Today in Woke World.
Anita Sarkeesian takes a victory lap
Congratulations to Anita for winning.
Winning looking as follows apparently:
Advising Dice on games which then saw:
- Mirrors Edge Catalyst flop
- Battlefield V start the decline of the Battlefield series selling below expectations and seeing massive sales cuts.
Advising Bioware on games and narrative which then saw:
- Mass Effect Andromeda not meet sales expectations
- Anthem be a massive failure
Speaking at Sledgegammer games makers of Call of Duty which saw:
- The recent Call of Duty Vanguard sell below expectations.
Pulling star power to her cause which saw:
- Joss Whedon rally to her cause and support her, before a couple of years later being exposed as a massive hypocrite who used his position of influence to go after aspiring young actresses and bullied and berated those who crossed him
- An attempt to pretend Markus Pearson (Notch) has invited her to a private party at his mansion only for it to be revealed she tagged along with some-one else who was invited and good guy Notch didn't want to seem like a bad host so didn't throw her out as he didn't want to cause a stir and potentially upset any of his party guests.
Help with regards to industry abuse
- By giving a larger platform and amplifying the voice of an accused abuser to further their abuse of a victim who then took their own life because they themselves were being accused of abuse.
- Hired a convicted sex offender as a Twitch channel moderator for her audience.
- Sat by as her fans tired to have multiple developers fired.
- Accused a former Escapist Staff member of being a "Pick me" and denied her audience had ever been nasty to said person and that she should bare no responsibility, while at the same time claiming Ninja needed to take responsibility for his audience because his audience were being mean to her or something.
- Generally acted as a big go to thing for many companies to pretend they're not doing anything bad and generally virtue signal.
Congratulations Anita, you won. You won in so far as no-one who should be doing so is asking where the over $1 Million in funding feminist frequency got over the years has gone, how come for a while Anita wasn't paying Carolyn Petit despite the cash coming in and the whole tax exemption status stuff for Feminist Frequency letting Anita avoid paying basically any tax on it. The true win for Anita, conning gullible fools out of their money.