Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Oil companies when the Exxon report came out, and if they were led by a visionary would have just started to produce natural gas, nuclear power, and renewables. But they didn't.
Old, established corporations are rarely run by visionaries.

Old, established corporations have built up an institutional ethos and expertise. From bottom to top, they are worked for and run by people who are used to doing what that company does. Even if you put a visionary in charge, he or she must fight the entire institutional direction of the company: and when an individual fights an institution - even if that individual is running that institution - the institution tends to win.

A crisis might drive change. But oil companies haven't faced crisis: they remain, as ever, stupendously profitable. They can spend $60 billion clearing up a huge oil spill, and whilst that hurts, they're large and profitable enough that it's little more than a road bump. Oil prices are rocketing, and the oil companies are just making even higher profits. Maybe they'll diversify if the current oil shock really does drive people towards renewables, and maybe then we'll see the more sclerotic ones fail.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal

I guess this is about the best place to put this, don't really care to make a thread about it. Like I've said before, you can, you know, not take offense to things. If you don't like what someone said, there's adult ways of handling things. I don't get how Will Smith wasn't immediately escorted out by security.
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Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020

I guess this is about the best place to put this, don't really care to make a thread about it. Like I've said before, you can, you know, not take offense to things. If you don't like what someone said, there's adult ways of handling things. I don't get how Will Smith wasn't immediately escorted out by security.
The funniest thing about this is that people care about a famous multimillionaire lightly slapping another famous multimillionaire, like it's bigger event than just something you can make fun of.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
The funniest thing about this is that people care about a famous multimillionaire lightly slapping another famous multimillionaire, like it's bigger event than just something you can make fun of.
I don't give passes to anyone, don't care if it's some rich guy or poor guy, you don't hit people like that, principles are principles. If you did that shit at Walmart, you're getting escorted out. The worst aspect is the hypocrisy of Hollywood.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I don't give passes to anyone, don't care if it's some rich guy or poor guy, you don't hit people like that, principles are principles. If you did that shit at Walmart, you're getting escorted out. The worst aspect is the hypocrisy of Hollywood.
Yes, yes, you're very enlightened, we know.


Elite Member
May 19, 2020
Yes, yes, you're very enlightened, we know.
In this case ... he's right. You don't need to be enlightened to state the obvious. Anyway, just adding my 1 cent because this has made quite a media buzz. I agree it's a useless event but it yet again shows how wealth and fame means you get to get away with things.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
In this case ... he's right. You don't need to be enlightened to state the obvious. Anyway, just adding my 1 cent because this has made quite a media buzz. I agree it's a useless event but it yet again shows how wealth and fame means you get to get away with things.
I'm not entirely convinced it really happened as anything except a stunt to get people to talk about the Oscars again. Considering the show's had pitiful ratings for damn near a decade and they are really trying to get people to care about a giant masterbatory show so millionaires can blow each other for four hours.

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, but can anyone tell me what got Best Picture without Googling it?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Maybe she went off script, and maybe the delivery could've been better, but it's not like what she said ain't true. Her wording, tone, and delivery all would've just made the assholes who need to understand her message just turn off very quickly. After about 30 seconds to a minute tops, she was just preaching to the choir, and worse yet, feeding the hate that caused her rant in the first place.

I bet she felt a helluva catharsis after it though.
She looked like she was reading from the teleprompter the whole time during this rant. A lot of people think it was scripted like it was going to be some sort of big moment for Frosk but shitting on your enitre audience has never and will never work. So predictably they have fallen apart. G4TV doesn't exist anymore as they've rebranded to Xplay because there is no good will for G4TV anymore. And the stunt with Amoranth is just proof that they don't actually give a shit about the morals behind Frosk's rant. It was virtue signalling and when the audience bounced, they brought back the eye candy trying to salvage something.

Bottom line is that Morgan Webb and Olivia Munn were fun to watch not because they were pretty, but because they were FUN. They took everything playfully and much of the sexy shit went both ways. When Olivia Munn wore a maid outfit and jumped into a inflatable pool of whipped cream, so then did her male co-host. There is nothing wrong with selling sex and entertainment together.

Furthermore I don't think people would have much of a problem with Frosk if the writters on G4TV were any good, or if the stars of the show actually gave a shit. Frosk on multiple occassions during game discussions would say just blatantly wrong shit because she didn't know what games were excluive to what system, who developed what games, nobody wants to listen to hosts of a video game show that obviously don't know what the fuck they are talking about. And if there is a team of writers feeding her lines and shit to say then get writers who know what the hell they are doing.

When you host a show directed at a fandom, then you better have your facts right or people will call you out rightfully so about it. G4TV decided to get butt hurt about it and have Frosk go on a sexism rant which had nothing to do with anyone's complaints with the program and absolutely alienated the fanbase.

Virtue signaling never gets anyone anywhere and only serves to annoy the shit out of people.

I need that DJ Khalid meme where he be like, "Congrats, you played yourself."
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
The craziest thing about this whole Will Smith situation is...

... the violence which is perpetrated by the state against the homeless.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I'm not entirely convinced it really happened as anything except a stunt to get people to talk about the Oscars again. Considering the show's had pitiful ratings for damn near a decade and they are really trying to get people to care about a giant masterbatory show so millionaires can blow each other for four hours.

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, but can anyone tell me what got Best Picture without Googling it?
Coda. Kind of a big deal, at least to me, as I considered the fight for Best Picture to be between West Side Story and Dune.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Coda. Kind of a big deal, at least to me, as I considered the fight for Best Picture to be between West Side Story and Dune.
They made another West Side Story!? Well I can't wait for the Wizard of Oz remake.

