They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Then why ***** about it when people call you racist? All they're doing is being truthful...

But sure, the tough guy cosplayer is just being banned for telling it like it is and not for making up reams of bullshit
Because generally these days it's used to mean malice rather than pointing out racial differences e.g. issues with vitamin D production I think is one of the main ones

That's not a Crowder thing. Many left tubers say similar things. I have seen some evidence of demonesiting. (But am not going to claim its wide spread.) Sometimes over one word or phrase in a 3 hour program. Just discussing anything about trans or homosexuality is an automatic demonetisaton. It is irrelevant whether your for or against these demographics

But, yeah. His desk is full. He probably doesn't need any money. But I also think Youtube is fucking over a bunch of creators, including him. With the proviso that he makes a bunch of stuff that is deliberately inciting hyperbole that maybe shouldn't be monetised as that is just rewarding that behaviour

Edit: Just on the whole idea that Crowder has been cancelled. That is a legitimate funny idea that is just reinforcing my idea that cancel culture is (generally) a persuction complex. Stick to Chappelle because it's detracting from the cause
The obvious thing is maybe for people who aren't his audience to stop sharing his stuff to dunk on him. It's weirdly funny that he's become like required viewing for left wingers to call him out but does Crowder really have much power of influence over anything? He's not exactly held high among republicans from what I've seen. He's not helping direct future initiatives or being cited as a major source most of the time. He's the Bar Stool sports of Political commentary.

Lmao, Hitchens will actually debate people, that's the difference
Crowder doesn't get suspended from YouTube for "showing news you don't like". Crowder gets suspended from YouTube for being a lying, racists, sexist, homophobic grifter who's constantly breaking YouTube's terms of service.
My understanding is
Crowder said he'd debate Ethan. Ethan sent in a stand in who is known to not debate so much as turn things into a circus.
My understanding is Sam Seeder is a bottom feeder in Left tube who is less there for debate and more there like a yappy dog to trying to bite at people's heels. He's the sort of tier of Kevin Logan or Jenny McDermott occupy where "Har Har you have funny hair so you're wrong" is considered their level of debate.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
What was it Chappelle said? 'You can have your own thoughts and live your own life. But why do we, as a society, have to accommodate for you?' Yes, this is paraphrased. I'm sure he just meant to use this just against transpeople. But I wonder if he ever considered placing this on himself or his ideas. Because that's what's happening to him right now

It's like Chappelle's three demands. 1 was good. 3 was nonsense. 2 was saying 'I'm not going to come at the beck and call of the trans community.' I understand that sentiment (even though I don't think thats what the trans community was doing.) And then he made a list of demands to the trans community. Which just makes me put up my hands in frustration. He clearly thinks rules are things other people follow.
I do think the most valid part of his little speech here is when he said that this isn't about the LBGT people, it has nothing to do with them. It's a culture of canceling, that has become the problem. And I think a large part of why it's become a problem is how easy it has become for a small crowd to take down something "in power" they don't like.

Though there is a limit because they couldn't take down something with real power like Trump as president at the time. Though there were certainly attempts.

Instead they attack brands, and companies, that are now so afraid of this mob that they'll just take something down just to shut people up.

It's crazy that they'll make demands about a comedy special, yet where is the protest against the rapists at Ubisoft, where are the protests demanding Bobby Kotick's removal for his company culture? Why are these movements never about someone in real power being a piece of shit? Well....I know the answer to that. You can take an advertisement, or a product, you can get both tier employees fired, but when it comes to real powerful best you can get an apology and nothing more. That's why these mobs don't even try, because they know where they can be successful.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Lmao, Hitchens will actually debate people, that's the difference
To be fair, I find it hard to blame Crowder for this even if you hate him. Because what Ethan tried to pull here was just assholery. The debate was set up to be Ethan and Crowder, and to have someone else jump in is blatant bullshit.

i looked into this and Crowder even predicted that Ethan would have a ringer step in before hand. Because Ethan isn't a debater he doesn't have the conversarial skills or the intellectual speed to have a debate, so he needed a stand in because he would not be able to keep up with Crowder in any issue.

Though I do think that if Crowder had suspected it was going to happen then he should have been prepped to debate whomever Ethan had ready. Or at very least call it out as bullshit.

You wouldn't go to a concert expecting Metallica and after playing one song they bring out John Mayer instead. Those people would be pissed.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
YouTube being hypocritical and cowardly as always.

