to call this the act of terrorism that it is. Insensitivity is publishing long articles speculating about the killers mental state, replete with carefully selected quotes which make him look like a troubled victim of circumstances rather than what he was, a loser brainwashed into a hateful ideology that goads its members to murder innocent people out of mindless spite.
Can you explain how this was politically motivated and which ideology says to just murder people at random?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I guess the question is what's the difference between an "Islamic terror attack" and a "non-Islamic terror attack?" Why aren't the latter called "Christian terror attacks" or "atheistic terror attacks?" Last I checked, all involve the killing of innocents based on the twisted beliefs of twisted minds; the religion qualifier seems pretty superfluous. When the media remembers that their purpose is to inform and not instill fear for ratings and propaganda, I might give a shit what they have to say again.
Organisation, planning, mentoring, actual goal beyond fame via infamy.
I don't think I've ever heard any of the shooters quote the bible lines about "How if thy neighbour is not a Christian it is your duty to convert them and should that fail t is you duty to kill them" or words to that effect or ever reference them. It's not even one of the obscure offshoots of Christianity stuff that they every really quote hence trying to tie to religion is pretty hard to realistically do whole with ISIS it's a very extremist warped version of Islamic teachings. Basically you can call them Christian Terror attacks when Westboro Baptist Church or similar starts doing them.

For all we know (and no actual manifesto have come out yet for this shooting) the arsehole did it just so people would know his name.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Organisation, planning, mentoring, actual goal beyond fame via infamy.
I don't think I've ever heard any of the shooters quote the bible lines about "How if thy neighbour is not a Christian it is your duty to convert them and should that fail t is you duty to kill them" or words to that effect or ever reference them. It's not even one of the obscure offshoots of Christianity stuff that they every really quote hence trying to tie to religion is pretty hard to realistically do whole with ISIS it's a very extremist warped version of Islamic teachings. Basically you can call them Christian Terror attacks when Westboro Baptist Church or similar starts doing them.

For all we know (and no actual manifesto have come out yet for this shooting) the arsehole did it just so people would know his name.
Point IS: all acts if terrorism are acts of mad people with a twisted sense of reality; why the media insists on qualifying "Islamic" terror as something unique is clearly little more than an attempt to sensationalize and vilify Muslims to the pearl-clutching conservative base of 'Murica because nothing is scarier than a brown person who believes differently from them doing something evil and insane, right? Meanwhile, David Koresh only BELIEVED he was Jesus, because that's just silly, right? The white guy is the exception to the rule, but any Muslim is just another doing as we've been taught to expect?

Just saying, if you want to frighten me, stop telling me what one person believes, and in the same breath tell me what another person is. Because crazy is crazy is crazy, and none of the three are welcome in my home; I don't care which direction they pulled their brand of bullshit out of their asshole from.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Point IS: all acts if terrorism are acts of mad people with a twisted sense of reality; why the media insists on qualifying "Islamic" terror as something unique is clearly little more than an attempt to sensationalize and vilify Muslims to the pearl-clutching conservative base of 'Murica because nothing is scarier than a brown person who believes differently from them doing something evil and insane, right? Meanwhile, David Koresh only BELIEVED he was Jesus, because that's just silly, right? The white guy is the exception to the rule, but any Muslim is just another doing as we've been taught to expect?

Just saying, if you want to frighten me, stop telling me what one person believes, and in the same breath tell me what another person is. Because crazy is crazy is crazy, and none of the three are welcome in my home; I don't care which direction they pulled their brand of bullshit out of their asshole from.
Yeh though normally the Islamic terrorist stuff is organised with people egging one another on while guys believing they are Jesus don't generally have a whole bunch of people going "Yes you totally are Jesus and you should go shoot people to earn honour" or whatever.

Also Christianity is very fractured into a lot of different strands while Islam tends to come more in the forms of extreme or not extreme and while there are still a number of different Islamic ideologies it's easier to point to a group and go "Extreme like those guys" while in Christianity sort of West Boro Baptist starting doing stuff it's hard to label it as specific Christian terrorism.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Point IS: all acts if terrorism are acts of mad people with a twisted sense of reality; why the media insists on qualifying "Islamic" terror as something unique is clearly little more than an attempt to sensationalize and vilify Muslims to the pearl-clutching conservative base of 'Murica because nothing is scarier than a brown person who believes differently from them doing something evil and insane, right? Meanwhile, David Koresh only BELIEVED he was Jesus, because that's just silly, right? The white guy is the exception to the rule, but any Muslim is just another doing as we've been taught to expect?

