Anyway, since I'm here, I'll comment on Traitor of Mars.
I really dislike this film. It's the one film of the bunch I truly dislike. Hero of the Federation has some notable shortcomings, but it at least does some stuff pretty well, to its horror elements to its satire. Traitor of Mars, on the other hand, is this weird little hybrid, of trying to combine the animation and technology of Invasion, while going back to the tone of the live action films when it comes to the propaganda side. Unfortunately, it does neither of these things well.
Traitor of Mars brings back the FedNet segments, but they just don't work. What was great about the propaganda of the first three films is that even if you saw through it, it's completely understandable why your average Joe doesn't. ToM's shorts, however, really go to the extreme. With lines such as "twenty years after the Battle of Klendathu, maybe this time, it won't be a complete failure," or having a segment called "Who Shall We Blame Now?" (for finding scapegoats). It lacks that plausible deniability angle that the other films had, and isn't helped by the incorporation of live-action into an animated film.
There's also the new sky marshal, Amy Snapp, whose biggest goal in the film is to...improve her TV ratings? I'm not lying, that's a fairly accurate description of her goals. She loves being sky marshal, she loves the popularity, and her plan is to destroy Mars due to its separatist tendencies, by allowing an Arachnid infestation to fester, sends the Fleet away just before the Bugs emerge, and plans to use a Q-bomb to destroy Mars as a warning against other colonies considering secession. As plans go, it's not too bad, sort of, but the way it's presented is just over the top tripe.
Also she looks like Hermione Granger. I've said it, and if you're like me, now you can't unsee it.
The action side of things might help. Rico's been demoted after Invasion to Mars, to train a bunch of newbies (all of whom are annoying), and they're the last line of defence against the Bugs. The action, however, has taken a back seat. Invasion's action pieces 'moved,' in terms of how they were shot, and how the MIs moved around with their new mobility. A lot of the time here, however, it's basically "stand and shoot." There's no 'wow' moments in any of it.
Finally, there's Dizzy being back. Sort of. GIven that she features on the front cover of the DVD, and featured heavily in the trailers, you might be forgiven for thinking she's in the film longer than 10 minutes tops. I didn't go into the film expecting it to be literally Dizzy, but how it's handled...well, Carl, who's in Snapp's custody, uses a mental projection of Dizzy to Rico, to guide him to the site of the Q-bomb. Considering that this DIzzy is showing significant cleavage, and kisses Rico, I can't help but wonder if Carl's enjoying himself too much. Or how Carl knows what the real Dizzy Wallin did in the first film - either he knew all along (somehow), or is probing Rico's brain to get the info, which if so, raises all sorts of moral questions.
But even then, it isn't used to full effect. There's a lot of stuff of Rico and 'Dizzy' just trudging through the deserts of Mars, and you'd think that could be used for character development, since in-universe 20 years have passed since the first film, but no, not really. There isn't that much insight into Rico in these quieter moments, how he misses Dizzy (conspicuously, there's a picture of her at his workstation at the start - not sure how Carmen feels about that), or even Carl and Rico's friendship, since he's the one technically talking, but no, doesn't really do any of that.
So, yeah. Traitor of Mars is a letdown. There's a few moments that gave me a chuckle (e.g. troopers being obsessed with social media, wanting to upload their kills to "FedBook"), but these are few and far between. Plotwise, it's nonsense. Action-wise, it's lacklustre. Every one of these films offered me something going through them, but ToM? Not really anything. I certainly wouldn't mind a sixth film, or even the supposed reboot, but whatever the case, this isn't a good place to leave the film series.