Epic Wins Big Fortnite Lawsuit Against Apple
Judge rules Apple cannot require in-app transactions to go through the App Store

So what we didn't think could happen, actually happened. Epic has won the rights to monetize their apps on the apple store via their own transaction server. This makes it so that app developers can now use other payment processors for mobile games, meaning that they no longer have to pay Apple their cut of the profits from selling bullshit in the MT stores for these apps.
Apple if you didn't know charged a 30% fee from every microtransaction interaction that occurs within their store front. So if you bought V-bucks for Fortnight on your phone, apple would get 30% of whatever that transaction was. This is a big part of the reason why we often see very stupid fucking prices for crap in mobile games, because all these developers were paying big fees for basic payment processing.
Epic said this was bullshit and has been suiting them for some time. Today the courts ruled in Epic favor and Apple must now allow apps to use other payment processors if they want too, which they will because no developer is going to want to give away 30% of their revenue if they don't have to.
It will be interesting to see what happens now, because two things have to happen.
1. Apple will be forced to lower their cut of transactional profits otherwise people will just move to another processor and Apple will see nothing.
2. The pricing in mobile games will likely diminish, because that 30% no longer has to come off the top. Which means that lower pricing will encourage more transactions in the long run.
But here is the thing. This effects other things too not just games.
Youtube for example. If you send a superchat to someone on youtube via your iphone, Apple takes 30%, then youtube takes another 30%, so tipping someone $1 could see them only getting like 40 cents or something like that.
Nick Reketa has a good video about it.