I hate multiplayer games


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Over the last few years, I have found myself drifting further and further away from multiplayer games. A few years ago, I basically played nothing but Heroes of the Storm, and now I pretty much play nothing but singleplayer games.

But, seeing as Halo Infinite released a couple of months ago, I dove back into what used to be my favourite multiplayer suite, and now I remember why I stopped playing this kind of game.

See, I used to play a lot of World of Warcraft. I've quit the game about two dozen times over the years, but the game constantly drags me back into it with the world and the lore (and probably a new expansion), and then it puts me off again with the endgame. I hated how it felt. You have to do your daily quests, and your weekly quests. You can only complete one heroic dungeon a day, and you can only raid once a week - and you have to remember to do your legacy content if you want to grind for cosmetics, which follows the same rules! Oh, and remember to take part in the Darkmoon Faire every day, because the event is up, and you need the tokens for that mount that you want! And if you stop playing, then you are wasting your time - and just think of all of the dailies you need to complete!

It just started to feel like a second job that I needed to keep up with.

And since I have been playing Halo Infinite, I am seeing exactly the same stuff. There are challenges which reset every week, and you need to complete them all to earn an exclusive weekly reward. There are daily challenges where you can earn increased XP for completing your first 6 matches of the day. The game showers you with Double XP rewards that (of course) expire in real-time. There are events which come and go, which offer exclusive cosmetics, that might never return. It is just a system that has been designed to make players feel like they need to play, instead of making them want to play.

Thing is, im pretty done with Halo Infinite. I've played the MP for about 60 hours, and there are only so many times that I can play the same modes, on the same maps, with the same guns. I want to play something else now, and wait for some significant additions, but Halo is just taunting me back with exclusives rewards that I wont get, if I don't play.

It doesn't make me want to play the game, it makes me want to uninstall it.

I just hate multiplayer games, these days.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I've actually gone in the opposite direction. Don't have the time to play a game for hours on end, but quick multiplayer matches, especially after coming home from work? That suits me well. Still not sick of Halo Infinite, because when I can only play 1-2 matches per day, I'm not really headed for burnout.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I've actually gone in the opposite direction. Don't have the time to play a game for hours on end, but quick multiplayer matches, especially after coming home from work? That suits me well. Still not sick of Halo Infinite, because when I can only play 1-2 matches per day, I'm not really headed for burnout.
Don't get me wrong, I still love the format of multiplayer games.

As you say, being able to sneak a few games in, in the space of an hour, whilst still having a satisfying experience is great! I just hate how most multiplayer games these days are designed to maximise player engagement, to the point where if you don't play a game for as little as a week, you will have probably missed out on something.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I just hate how most multiplayer games these days are designed to maximise player engagement, to the point where if you don't play a game for as little as a week, you will have probably missed out on something.
Even before that point, I was not in to online multiplayer that much. Aside from maybe an exception or two. What does not help was even during 7th generation, the AAA industry had nasty habit of putting multiplayer in everything. Regardless if it made sense or not. Claiming the constant lie that if a game does not have multiplayer, it won't sell. Or to hate and put pressure on those that don't do or don't like multiplayer. And considering most of these modes were mindlessly rushed, put in, or made to compete with COD, Gears, and sometimes Left 4 Dead, it shows the quality that most of these modes were cash grabs. A lot of them weren't good or the life cycle did not last long. The only multiplayer I still bother with is co-op. Preferably local, but I don't mind online in this case.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
MP gameplay especially now typically seems to feed addiction personalities, and perhaps overshadows the competitiveness of humans. They all generally have progression systems to make it feel worthwhile, but what the player is doing for all those dozens/hundreds/thousands(?) of hours is also generally the same wash/rinse/repeat pattern, with slightly different outcomes.

Kinda like sports actually. I get why they’re popular, but at the same time I don’t watch sports anymore for pretty much the same reasons.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I never touch multiplayer games for two reasons:

1. I suck. Boy, do I just suck at all of them. I can't handle FPS anyway, like I don't know where the hell anything is and I don't like stuff coming AT MY FACE and not knowing where things are relative to my characters' body. It seems the vast majority of MP are some FPS where you gotta know where everyone is and it drives me insane, I don't know how people do it.

But even at other games, I can't even. Take something like Dark Souls, I beat those games, platinum, whatever, because I can keep trying and figure out how the computer works. I think I managed to kill one invader somehow, he wasn't even wearing any armor so he probably didn't even know what he was doing. Every other time it's just embarrassing.

2. No story progression. I need to feel like I'm moving through some sort of progress- story, chapters, putting one part behind me and looking toward the next. Even if I could win a match in MP, so what, it's just more matches? Then what, more matches? I'm just not used to seeing games that way. It's also why I almost never like roguelike/lites/whatevers.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I just hate how most multiplayer games these days are designed to maximise player engagement, to the point where if you don't play a game for as little as a week, you will have probably missed out on something.
That's not maximizing "player engagement" in anyway but the most clinical and literal of senses. There was a time corporate buzzwords like that were tossed around devs' studios who were genuinely trying to create engaging experiences people would want and not need to if they wanted to get the most for their purchase. In the modern sense, it's basically maximizing the workload they can get from their slaves before they start dropping over dead.

