WoW's next expansion - Lesson's unlearned.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
The root problem, A.K.A. capitalism
i dont think capitalism is responsible for making people what to sexually harass people in the office. Nor do i think it's the cause of ubisoft execs slipping roofies into people's drinks. That's just scumbags being scumbags.

Unionization might be the obvious answer, but unions also then to drive the cost of labor so high (not just saleries but insurances and other benefits) that companies can't sustain that. If developers unionize, then monetization of games will go absolutely skyrocketing to keep costs managable. Otherwise companies will drastically downsize or shift focus entirely.

Grocery stores have unions and more and more automated checkouts are popping up everywhere because they are cheaper than having actual tellers at the checkout lanes.

Unions are not the best answer.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Unionization might be the obvious answer, but unions also then to drive the cost of labor so high (not just saleries but insurances and other benefits) that companies can't sustain that. If developers unionize, then monetization of games will go absolutely skyrocketing to keep costs managable. Otherwise companies will drastically downsize or shift focus entirely.
That's bull crap. With or without unions, those greedy publishers drive the cost of video games up high anyway. Most AAA games are now $70 on top of microtransaction & dlc. All you're paying is another shell price at a higher cost. And let's not get into those special or ultimate editions they keep trying out that are not so special nor ultimate. The union can at least protect abuse and prevent the sexual harassment from happening.

Unions are not the best answer.
Depends on how they're done. You can have a corrupt union, don't get me wrong, but it's better than leaving these jackasses unchecked. Unions aren't perfect, but they are there for a reason. Because if they don't, the same crap is going to happen over and over again, and it'll be right back at where they started. So the video game industry can go ahead and have its unions. All I can say is for people that are part of unions, starting one, or organizing them, to not be like those assholes in the gaming industry. If it keeps them protected from sexual harassment, emotional and physical abuse, and racism, so be it. I have little problems with this.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
A reminder that these corporations can more than afford a damn union. With all the money they make from scamming people out of there pockets with the DLC and crappy season passes. The only reason these prices will go up is it to justify their own God damn existence and nothing more.

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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Unions aren't perfect, but they are there for a reason. Because if they don't, the same craft is going to happen over and over again, and it'll be right back at where they started. So the video game industry can go ahead and have its unions. All I can say is for people that are part of unions, starting one, or organizing them, to not be like those assholes in the gaming industry. If it keeps them protected from sexual harassment, emotional and physical abuse, and racism, so be it. I have little problems with this.
Agreed. I'm not totally against unions, but I don't think it should be the goto answer for these developers. I don't have another solution at the moment, but I think other options should be discussed before resorting to that. A Union is so easy to go fuckways that while it might be a dream at first, it is way too easy to go all fucked and then nobody is in a good position.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Agreed. I'm not totally against unions, but I don't think it should be the goto answer for these developers. I don't have another solution at the moment, but I think other options should be discussed before resorting to that. A Union is so easy to go fuckways that while it might be a dream at first, it is way too easy to go all fucked and then nobody is in a good position.
Like I said before, it's better than nothing and it's a good start. As long as they don't make the same mistake as other unions, nor be as bad as the gaming publishers themselves, I don't have a problem. I'll take a solution over no solution and just more suffering happens. We've already seen what happens when nobody does nothing or they sit around forever twiddling their thumbs for something to happen.


Jan 15, 2016
Non binary
Depends on how they're done. You can have a corrupt union, don't get me wrong, but it's better than leaving the these jackasses unchecked. Unions aren't perfect, but they are there for a reason. Because if they don't, the same craft is going to happen over and over again, and it'll be right back at where they started. So the video game industry can go ahead and have its unions. All I can say is for people that are part of unions, starting one, or organizing them, to not be like those assholes in the gaming industry. If it keeps them protected from sexual harassment, emotional and physical abuse, and racism, so be it. I have little problems with this.
Oh yes, sadly, I'm fully aware of corrupt unions... there's this union in my country, Spain, the UGT who pretty much likes to sell out their buildings as hotels and love building market speculation. And not to mention plenty other unions who have their own shenanigans as well.

