Another thread about sexism in video games.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I remember reading somewhere that Miranda's face is perfectly symmetrical; like they scanned in Strahovski's best side and basically hit it with the mirror tool. That's why it occasionally sets off people's 'weird' detectors.
That explains so very much. Something about Miranda sets my teeth on edge


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Name any other time it's happened to a guy outside of Hot Ryu

See, Bayonetta is descended from a long line of hyper sexual tit ninjas. You can argue that it's done better or "owned" in a unique way, but that's subjective and debatable. I like Bayonetta, but I understand that she's the best done version of said character thus far and that the concept is hardly unique.

Hot Ryu is a novelty and was very much not designed to be Hot. They just slapped a beard on Regular Ryu. The internet just got weird over the martial arts hobo after he got the slightest bit of characterization. The meme's weren't "OMG look at those abs", they were "he has a great personality and would make an excellent boyfriend". Hot Ryu was hot because he was personified, not objectified

Bayonetta was designed by a woman an part of her move set is almost BDSM stuff with her being in charge of torturing the enemies.

Also oh please the whole "He has a great personality" is a hilariously terrible cover there Ryu has always had some characterisation before now but suddenly the somewhat more rugged beard caused people to see him in a different light.

I sort of agree, but two points.

1: Even if you're "owning the bigots," the bigots are still bigots. For instance, if I purposely write a LGBT character just to own the bigots, and those bigots are offended, who's the bigger twat?

2: Even if it is virtue signalling, the trailer is doing a much better job than a lot of other examples, where producers talk up their credentials in "diversity" and "representation." For instance, you could have the same trailer with any character of any combination, and you'd get the same result in terms of tone and theme.
1. Honestly? I'm going to argue the person just trying to wind up the bigots deliberately rather than change their minds. It reminds me of he Episode of American Dad where Stan ends up meeting a Lesbian couple and their kids and realises they're not some dysfunctional family or at least no more dysfunctional than his own family. If you deliberately set out to own the bigots you just make them dig in more and less likely to engage with attempts to change their mind because they might suspect it's another attempt to own them and laugh at their expense. It's not being better to try and laugh at them it's just saying it's ok to go after them and justifying it as revenge or payback. Sure it might give a feel good jolt but it's not actual progress it's just catharsis. That is sometimes hard to do and won't give that immediate good feeling. It's punching a person for not wearing a mask, you didn't get them to put on a mask you just feel like you did something when you probably just made things worse.

2. I actually don't disagree on that point, it's better than plenty of stuff I've seen talking up the diversity stuff and pretending it was a suitable trailer.

Rule 34.

Or, to elaborate, if X creates Y, and people depict Y in sexual situations, I don't think that's the fault of X. Not unless X was sexualizing Y from the start.

And in this specific case, I don't think two characters kissing is really sexual. It's not pushing any kind of sensitivity boundaries. People have been kissing in games for quite awhile.
It's not the fault of it but it very much would be naïve of me to suggest companies don't know about these groups or try to appeal to them specifically sometimes resulting in backlash due to said groups being catered to a bit but not enough in the end. The two of them kissing is really all you need to set things in motion but having it be the forefront of the trailer seems more like trying to appeal to said groups.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
True, but...

Ah yes, because IVF doesn't exist in the 22nd century.

Seriously though, this is a silly argument, and I've seen it applied to other media as well (people decrying the gay couple in Alien: Covenant for example). This is even covered in Andromeda itself, since there's a quest that involves a woman getting pregnant, and it's an issue since it's unplanned, resources are at stretching point, and they'd be bringing a child into a warzone.

If Addison can't concieve for whatever reason, it's small potatoes. Bear in mind there's a bunch of krogan who, even after being somewhat treated for the genophage, can barely reproduce either. Not to mention that there's a whole bunch of alien species that, the asari aside, can't reproduce with each other either.

French? That's oddly specific. 0_0
Um well unless Addison is planning to have the child grow in her chest cavity or has had surgery that doesn't yet exist and would probably be the level of an organ transplant she's really not having a child.

Also while there are aliens the idea is for them to breed with others of their species to establish the species as such in the new galaxy. It's meant to be more of a breeding program system than people falling in love and having kids. Part of it also being people being selected to carry on the species so it does need more justification for her inclusion on the mission because it really is framed as "Everyone will have to play their part for the survival of the species when the time comes. So you'd want everyone possible who could play that role just in case things went badly.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
First, it was one trailer of many, and not the first.