Just saying, if you want to frighten me, stop telling me what one person believes, and in the same breath tell me what another person is. Because crazy is crazy is crazy, and none of the three are welcome in my home; I don't care which direction they pulled their brand of bullshit out of their asshole from.
And not a single one of them is a freedom fighter from anybody's perspective including their own, whether they'd admit it or not. Anyone who claims that doesn't know what either a terrorist or a freedom fighter is.
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Elite Member
Feb 13, 2009
United Kingdom
Does it really matter?
Yeah, that's what I found shocking. I thought to myself thinking "just 5? The worst such event since 2010?"
You know there has only been been five recorded 'mass shootings' in the history of Great Britain right?

That event in question would be the Cumbria shootings, in which twelve people were murdered and eleven injured. The exact motives of the perpetrator remain unknown, but like this case they held also firearms certificate.

Before then the worst event, which also happened to be the worst event period in the UK, was Dunblane in 1996. A man walked into a school and shot up a school gym. Sixteen kids and their teacher were killed, and another fifteen injured. Now all that is chump change for a US shooting I know, but the UK Government didn't fuck around. The John Major government passed the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 banned private handgun ownership other than .22s, and these were banned later in the year when Tony Blair government passed the Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997.

Gun control works. Most of the developed world is proof of that.

Police were suspiciously quick to declare it non-terror-related, certainly before there was time to investigate that fact. I mean, they'd established he was white, but that about al ... oh.
What is the alternative? Declare it terror-related before investigating, and causing even more panic? Also the Untied Kingdom has a history with white terrorists, long before the Twin Towers fell.

As his mother was the shooters first victim, the Police are saying that they believe it was a domestic incident that just 'spilled over into the street', but are keeping an open mind regarding a possible terrorist link.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
What is the alternative? Declare it terror-related before investigating, and causing even more panic? Also the Untied Kingdom has a history with white terrorists, long before the Twin Towers fell.

As his mother was the shooters first victim, the Police are saying that they believe it was a domestic incident that just 'spilled over into the street', but are keeping an open mind regarding a possible terrorist link.
Literally didn't need to say whether it was or was not terror-related. Do we have so many terrorism incidents in the UK that we'd assume it was? I don't think so. The point is that they ruled it out immediately on the basis of not much.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I have to admit, you're getting much better at expressing your ignorance. Far fewer words than usual.
You know you could have actually read the whole thing. I mean you're really not getting any better with the whole desire to present people in the worst most deceptive framed light possible

there are still a number of different Islamic ideologies........
Also to lay this out the main branches of Islam are: Sunni, Shi'a, Ibadi, Ahmadiyya, and Sufism with overall 72 sects while Christianity has 10 main denominations with a total of 45,000 different recognised variations.

Thus defining a terrorist ideology in Islam is 1 in 72 while in Christianity it's 1 in 45,000.

So are you're so keen on it Rogue can you name the specific terrorist denominations in Christianity?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Literally didn't need to say whether it was or was not terror-related. Do we have so many terrorism incidents in the UK that we'd assume it was? I don't think so. The point is that they ruled it out immediately on the basis of not much.
We've had enough that the words mass shooting generally sparks fear or concern that it may well be some-one with a grudge against the UK taking action and finally realising guns are more efficient than knives.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I think he's trying to imply the dude was a Christian?

Or Mock people who say that sarcastically when it's the more normal kind of attack in the UK from a ISIS devotee.....
It's an inversion of an inversion.

Remember when we were constantly told that "Islam is a religion of peace," every time people did something non-peaceful in its name? There's only so much cognitive dissonance that one can take before taking the piss out of it.

Well, duh. Only people who aren't white can be terrorists, because people who aren't white are scary!
IRA, KKK, various right wing groups...

I guess the question is what's the difference between an "Islamic terror attack" and a "non-Islamic terror attack?" Why aren't the latter called "Christian terror attacks" or "atheistic terror attacks?" Last I checked, all involve the killing of innocents based on the twisted beliefs of twisted minds; the religion qualifier seems pretty superfluous. When the media remembers that their purpose is to inform and not instill fear for ratings and propaganda, I might give a shit what they have to say again.
Christian terrorism does exist, but globally, is dwarfed by Islamic terrorism. I've never heard of an atheist terror attack, but feel free to point to examples.