Caitlyn Jenner, as an individual and independent human, can and does think and act for themselves rather than as part of some transperson hive mind. Caitlyn Jenner is a colossally smug, self-absorbed arsehole who doesn't really give a shit as long as Caitlyn Jenner is fine - and with all those millions in the bank, she's peachy.
Ultimate truth.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
To be fair, I find it hard to blame Crowder for this even if you hate him. Because what Ethan tried to pull here was just assholery. The debate was set up to be Ethan and Crowder, and to have someone else jump in is blatant bullshit.

i looked into this and Crowder even predicted that Ethan would have a ringer step in before hand. Because Ethan isn't a debater he doesn't have the conversarial skills or the intellectual speed to have a debate, so he needed a stand in because he would not be able to keep up with Crowder in any issue.

Though I do think that if Crowder had suspected it was going to happen then he should have been prepped to debate whomever Ethan had ready. Or at very least call it out as bullshit.

You wouldn't go to a concert expecting Metallica and after playing one song they bring out John Mayer instead. Those people would be pissed.
And Crowder could fix that perception by having a debate with *literally anybody* who debates people. And he doesn't, because that would expose his whole "Change My Mind" grift as the cowardly bullshit it is.
I do think the most valid part of his little speech here is when he said that this isn't about the LBGT people, it has nothing to do with them. It's a culture of canceling, that has become the problem. And I think a large part of why it's become a problem is how easy it has become for a small crowd to take down something "in power" they don't like.

Though there is a limit because they couldn't take down something with real power like Trump as president at the time. Though there were certainly attempts.

Instead they attack brands, and companies, that are now so afraid of this mob that they'll just take something down just to shut people up.

It's crazy that they'll make demands about a comedy special, yet where is the protest against the rapists at Ubisoft, where are the protests demanding Bobby Kotick's removal for his company culture? Why are these movements never about someone in real power being a piece of shit? Well....I know the answer to that. You can take an advertisement, or a product, you can get both tier employees fired, but when it comes to real powerful best you can get an apology and nothing more. That's why these mobs don't even try, because they know where they can be successful.
Yeah, it's like "cancel culture" is flagrant non-existent bullshit or something, I don't know. Is it super easy to take things you don't like down or is it basically impossible to hurt bad actors? What level of Schrodinger's Cancelling are we on?
Like, are *you* protesting Ubisoft or Activision Blizzard?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
And Crowder could fix that perception by having a debate with *literally anybody* who debates people. And he doesn't, because that would expose his whole "Change My Mind" grift as the cowardly bullshit it is.
Sure, that's his problem too probably. I don't know enough. But I still stand by Ethan's bait and switch was a stupid move.
Yeah, it's like "cancel culture" is flagrant non-existent bullshit or something, I don't know. Is it super easy to take things you don't like down or is it basically impossible to hurt bad actors? What level of Schrodinger's Cancelling are we on?
Like, are *you* protesting Ubisoft or Activision Blizzard?
No I have a job and shit to do. But I'm no longer buying anything from Blizzard so I don't if that counts.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
What was it Chappelle said? 'You can have your own thoughts and live your own life. But why do we, as a society, have to accommodate for you?' Yes, this is paraphrased. I'm sure he just meant to use this just against transpeople. But I wonder if he ever considered placing this on himself or his ideas. Because that's what's happening to him right now

It's like Chappelle's three demands. 1 was good. 3 was nonsense. 2 was saying 'I'm not going to come at the beck and call of the trans community.' I understand that sentiment (even though I don't think thats what the trans community was doing.) And then he made a list of demands to the trans community. Which just makes me put up my hands in frustration. He clearly thinks rules are things other people follow.
1) They want him to talk with them or claim to
2) Dude is setting ground rules because he knows how this bullshit can and will shake out "We invited Dave to talk and he refused" when they invited him 5 minutes before when he was the other side of the country. He also knows about how narratives spread and want to make sure he's debating people informed enough to be worthwhile not some-one who starts saying how he made jokes about Thai ladyboys and him having to spend 30 minutes or more just going "No I didn't make jokes about that" "No I really actually didn't make jokes about that"
3) They want him to change somehow to accommodate them


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
That's cute you believe that they don't do it anymore. :)

They do. You just aren't allowed to know about it.
Oh I'm very sure it doesn't happen on US soil.
Imported soil from other countries laid on the floor in blacksites in the USA and other countries maybe but not US soil lol


