I've been playing some Halo Infinite, seeing as the multiplayer just came out, and it plays so smoothly.
The gunplay, the mechanics - *chefs kiss*.
It feels like Halo again.
That said, im concerned about the longevity of the game. There are only 10 launch maps, across two game modes - 7 for 4v4, and 3 for 12v12. Its not a great showing. And without a Forge mode, we can't even rely on that.
Also, the levelling system is utterly glacial in its pace. I have been playing the game for a good 3-4 hours already, and I have only hit level 2 out of 100, in the Season 1 battlepass. Its hilariously slow. The only way of earning XP is by completing challenges, as there is currently no reward for completing/winning games.
Im also not a fan of the customisation. There is a lot of potential in all of the menus, but everything is either tied to the glacial progression system, or sold in the store, so currently everyone looks the exact same, just a different primary colour.
Gameplay wise, it is a fantastic step in the right direction, but the metagame definitely needs more work.