Second, the trailer is conveying a lot more than "Ellie has a girlfriend," as I've pointed out before.
It was the main E3 trailer.

Doesn't matter, it's a designated "SJW game" therefore its woke and bad regardless of what it actually does, just like how Real Games are never woke or SJW regardless of what they actually do.
" let the past die. Kill it, if you have to "

Well Joel ended up dead and Ellie was pretty destroyed by it but hey I'm sure everyone will love The Last of Us Part 3 with super cool and oh so nice Abby as the main lead and Ellie no-where in sight at all.......

The Last of Us Part 2 did kill the past as is needed.
So did Doctor Who under Chibnall.
So did Ghostbusters 2016, the previous case were in it basically to be mocked or as jokes and it rebooted the universe so pretty sure it counts and killing the past there, luckily it's Ghostbusters so things don't stay dead long but it was planned to be a full restart with at one point a cartoon in the works for the new continuity and an implied planned 2nd film at least in the reboot version universe.

Addison wasn't the trans character. It was a minor character on the first planet's settlement...Haynes, I think? Anyway, the original dialogue wasn't so much upsetting for people because of her being trans, but the way she was written (such as deadnaming herself).
No it was Addison "my face is tired"

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I remember reading somewhere that Miranda's face is perfectly symmetrical; like they scanned in Strahovski's best side and basically hit it with the mirror tool. That's why it occasionally sets off people's 'weird' detectors.
They also tweek a face pretty much everytime they scan one in for a game for the sake of the animation rig and probably other technical reasons too. Claire's face in RE2 Remake also looked weird, eventhough the face model was a perfectly pretty lady. Or just look at Until Dawn. None of those games got the 'made ugly on purpose' accusation thrown at them, probably because they never got the 'SJW' label by reactionaries. Once you get that label... mothers hide your daughters' faces.

3D modelling and animation is odd like that. Honestly the only game that doesn't suffer from this is L.A. Noir, due to the unique way they did the faces in that game.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Bayonetta was designed by a woman an part of her move set is almost BDSM stuff with her being in charge of torturing the enemies.
Yes, I'm well aware. Not entirely sure what this argument is, given that it's a confirmation
Also oh please the whole "He has a great personality" is a hilariously terrible cover there Ryu has always had some characterisation before now but suddenly the somewhat more rugged beard caused people to see him in a different light.
I'm mean, that's what happened. They didn't change his character model or his *actual* characterization any. It's like how so many more people thought Barret was sexy because of his dulcet tones, his beautiful eyes, and HD scenes of being a terrific and caring father.

It's the opposite of objectification making these dudes sexy.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Um well unless Addison is planning to have the child grow in her chest cavity or has had surgery that doesn't yet exist and would probably be the level of an organ transplant she's really not having a child.
No, you're right: it would be unreasonable to assume that unexplained surgery would exist in a world with active genetic modification, magic superpowers, cloned organs, FTL travel, gravity manipulation, cybernetics, and the ability to reanimate a corpse after recovery from re-entering a planet's atmosphere with almost zero repercussions.

That would just be silly.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Addison wasn't the trans character. It was a minor character on the first planet's settlement...Haynes, I think? Anyway, the original dialogue wasn't so much upsetting for people because of her being trans, but the way she was written (such as deadnaming herself).

(Though the wiki doesn't actually specify it for some reason).

Also while there are aliens the idea is for them to breed with others of their species to establish the species as such in the new galaxy. It's meant to be more of a breeding program system than people falling in love and having kids. Part of it also being people being selected to carry on the species so it does need more justification for her inclusion on the mission because it really is framed as "Everyone will have to play their part for the survival of the species when the time comes. So you'd want everyone possible who could play that role just in case things went badly.
Except it isn't framed that way.

Children come into Andromeda in two circumstances. One is the unexpected pregnancy questline. Two is when Ryder is involved in a conversation with Liam (I think) about having children, where the player chooses the response. Having children isn't presented as an imperative, and it's telling that the one time someone does have a child, it's a minor emergency.

Also, it's kind of creepy to insist that the ability to reproduce is essential to coming to Andromeda. There's sci-fi works that can do a good job with that, but it's not a concept Andromeda presents itself as exploring.

