That certainly helped to reveal how the critics of that game weren't really acting in good faith. I don't have a lot of respect for TLOU2 but like the new Star Wars movies its biggest ''sins'' seem to be to take a stance(or being perceived to take a stance) in the culture war that the alt right doesn't agree with.
Which is usually nonsense. TLOU2 is a little woke but only a little. Its core message is the utterly conventional ''Revenge is bad m'kay'' rather than any woke message or impression of girl power. And despite supposedly being oh so political the new Star Wars movies don't say anything at all which hinders their ability to actually be political. This unlike the previous trilogies which had very strong political messaging.
And similarly the products they rally behind as the alternative to these ''woke'' media then turns out to not nearly be as anti woke as they'd like.
Kind of the core of wokness right there though. Hollow tearing down of what came before with vague trappings to make it seem more progressive.
Made under rather extreme crunch
That due to it and various studio incompetence nearly killed some of the workers at the studio (no really)
Made by a dude
Who many seem to feel pushed Amy Henning out of the company to make his story version
That features a character who totally co-incidentally looks like the main game director.
Said character has sex with the muscular woman.
Said muscular woman character beats the shit out of the previous games male lead
Said game directors previous game featured a strong black woman who beats the crap out of the two male leads at once.
May or may not have been a fetish thing inserted right there for people to play through in a game like how Tarantino has a foot fetish which turns up often in his films.
I always found that really weird. Clearly Adora was designed to just look younger rather than more like a boy. I know there was a running joke about the Quartering being angry he couldn't masturbate as much because the character designs were less attractive.
Clearly didn't stop some of the male feminist ally types and shippers masturbating to her based on the rule 34 art that emerged.........