Metroid was a series that was never my thing. I couldnt explain why i missed it growing up or anything like that, it was just a series i never happened to pick up. Once the Playstation came out, i pretty much shoved everything Nintendo to the back burner of my personal interests.
So Metroid Dread is my first journey into a real Metroid game. First impressions are decent, Samus controls very fluidly and responsively which is very nice. She feels good to control, and the game doesnt need to bomb you with tutorials because it all feels pretty intuitive. I did LOL when the first real dialog talks about Samus having lost all her abilties because of course she fucking did in the first 2 minutes.
So the principal here is that some galactic company has an army of super robots that can go to planets and clear it of potential metroid threats, but something goes wrong on a planet and Samus is sent footage of a Parasite X which only she can fight for some reason. This is probably better set up in previous games but whatever doesnt matter. Robots went all fucky and there might be.a metroid on the loose so go get them.
You traverse through levels with a wider and wider arrensal of tools that gradually allow you to get to new areas and what i think impresses me the most about this game is the map. The map is very clear and it is very easy to see where you are, where you have been, and where you can still go. I love the map. Between sliding under gaps, clinging to special walls, and blasting open secrets, making your way around the map is awesome.
The shooting however kind of sucks. 2D shooting is weird because you only have so much moving available to you and shooting should be straightforward. Except here it isnt. You can shoot freely in the direction Samus is facing but in order to shoot flyers or wall based enemies you need to freeaim. And i found the free aim extremely sensitive with no real way to slow it down making trying to hit small flying enemies or faster enemies more annoying than i feel like it should be.
I also feel like that despite all Samus' movement abilities, she could do with some sort of dash/dodge for bigger fights. Maybe i unlock that later but right now you really have to avoid things early because there isnt a dodge or dash to get you out of things quickly. The first boss fight was an example of this. Not a hard fight and really only had three things shooting at you slowly. However they come from different angles at the same time and you have a lot of downtime to avoid way before you should have to, just because there is a lack of combat based movement actions.
All in all not that big of a deal. There are 6 "Dread" robots in the game apparently (the tutorial told me) and ive already blown the shit out of two of them in the first hour of gametime, plus a boss fight. Ive heard that the game is very short and that these games tend to be speedrunner fuel so i wonder if there are extra modes or something to unlock after beating the game as it feels really lacking in content otherwise to be a full priced game.
So Metroid Dread is my first journey into a real Metroid game. First impressions are decent, Samus controls very fluidly and responsively which is very nice. She feels good to control, and the game doesnt need to bomb you with tutorials because it all feels pretty intuitive. I did LOL when the first real dialog talks about Samus having lost all her abilties because of course she fucking did in the first 2 minutes.
So the principal here is that some galactic company has an army of super robots that can go to planets and clear it of potential metroid threats, but something goes wrong on a planet and Samus is sent footage of a Parasite X which only she can fight for some reason. This is probably better set up in previous games but whatever doesnt matter. Robots went all fucky and there might be.a metroid on the loose so go get them.
You traverse through levels with a wider and wider arrensal of tools that gradually allow you to get to new areas and what i think impresses me the most about this game is the map. The map is very clear and it is very easy to see where you are, where you have been, and where you can still go. I love the map. Between sliding under gaps, clinging to special walls, and blasting open secrets, making your way around the map is awesome.
The shooting however kind of sucks. 2D shooting is weird because you only have so much moving available to you and shooting should be straightforward. Except here it isnt. You can shoot freely in the direction Samus is facing but in order to shoot flyers or wall based enemies you need to freeaim. And i found the free aim extremely sensitive with no real way to slow it down making trying to hit small flying enemies or faster enemies more annoying than i feel like it should be.
I also feel like that despite all Samus' movement abilities, she could do with some sort of dash/dodge for bigger fights. Maybe i unlock that later but right now you really have to avoid things early because there isnt a dodge or dash to get you out of things quickly. The first boss fight was an example of this. Not a hard fight and really only had three things shooting at you slowly. However they come from different angles at the same time and you have a lot of downtime to avoid way before you should have to, just because there is a lack of combat based movement actions.
All in all not that big of a deal. There are 6 "Dread" robots in the game apparently (the tutorial told me) and ive already blown the shit out of two of them in the first hour of gametime, plus a boss fight. Ive heard that the game is very short and that these games tend to be speedrunner fuel so i wonder if there are extra modes or something to unlock after beating the game as it feels really lacking in content otherwise to be a full priced game.