Ecco the Dolphin has a defined gender?
I've only ever seen Ecco referred to as a "he."
Command and Conquer and Star Craft(I guess) should be in the Equal category. In C&C you are just playing the commander, non gendered, in Star Craft I suppose you swap rolls between different characters depending on faction... Although I guess there are more male main characters then female.
CnC and StarCraft generally have more male than female characters, though not as far as you might think. For StarCraft, if we were just talking about SC2, it might fall under "equal," but in SC1? Across the game and all its expansions there's only two female protoss characters (the base game doesn't have a single one), and the only female terran character is Sarah Kerrigan, and by extension, the only female zerg one as well. That, and there isn't a single female-themed protoss unit.
Also doesn't help that in Red Alert 2/3, the females are eye candy.
Jet Force Gemini only has 1 game and you have 3 different characters you swap between, I don't think the dogs gender really matters so its more equal.
Vela is literally the only female character in the game. Every other playable character (Juno, Lupus, Floyd) are male, and every supporting character is male as well.
Spyro seems to just star Spyro so probably male dominated.
Spyro is a weird one. My first thought was to put it in male, but then I remembered how Cynder is playable, and how in most Spyro games, there's usually a female supporting character, such as Bianca or Elora. It's heavily male, and could easily go into male dominated, but it just about squeezed in.
Dead Space really only stars a male so it should probably be under male dominated.
Dead Space has had its share of female characters though. There's more male than female, but we have Carrie Norton (in the mobile), the female characters in Extraction, Ignition, and there's usually strong female supporting characters, such as Kendra and Ellie.
Also you really need Bayonetta in the female dominated.
Not on my homepage.
I mean, yeah, obviously it would count as female dominated, but it took me long enough to go through the IP list.