Also, if your religion gives you onus and/or cause to murder people because of your belief system, then your belief system is screwed up. And if you want to say "well, don't most religions?", congratulations, you now know why religion is terrible.

Literally didn't need to say whether it was or was not terror-related. Do we have so many terrorism incidents in the UK that we'd assume it was? I don't think so. The point is that they ruled it out immediately on the basis of not much.
I must admit that when I first saw the headline (which was before this forum) was "terror attack," because mass shootings in the UK are so rare, and when they are conducted, they usually are terrorist attacks (you can look at Europe itself for evidence of that, remember Paris?) Plus, if you WERE reporting on it, chances are it's more than domestic violence.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Christian terrorism does exist, but globally, is dwarfed by Islamic terrorism. I've never heard of an atheist terror attack, but feel free to point to examples.

Also, if your religion gives you onus and/or cause to murder people because of your belief system, then your belief system is screwed up. And if you want to say "well, don't most religions?", congratulations, you now know why religion is terrible.
I would point out Communionist groups in general, as they are generally atheist. And in places like Russia and China, all religions were repressed.

Now, most of that was state terrorism. Which you might seperate or exclude. But it does lead me to point out that most Christian terrorism is state terrorism. And a particular country likes to take it international regularly instead of just respressing its own people


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I would point out Communionist groups in general, as they are generally atheist. And in places like Russia and China, all religions were repressed.

Now, most of that was state terrorism. Which you might seperate or exclude. But it does lead me to point out that most Christian terrorism is state terrorism. And a particular country likes to take it international regularly instead of just respressing its own people
I don't really consider "state terrorism" to be a thing, since it kind of broadens the definition of terrorism to be meaningless. It can absolutely be worse than terrorism though.

As for communist regimes, yes, they're generally atheist, but it's fair to say that atheism is part of communism, not vice versa. Communism has a set ideology behind it, atheism is defined by a lack of belief. Atheism can definitely stray into anti-theism, and anti-theism can definitely be destructive, but not on the scale of religion.

As for state terrorism and Christian terrorism, yeah, hah hah, US reference, but I'm not sure if the analogy holds, at least if we're comparing it to Islam. Islam doesn't have the same separation of church and state that secular countries do, and there's plenty of Islamic terrorism being 'exported,' so to speak, from places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. By all means criticize US foreign policy, but if anything, it would be "secular terrorism," if we have to use that analogy.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
The shooter was a Redditor incel who went to multiple incel subreddits that were banned.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
It's an inversion of an inversion.

Remember when we were constantly told that "Islam is a religion of peace," every time people did something non-peaceful in its name? There's only so much cognitive dissonance that one can take before taking the piss out of it.

IRA, KKK, various right wing groups...
Also Juggalos are on the FBI watchlist I believe too. Juggalos tend to be quite white........ though that may just be the facepaint.

I would point out Communionist groups in general, as they are generally atheist. And in places like Russia and China, all religions were repressed.

Now, most of that was state terrorism. Which you might seperate or exclude. But it does lead me to point out that most Christian terrorism is state terrorism. And a particular country likes to take it international regularly instead of just respressing its own people
Didn't Russia once arrest the band Pussyriot for performing in a church or something? Pussyriot aren't exactly what you'd call a devout Christian band lol


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
The shooter was a Redditor incel who went to multiple incel subreddits that were banned.
That's the rumour but I've seen little actual reporting on it.

I've seen reporting he had a youtube channel and did weird rants but that's it.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Didn't Russia once arrest the band Pussyriot for performing in a church or something? Pussyriot aren't exactly what you'd call a devout Christian band lol
That's under Putin, who is a religious fanatic.

I should have been more clear. I meant soviet Russia was atheist


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
We've had enough that the words mass shooting generally sparks fear or concern that it may well be some-one with a grudge against the UK taking action and finally realising guns are more efficient than knives.
Wikipedia lists 13 terror incidents in the UK for the period 2010-2019, only one of which was a shooting (the murder of Jo Cox). I would not assume a mass shooting was terrorism, given that in hardly any cases has it been (the two previous incidents that spring to mind are Dunblane and Raoul Moat).