It was the main E3 trailer.
Which doesn't disprove either statement I made.

It wasn't the first trailer, and it wasn't the last, but it WAS the one that sent homophobes into a tizzy.

" let the past die. Kill it, if you have to "

Well Joel ended up dead and Ellie was pretty destroyed by it but hey I'm sure everyone will love The Last of Us Part 3 with super cool and oh so nice Abby as the main lead and Ellie no-where in sight at all.......

The Last of Us Part 2 did kill the past as is needed.
Literally killing people isn't the meaning behind that line.

So did Doctor Who under Chibnall.
How did Chibnall "kill the past?"

Chibnall certainly rewrote the past, with the Timeless Child nonsense, but that's not killing it. Much as I despise Chibnall's run, the only 'killing' of the past he could said to have done was wiping out Galifrey and the Time Lords (again).

I'm happy to criticize Chibnall's run until Judgement Day, but of all his sins, "kill the past" isn't among them.

So did Ghostbusters 2016, the previous case were in it basically to be mocked or as jokes and it rebooted the universe so pretty sure it counts and killing the past there, luckily it's Ghostbusters so things don't stay dead long but it was planned to be a full restart with at one point a cartoon in the works for the new continuity and an implied planned 2nd film at least in the reboot version universe.
First, if you're talking about the original four, only Bill Murray's character is mocked. The rest get a laugh at the protagonists' expense (Dan Akroyd), get a statue bust (Egon's actor), or turn up at the end (Winston's actor).

Second, Ghostbusters 2016 didn't "kill the past." It was simply another continuity, and at least the third one in the series when it was released. Whatever criticisms one may have of it, the continuity argument isn't really among them. Not in an objective sense.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This is arguing with Housemen all over again. Gee whiz, another of those threads. Expect all the goal posting in the entire universe.
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
The best part is, after 28 pages and-counting of back and forth arguments and attempts at convincing each other of something, how much of it will anyone even remember.
He'll remember to pull out the "Druckman mo-capped sex with muscle-woman fetish" thing again despite being corrected for something like the third or fourth time, that's guaranteed.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
He'll remember to pull out the "Druckman mo-capped sex with muscle-woman fetish" thing again despite being corrected for something like the third or fourth time, that's guaranteed.
And you'll still misrepresent what was actually said to make claims about what was said but at this stage expecting you to quote what I said here is silly because both I and you know you're talking bullshit and just don't want other people to realise it.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yes, I'm well aware. Not entirely sure what this argument is, given that it's a confirmation
I'm mean, that's what happened. They didn't change his character model or his *actual* characterization any. It's like how so many more people thought Barret was sexy because of his dulcet tones, his beautiful eyes, and HD scenes of being a terrific and caring father.

It's the opposite of objectification making these dudes sexy.
And some people can see personality as sexy, though again in Hot Ryu's case they specifically called him Hot Ryu which is a pretty clear reference to them thinking he looks hot.

Sorry but this is a really common bit of BS among sites like The Mary Sue and writers from there which is this idea they present that women appreciate men on this whole other level not like the way those icky men lust over women. And that just so happens to be why the film with the guy with a clear six pack about how deep and tortured he is appeal to women so much. It's totally nothing to do with often oiled abs and vague air of danger. Oh a totally not related note remember Simon Pegs push to be a Hollywood heartthrob that failed spectacularly?


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Jesus, you'll really make me have to quote go back through your garbage to quote you?
That features a character who totally co-incidentally looks like the main game director.
Said character has sex with the muscular woman.
Said muscular woman character beats the shit out of the previous games male lead
Said game directors previous game featured a strong black woman who beats the crap out of the two male leads at once.
May or may not have been a fetish thing inserted right there for people to play through in a game like how Tarantino has a foot fetish which turns up often in his films.
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Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Jesus, you'll really make me have to quote go back through your garbage to quote you?
Awhile back I came to the conclusion that he honestly has no idea what he's written out in previous posts. Each post he makes is a self-contained individual one-off argument made to "counter" what is currently being said; there's no actual attempt at coherence or continuity between posts because they're based on his feelings at the time of posting instead of evidence or a consistent philosophy. It's also why these threads inevitably become 40 total pages of goalpost moving with the exact same debunked arguments getting repeated every 5 pages or so.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No, you're right: it would be unreasonable to assume that unexplained surgery would exist in a world with active genetic modification, magic superpowers, cloned organs, FTL travel, gravity manipulation, cybernetics, and the ability to reanimate a corpse after recovery from re-entering a planet's atmosphere with almost zero repercussions.

