...fun traversal mechanics with lots of verticality.
I didn't think the travel mechanics were fun at all, not when compared to
Prototype which came out around the same time (which kinda pitted the two games as "rivaling" each other at the time.) Scaling buildings in
InFamous was a slow, laborious chore where
Prototype had you literally running full bore up the sides of buildings and gliding from rooftop to rooftop with the ease of walking down the street.
Don't get me wrong, InFamous was a great game (I platinum'd it,) the world beautifully realized and gameplay was overall fun, but for all its flaws, I enjoyed Prototype more. You truly felt overpowered in
Prototype; combat was fast, visceral and satisfying. You weren't limited by power meters; every ability you learn was at your disposal at any given time. It was pure, frenetic chaos, and I loved it. Sad that the franchise is dead after only two games; I think in the hands of the right dev, it could've been a massive, standout hit.
OT; not excited at all for an InFamous movie. For one, the last thing we need right now is another "superhero" movie. Secondly, how are they going to address the morality dynamic? IIRC, it was a major part of the game, granting Cole one set of power over another. Granted, the choices were sometimes as basic as "do I eat this baby or return it to its mother?", but it was a huge part of the experience; my gut tells me we won't be seeing much of "evil" Cole, so it's just going to be a generic "guy with electrical powers" spectacle.