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
1) They want him to talk with them or claim to
2) Dude is setting ground rules because he knows how this bullshit can and will shake out "We invited Dave to talk and he refused" when they invited him 5 minutes before when he was the other side of the country. He also knows about how narratives spread and want to make sure he's debating people informed enough to be worthwhile not some-one who starts saying how he made jokes about Thai ladyboys and him having to spend 30 minutes or more just going "No I didn't make jokes about that" "No I really actually didn't make jokes about that"
3) They want him to change somehow to accommodate them
Glad you didn't read my thing

Yep 3 is true. Of both Chappelle and the protesters. Chappelle's just pretending he's not and calling out the other side. Which makes him a hypocrit. (IMO, This is Chappelle just not aware that soceity isn't what he dictates. I don't think he's doing it intentionally.)


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
It's very clear that you don't know what they're like. They're no different than they were a decade ago or the decade before that.

Source: Currently earning a masters degree and my younger sibling is earning their bachelors. I was earning my bachelors about a decade ago, so I have that as a personal comparison point. My older sibling was earning their bachelors about a decade before that.

Remind us, what did the other 17 members of the committee say when they unanimously voted in approval?

Let me guess, you also choose to ignore the 9/10 dentists that recommend using toothpaste when brushing your teeth in favor of the 1/10 that don't?
So anecdotal data confirms something these days?

Or maybe there's nuance to the issue and making it a strictly binary issue is the wrong thing to do? Maybe you should actually listen to meeting.

Here's the doctor's reasons for abstaining from the vote. Please tell me what points he makes that are dumb or wrong. Why would we continue having the same 3-week dosing interval when we know that isn't optimal? The fact that you get banned from platforms and websites saying what a very accomplished doctor has said is how your ideal way you want science and society to be?



The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
No. Most colleges allow a lot of info in that people think is harmful. Go watch Fox for proof of that.

As to being banned from platforms, it's actually real easy not to be banned over Covid. Each platform is different but generally you can say whatever you want as long as you don't say that any medicine is a miracle cure. (See also most advertisements on TV claiming a product COULD clean better, or battary MAY last longer.)

That's why you see anti-vax and Ivermectin/peroxide nonsense all over Facebook. They just do the bare minimum to make sure that you can't be called a liar
No, it's actually really easy to get banned for saying what actual scientific studies say. Saying people with natural immunity don't need to get vaccinated will get you banned. Instagram literally banned the #naturalimmunity hashtag. Guess what happened with the measles vaccine 50 or so years back, those that had measles (literally everyone born before 1957) didn't get the measles vaccine cuz natural immunity. The current head US vaccine expert, Dr. Paul Offit, never got the measles vaccine in fact.

What was it Chappelle said? 'You can have your own thoughts and live your own life. But why do we, as a society, have to accommodate for you?' Yes, this is paraphrased. I'm sure he just meant to use this just against transpeople. But I wonder if he ever considered placing this on himself or his ideas. Because that's what's happening to him right now
Removing Chappelle's special would be accommodating those that didn't like it. Nobody has to watch or listen to Chappelle, he's not going all Clockwork Orange and forcing you to watch his content. I believe that quote/paraphrase was about pronouns mainly like "don't be fucking up my pronoun game" I believe came right after said quote. I'm totally with Chappelle on that, you can't be offended when someone refers to you as he or she when that's the social norm forever. One woman at my friend's work, Target, got mad at him for calling her by her name Stephanie instead of using "they", I guess names are offensive now. I'm not calling anyone they either because it's a plural term and like the only time I will call someone they is if they got like an alien symbiotic suit attached to them like Venom, I would call Venom they. And I don't give two shits what pronoun you use to refer to me like when an older waitress calls all guys sweetheart and nobody cares because there is no intent to be mean or anything.

You guys have a council!? Do they throw parties, and what kind of cake do they have?
I'm guessing it's like the Vampiric Council from What We Do In The Shadows



Elite Member
May 11, 2020
It's crazy that they'll make demands about a comedy special, yet where is the protest against the rapists at Ubisoft, where are the protests demanding Bobby Kotick's removal for his company culture?
Ironically there's a setup for a really good joke in there, but I'm not funny enough to write it. You raise a valid point. These people should be the targets. The market should speak and its words are, "Fire. Bobby. Kotick. Now." etc. Assuming that the market does wield a power of cancelling, why not other, more high-profile targets?

