I like Bruce Willis, but he's made some questionable role choices of late; a film titled Out Of Death just screams "direct to VHS." I've no qualms having strong, negative opinions on this one without even seeing it. What the hell, Bruce; you strapped for cash or something? Isn't it time for another Die Hard? That should net you some scratch.
The last thing I remember him being any good in was that M.Night.Shyamalan third part of trilogy, ummm, Split? No, Unbreakable? GLASS! That's the one! But who know whether that's the effort the direction/editing or the acting. Or was I the only one who liked that film? Uh oh, I may have been...It's been made pretty clear that Bruce Willis does not care anymore. He's been doing straight to DVD for years, since 2013. Most of the movies are garbage with only a few minor standouts. Bruce Willis has become a primadonna actor. I know Nicholas Cage was stuck in DVD hell for a while, but he had went bankrupt at the time and needed the money. He's been doing fine now ever since Spider Verse came out.
Got an important place to be, very important indeed, gotta go, byeeeee!