It's using the FOMO tactic and addictive practices that ensures there's always a significant enough divide between casual players and the hardcore to maintain a "healthy" population of exhausted people running on their cleverly designed treadmill somewhere in the middle, both wanting to give up, but not want to miss out. By constantly moving the bar and withholding content behind a level of time and dedication that goes beyond reasonable, they're able to suck people in in ways that almost appear to be... against their will(?) until reason is re-introduced and people like yourself realize you're chasing a carrot on a stick toting a conniving dev straight to the bank.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Me too. I am diabolically bad at games. Reactions of drugged, brain damaged sloth.

I can just about hack multiplayer co-op or couch co-op and the party game type stuff with friends. That's it though. There's a lot of games that I really like the look of but don't touch because it's multiplayer.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
If you're worried about being bad at multiplayer but think you'll still enjoy the game, most MP game have matchmaking based on skill (or rather win/loss ratio) such that you'll mostly play with people around your skill level after just a couple of games. You can search for video of people purposefully trying to play at the lowest rank in matchmaking and you'll see that what you consider bad is probably nowhere near the bottom.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I don't mind multiplayer, but only under one condition: I'm playing with friends. Couch of online, I need a couple buddies for banter and riffing, otherwise I lose interest fast.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
If you're worried about being bad at multiplayer but think you'll still enjoy the game, most MP game have matchmaking based on skill (or rather win/loss ratio) such that you'll mostly play with people around your skill level after just a couple of games. You can search for video of people purposefully trying to play at the lowest rank in matchmaking and you'll see that what you consider bad is probably nowhere near the bottom.
Yeah this is why I thought I might be into For Honor (I think that's what it was called?), Ubisoft's melee MP thing where it's knights and samurai and Vikings (dear god typing it out really makes it seems like it was invented by a 6 year old). It was... kind of ok?.. but it was like not good enough to be more interesting then a solid single-player campaign and not really fun enough to be silly.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I don't mind multiplayer, but only under one condition: I'm playing with friends. Couch of online, I need a couple buddies for banter and riffing, otherwise I lose interest fast.
World of Warcraft aside, the most distance I can tolerate between me and the hooting shithead teabagging me on Dust_2 is the length of a school hall. Because even at those events where we’re all hyped up on more caffeine than is necessary for anything, all players were still bound some kind of social etiquette.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
World of Warcraft aside, the most distance I can tolerate between me and the hooting shithead teabagging me on Dust_2 is the length of a school hall. Because even at those events where we’re all hyped up on more caffeine than is necessary for anything, all players were still bound some kind of social etiquette.
I miss LAN parties... especially the ones where you could get on the piss.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I like co-op multiplayer. Give me humans teaming up together to play the campaign or little one off missions any day. I have no interest in a vs mode. I don't have the patience or desire to git gud, and I don't have the sadistic streak to curb stomp on newbies for the fun of it. So much versus comes down to griefing the newbies for the lulz and it hasn't been funny since 2007, and it wasn't even funny then.


Apr 3, 2020
I love playing games with/against my mates, but against randoms it just isn't satisfying.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I'm just burnt out on any kind of multiplayer game that has some element of competition. I stopped playing League of Legends because I was tired if the sore feelings of other players and my sore feelings from losing or doing bad or what have you.

Only multiplayer game I've played in a long time is 100% Orange Juice because it's just a lot of random fun that I don't and shouldn't be taken seriously.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I suck at gaming, much as I love playing. I feel like I'm dragging down any team I'm with online. I almost only play single player.

Best online experience I've ever had is with Titanfall. Very playable even for me.

Worst? Battlefield 1 (and now, likely 5). My avatar walks out of a hut only to be repeatedly sniped before taking 2 steps.

Best Co-Op?

Green Lantern. Stupid fun but horrifyingly repetitive. Green Lantern himself repeatedly says something to the effect of, "Oh no, not these guys again" as if point out its repetitive nature makes it more acceptable.


Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I suck at gaming, much as I love playing. I feel like I'm dragging down any team I'm with online. I almost only play single player.

Best online experience I've ever had is with Titanfall. Very playable even for me.

Worst? Battlefield 1 (and now, likely 5). My avatar walks out of a hut only to be repeatedly sniped before taking 2 steps.

Best Co-Op?

Green Lantern. Stupid fun but horrifyingly repetitive. Green Lantern himself repeatedly says something to the effect of, "Oh no, not these guys again" as if point out its repetitive nature makes it more acceptable.

Mm, similar thing for me. I liked playing League because it was a team game and I could play a role that suits my style better (Support) without having to be an aggressive risk taker.
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