Just for giggles, let's do some more fun with numbers:
If we were to take only 25% of Elon Musk's wealth now and never tax him another penny, we could
every single year until the end of time:
1. Provide 322,815 cost-free annual scholarship to the average community college
2. Pay 43,181 nurse's salary (at 77k apiece).
3. Replace 83 miles of highway (at max cost of 40m per mile). This increases to 302 miles of highway if we use the average of 11m per mile).
4. Provide SNAP benefits for 27.89 million Americans
5. Provide free Pre-K education for 376,898 children
Elon Musk net worth
Average CC attendance cost
nurse salary
highway cost per mile
Pre-K Ed Cost
SNAP cost
If anyone is looking to do their own fun math times, simply take 25% of Musk's net worth and multiply it by a conservative annual investment rate of return of 5% to find the annual perpetuity payout. That's your slushfund to then use for whatever you want to pay for each year.