Texas v abortion

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
"But we have to save the babies!" the crusaders whine.

Yeah, right. So where's the sweeping maternal leave improvements? Where's the demands for better daycare options? Where's the reforms to healthcare that provide post-natal checkups and nutritional assistance?

They're all nowhere, because the "pro-life" crowd doesn't give a damn about those "precious babies" except how they serve as a way to control and punish the mothers.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Why help people raise money when you can change the law to allow any random schmuck to sue any other random schmuck on the basis of "I believe they are gonna help somebody get an abortion" and get a $10,000 payday in civil court if they win or the defendant is a no show?

No cutouts for rape victims and/or minors, so it's theoretically possible for a groomed kid in an abusive relationship to owe their abuser $10k for aborting a child the abuser gave them
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Texas can always fuck 📴! You wanna be independent country. You're stuck with the rest of the other 49 states, deal with it. Your "survival of the fittest" mantra means nothing. Most of you are cowardly dicks in power, acting like spoiled brats.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Supreme court nominations paying off for the evangelical psychos yet again. Some are obsessed with creating more bodies/"souls" for their fucking insane perception of a "holy war" between "good" and "evil" that even they cannot see, apart from those with religiously nurtured mental illness. Not sure why fetuses don't count as holy warrior souls if they still count as sacred life to them though. But the less evangelical are just happy to be able to control and punish women's sexuality legally either way.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm still fully expecting someone to make a law that makes it legal to pull down a woman's pants and check out her vagina just to make sure she's not pregnant before going into a bar.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
First link is interesting. I think it goes forward if the USSC does not allow a review of it. If they do review and strike down, what does that say to the anti-abortion types who have been voting for 50 years for a "conservative" court on this matter, only to be let down? I think our representative republic is in a lot of trouble regardless. Someone in this forum posted a study showing that mostly, what the big corporations want, they get. Voting seems to have minimal impact.

2nd link, how does that work? Doc gives woman 8 month abortion. You, a stranger, sue the doctor. How on Earth would you have standing?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
First link is interesting. I think it goes forward if the USSC does not allow a review of it. If they do review and strike down, what does that say to the anti-abortion types who have been voting for 50 years for a "conservative" court on this matter, only to be let down? I think our representative republic is in a lot of trouble regardless. Someone in this forum posted a study showing that mostly, what the big corporations want, they get. Voting seems to have minimal impact.

2nd link, how does that work? Doc gives woman 8 month abortion. You, a stranger, sue the doctor. How on Earth would you have standing?
That is a good question. Apparently people are also spamming the abortion snitch site with shrek porn.

It does seem like it would also be easy to report a lot of conservative lawmakers and such since it seems like its rather common for them to have abortions and try and keep it under wraps.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
That is a good question. Apparently people are also spamming the abortion snitch site with shrek porn.

It does seem like it would also be easy to report a lot of conservative lawmakers and such since it seems like its rather common for them to have abortions and try and keep it under wraps.
LOL, "Because, of course this happened"!


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I'm still fully expecting someone to make a law that makes it legal to pull down a woman's pants and check out her vagina just to make sure she's not pregnant before going into a bar.
...I mean there are places in the world where that is a thing. So yeah, in the bronze age apocalypse world that the christians want to bring about, that will probably happen.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Why help people raise money when you can change the law to allow any random schmuck to sue any other random schmuck on the basis of "I believe they are gonna help somebody get an abortion" and get a $10,000 payday in civil court if they win or the defendant is a no show?

No cutouts for rape victims and/or minors, so it's theoretically possible for a groomed kid in an abusive relationship to owe their abuser $10k for aborting a child the abuser gave them
Yeah I agree with you honestly.

I personally don't like abortion much. And I don't think it should be given out to whomever asks for it just as a form of emergency birth control. That's kind of fucked up right? Like, "Oh damn I got pregnant again, better see if the clinic will give me a new stamp card."

But i also don't feel like a rape victim, or childhood incest victim, or one of those forced circumstances should be prevented from abortion when it would cause more harm to the mother and her family. Instances where birth could kill the mom for example, or a 14 year old who got pregnant by whatever means, these should be exceptions that allow for abortion because otherwise the result of forced pregnancy to term is crazy high.

EDIT: But I also think there should be a limit maybe on the timeframe in which it's allowed right? Like should someone be able to walk around for 6 months all preggo as fuck, then suddenly decide they don't want it? That's a little fucked up.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I know every living human pisses, too. So why not kidney function?
I mean if you speak to a North Korean...no they don't all piss.

Conservatives seem convinced that the heart is the seat of all human consciousness.
Basically this. Though I would say they don't like to use the word consciousness, they are way more comfortable with soul. Consciousness has too many syllables for your typical conservative mouth breather, and also smacks of devil Science talk!

I also think that it's one of the first unique organ systems that starts to develop? The cells have a "heart" long before they have a kidney. At least that's what I recall hearing when I was watching a science show about the actual process of development.

So, if they tie it to heartbeat, they can tie it to as early as possible, and effectively shut out abortions.