That would just be silly.
Then generally good world building and writing at least somewhat tries to explain it rather than go "I'm bored no you fill in the missing stuff".

Except it isn't framed that way.

Children come into Andromeda in two circumstances. One is the unexpected pregnancy questline. Two is when Ryder is involved in a conversation with Liam (I think) about having children, where the player chooses the response. Having children isn't presented as an imperative, and it's telling that the one time someone does have a child, it's a minor emergency.

Also, it's kind of creepy to insist that the ability to reproduce is essential to coming to Andromeda. There's sci-fi works that can do a good job with that, but it's not a concept Andromeda presents itself as exploring.
Well they do mention from what I remember about kids etc will be more of a concern or thing once the colony has is up and running and stuff is established to be able o sustain the colonist. It's not imperative you're right but it is seen as something that will happen or be needed down the line. I think it's one of the characters you can romance as Female Ryder (the Science girl who talks about licking rocks) who brings it up. Something about "When the time comes we'll all be expected to do our part to grow the colony and bring in the next generation but until then we don't have obligations and are free to pursue relationships with who we choose." or better written words to that effect.

It is a somewhat creepy idea in a game but it's a game about basically sending people off to another galaxy to try and keep humanity and the other species of the Milky way alive and part of that is kids and the next generation so unless people were absolutely exceptional such that no-one came close to them it would mean being able to have or father kids would be a big thing in favour of an applicant vs one who can't. It is creepy and honestly it's something I think the game could have explored more but chose not to. It's not implied to be some Brave New World test tube babies situation either.

Which doesn't disprove either statement I made.

It wasn't the first trailer, and it wasn't the last, but it WAS the one that sent homophobes into a tizzy.
It was however a major trailer in terms of attention etc for the game and likely one of the main ones people who don't follow the gaming press super closely saw.

Literally killing people isn't the meaning behind that line.
But that is how it's applied. The past and past characters must die one way or another


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
How did Chibnall "kill the past?"

Chibnall certainly rewrote the past, with the Timeless Child nonsense, but that's not killing it. Much as I despise Chibnall's run, the only 'killing' of the past he could said to have done was wiping out Galifrey and the Time Lords (again).

I'm happy to criticize Chibnall's run until Judgement Day, but of all his sins, "kill the past" isn't among them.
Ah but that's part of it The Doctor's past and origins have been been iffy sometimes and conflicting tales have been given:
William Hartnell's Doctor was just an eccentric from the future who made the Tardis initially
Tom Baker's incarnation saying he graduated Time Lord academy with passing grades but then went became a rogue Time Lord after
The TV movie version of The Doctor being said to be half human
David Tennant's Doctor saying he ran before finishing Time Lord academy training shortly after staring into the time vortex as part of some academy process thing.

The Doctor not even being a Time Lord and having infinite regenerations? That was Chibnall and over-wrote all the past about The Doctor being some actual rogue Time Lord pretty much. Hell the idea of The Doctor being basically Time Lord police is pretty laughable, I mean what did he spend all that time in the Time Lord special ops then they just wiped him and he had to go through the academy again because know Chibnall never explain why they chose to wipe The Doctors memories I don't think.

First, if you're talking about the original four, only Bill Murray's character is mocked. The rest get a laugh at the protagonists' expense (Dan Akroyd), get a statue bust (Egon's actor), or turn up at the end (Winston's actor).

Second, Ghostbusters 2016 didn't "kill the past." It was simply another continuity, and at least the third one in the series when it was released. Whatever criticisms one may have of it, the continuity argument isn't really among them. Not in an objective sense.
Ah but going forward the idea was for the company and continuity to pretend to a greater or lesser extent that past didn't exist anymore.

John Connor isn't the saviour of Humanity anymore
Luke didn't restore any kind of balance to the force nor was some great hero as the Extended Universe novels were made non cannon
Captain America wasn't the one who punched Hitler
The Emperor of Mankind didn't make the Primarchs he just claimed credit for some-one else's work

I'm sure there is more I could bring up.