Never even heard of Coda. But if it aint got explosions in it I wouldn't care to begin with so that's probably why.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Oh fuck, we're doing this too?

I came here to laugh at woke people. Not one asshole being hit by another arsehole over joke.

Rock took it like a adult and hasn't overreacted. So respect to that in this current moment

Edit: I hope Smith gets some mental health help. To me the joke was just the final straw and not the cause
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Coda. Kind of a big deal, at least to me, as I considered the fight for Best Picture to be between West Side Story and Dune.
Dune broke my ears. Also, deleted a bunch of world building to make room for long uninteresting sequences that didn't add anything

A step in the right direction but this is not a movie you should see on the big screen


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

G4TV then stood with that crazy lady and told people to stop watching. Everyone stopped watching, G4TV cancelled that show, then put on some streamer chick in a bikini playing in a kiddie ball pit. That's literally what happened.
They stood with her for a whole month until they decided to get Amouranth on in a bikini to boost ratings, no really.

Video may not be safe for viewing at work
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Today in Woke World.
Anita Sarkeesian takes a victory lap

Congratulations to Anita for winning.

Winning looking as follows apparently:

Advising Dice on games which then saw:

  • Mirrors Edge Catalyst flop
  • Battlefield V start the decline of the Battlefield series selling below expectations and seeing massive sales cuts.
Advising Bioware on games and narrative which then saw:

  • Mass Effect Andromeda not meet sales expectations
  • Anthem be a massive failure
Speaking at Sledgegammer games makers of Call of Duty which saw:

  • The recent Call of Duty Vanguard sell below expectations.
Pulling star power to her cause which saw:

  • Joss Whedon rally to her cause and support her, before a couple of years later being exposed as a massive hypocrite who used his position of influence to go after aspiring young actresses and bullied and berated those who crossed him
  • An attempt to pretend Markus Pearson (Notch) has invited her to a private party at his mansion only for it to be revealed she tagged along with some-one else who was invited and good guy Notch didn't want to seem like a bad host so didn't throw her out as he didn't want to cause a stir and potentially upset any of his party guests.
Help with regards to industry abuse
  • By giving a larger platform and amplifying the voice of an accused abuser to further their abuse of a victim who then took their own life because they themselves were being accused of abuse.
  • Hired a convicted sex offender as a Twitch channel moderator for her audience.
  • Sat by as her fans tired to have multiple developers fired.
  • Accused a former Escapist Staff member of being a "Pick me" and denied her audience had ever been nasty to said person and that she should bare no responsibility, while at the same time claiming Ninja needed to take responsibility for his audience because his audience were being mean to her or something.
  • Generally acted as a big go to thing for many companies to pretend they're not doing anything bad and generally virtue signal.
Congratulations Anita, you won. You won in so far as no-one who should be doing so is asking where the over $1 Million in funding feminist frequency got over the years has gone, how come for a while Anita wasn't paying Carolyn Petit despite the cash coming in and the whole tax exemption status stuff for Feminist Frequency letting Anita avoid paying basically any tax on it. The true win for Anita, conning gullible fools out of their money.
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Oxy Moron
Sep 5, 2014
down a well
Today in Woke World.
Anita Sarkeesian takes a victory lap

Congratulations to Anita for winning.

Winning looking as follows apparently:

Advising Dice on games which then saw:

  • Mirrors Edge Catalyst flop
  • Battlefield V start the decline of the Battlefield series selling below expectations and seeing massive sales cuts.
Advising Bioware on games and narrative which then saw:

  • Mass Effect Andromeda not meet sales expectations
  • Anthem be a massive failure
Speaking at Sledgegammer games makers of Call of Duty which saw:

  • The recent Call of Duty Vanguard sell below expectations.
Pulling star power to her cause which saw:

  • Joss Whedon rally to her cause and support her, before a couple of years later being exposed as a massive hypocrite who used his position of influence to go after aspiring young actresses and bullied and berated those who crossed him
  • An attempt to pretend Markus Pearson (Notch) has invited her to a private party at his mansion only for it to be revealed she tagged along with some-one else who was invited and good guy Notch didn't want to seem like a bad host so didn't throw her out as he didn't want to cause a stir and potentially upset any of his party guests.
Help with regards to industry abuse
  • By giving a larger platform and amplifying the voice of an accused abuser to further their abuse of a victim who then took their own life because they themselves were being accused of abuse.
  • Hired a convicted sex offender as a Twitch channel moderator for her audience.
  • Sat by as her fans tired to have multiple developers fired.
  • Accused a former Escapist Staff member of being a "Pick me" and denied her audience had ever been nasty to said person and that she should bare no responsibility, while at the same time claiming Ninja needed to take responsibility for his audience because his audience were being mean to her or something.
  • Generally acted as a big go to thing for many companies to pretend they're not doing anything bad and generally virtue signal.
Congratulations Anita, you won. You won in so far as no-one who should be doing so is asking where the over $1 Million in funding feminist frequency got over the years has gone, how come for a while Anita wasn't paying Carolyn Petit despite the cash coming in and the whole tax exemption status stuff for Feminist Frequency letting Anita avoid paying basically any tax on it. The true win for Anita, conning gullible fools out of their money.
It's pretty funny how she's went from 3.3 million Youtube views for the first Tropes vs Women video to 546 views for her last video.
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