That begs a few questions. What if the market has brought this power to bear but unsuccessfully? Suppose the targets that were canceled simply proved too resilient or well-connected, whatever, or the call to cancellation didn't appeal to enough of the market to be meaningful in the first place. After all, is it still a boycott if you never went there anyway? In fact, this has already happened multiple times over. By your admission there are many attempts, but successes are few and far between, and even then mostly lower-profile targets. That said...

Why are these movements never about someone in real power being a piece of shit?
Harvey Weinstein? Can we at least agree that canceling that monster is the right thing to do?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And Crowder could fix that perception by having a debate with *literally anybody* who debates people. And he doesn't, because that would expose his whole "Change My Mind" grift as the cowardly bullshit it is.

Yeah, it's like "cancel culture" is flagrant non-existent bullshit or something, I don't know. Is it super easy to take things you don't like down or is it basically impossible to hurt bad actors? What level of Schrodinger's Cancelling are we on?
Like, are *you* protesting Ubisoft or Activision Blizzard?
Actual bad actors? well it took years to take down Weinstein.

To get some-one to censor something over a made up controversy? Far easier than it should be as history has shown.

There's episodes of "The It Crowd" that have been pulled The Mighty Boosh has had episodes pulled, Bo Selecta, The League of Gentlemen, Little Britain, Come Fly With Me, Hoaxed and an episode of Fawlty Towers to mention just some


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
So anecdotal data confirms something these days?
Anecdotal data is enough to disprove your claim that was entirely unsupported by any data, yes. Hell, I could have not even included that part and still been entirely correct: " What [was] asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."

Or maybe there's nuance to the issue and making it a strictly binary issue is the wrong thing to do? Maybe you should actually listen to meeting.

Here's the doctor's reasons for abstaining from the vote. Please tell me what points he makes that are dumb or wrong. Why would we continue having the same 3-week dosing interval when we know that isn't optimal? The fact that you get banned from platforms and websites saying what a very accomplished doctor has said is how your ideal way you want science and society to be?
So where is your equivalent analysis of the other 17 committee members' unanimous approval position? See, here's the problem with your stance: You claim to be on the side of "nuance" and not "making it a binary issue", but you entirely ignore the 94.4% of expert opinions in favor of only listening to the remaining 5.6% who support your pre-existing positions.
Last edited:


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Glad you didn't read my thing

Yep 3 is true. Of both Chappelle and the protesters. Chappelle's just pretending he's not and calling out the other side. Which makes him a hypocrit. (IMO, This is Chappelle just not aware that soceity isn't what he dictates. I don't think he's doing it intentionally.)
I did read your think otherwise how would I be able to respond more precisely to what you said?
What special accommodations from the world is Chappelle asking for again?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No, it's actually really easy to get banned for saying what actual scientific studies say. Saying people with natural immunity don't need to get vaccinated will get you banned. Instagram literally banned the #naturalimmunity hashtag. Guess what happened with the measles vaccine 50 or so years back, those that had measles (literally everyone born before 1957) didn't get the measles vaccine cuz natural immunity. The current head US vaccine expert, Dr. Paul Offit, never got the measles vaccine in fact.
Ok to address this and this is where the problem comes in.
At a very optimistic guesstimate the number of "Naturally immune" people in the world is Less then 0.001%.
The issues being the the distortion of the term really because naturally immune would be innate immunity which is rom genetic mutation or inheritance of resistance via inheriting initial memory immune cells as a baby from your mother.
The other kind of immunity is developed immunity which while natural is something you don't naturally have you naturally develop to infections.

There's a group of Anti-vaxx lot that are pushing Naturally immune to be "I have an immune system thus am naturally immune because I can develop immunity". The problem with that is with developing immunity you're then in a race with the virus to fight it off before it does too much damage. Also you are infectious and can create mutant strains in that time.

Those who have had Covid-19 and developed immunity sure it could be argued shouldn't need the jab, the issue is that's far more time consuming and costly to test than it is to produce vials of vaccines and stick them in peoples arms. We have the infrastructures to deliver Millions of vaccines we don't have the infrastructure to do and deliver and processes millions of blood tests


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I did read your think otherwise how would I be able to respond more precisely to what you said?
What special accommodations from the world is Chappelle asking for again?
Pretending that his ideology should be the one that everyone else needs to follow


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Pretending that his ideology should be the one that everyone else needs to follow
You mean that he should get to tell his jokes and if you're that offended don't watch the thing?

Cause that's a far better ideology than "If anyone is offended the thing must be pulled and the creator issue an apology"

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