Regardless, however, unionization is a start for sure when you have to consider attempting to defend workers from cases of sexual harassment, abuse, etc. from their employers, as well as other workers' rights. I know unions aren't perfect, mostly because they're generally mistreated by the whole system, but there's a reason why we're starting to see corporations starting to undertake unionization efforts all over.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I’ve played about a week’s worth of the expansion so far and it’s been a very chilled out and enjoyable experience. Levelling curve is good - the first zone will net you 4-5 levels depending on side quests and dungeons. Renown rewards all appear to be account level unlocks making them one and done. Zones are beautiful and a joy to navigate on your dragon. Customising your dragon is also fun. Gear aesthetic hits that sweet spot between ‘fantasy’ and ‘huh, a person could in fact use this’.

New NPC character models are mostly brilliant but Rhonin needed another go over in post. Questing itself is straight forward and logically moves you from place to place with the critical path quests, which are listed separately so you can just jam them out if you do desire.

All in all, so far, a marked improvement over Shadowlands - which I liked, but it was deeply imperfect - with excellent presentation.

EDIT: I take back everything nice I just said, because I had to do a quest that involved killing otters for an otter heart. You did me filthy dirty there, Blizzard. 1 Star :p
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
All in all, so far, a marked improvement over Shadowlands - which I liked, but it was deeply imperfect - with excellent presentation.
This is everyone's feeling during the early days of a new expansion. It always feels better because it is "new" but as soon as leveling is done and the grind begins, that is when the true colors of what they've made will come out.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
This is everyone's feeling during the early days of a new expansion. It always feels better because it is "new" but as soon as leveling is done and the grind begins, that is when the true colors of what they've made will come out.
Grind in an MMO is par for the course. Anyone who has a problem with that had best see themselves to the single player RPG table. Also this is the first time I've seen each quest tell me how much rep I'm getting as part of its reward (it was always trackable but here its presented front and centre), there's no hint yet of a mission table like we had from WoD to Shadowlands, nor does there seem to be instanced areas to shuffle players off into like the Garrison/Order Hall (admittedly the best version of this)/Covenant Sanctum: just a central city, Valdrakken I think. Also what's obvious is that while the fill the bar quests and bonus objectives are still here, they're rewarding much more percentage per NPC than Shadowlands did: that xpac really did take the piss with those with most normal NPCs being worth a single percent.

And believe me, if there were any nasty jack in the box surprises waiting for me, I'm sure my guild who are mostly at level 70 now would have told me, especially since most of them say 'Shadowlands' with the same inflection most people say 'tax audit'. And so far not a peep. For the most part we appear to have a back to basics+QOL expansion.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Grind in an MMO is par for the course. Anyone who has a problem with that had best see themselves to the single player RPG table. Also this is the first time I've seen each quest tell me how much rep I'm getting as part of its reward (it was always trackable but here its presented front and centre), there's no hint yet of a mission table like we had from WoD to Shadowlands, nor does there seem to be instanced areas to shuffle players off into like the Garrison/Order Hall (admittedly the best version of this)/Covenant Sanctum: just a central city, Valdrakken I think. Also what's obvious is that while the fill the bar quests and bonus objectives are still here, they're rewarding much more percentage per NPC than Shadowlands did: that xpac really did take the piss with those with most normal NPCs being worth a single percent.

And believe me, if there were any nasty jack in the box surprises waiting for me, I'm sure my guild who are mostly at level 70 now would have told me, especially since most of them say 'Shadowlands' with the same inflection most people say 'tax audit'. And so far not a peep. For the most part we appear to have a back to basics+QOL expansion.
Grind is sure. But the way wow does it makes you feel guilty for not playing. They constantly implement power creep to your grind so that if you arent loyal to the game you will fail behind if you dont keep up.

Ff14 has grinds and there is a lot of shit to go for, but because they make all content relevant forever, you cant fall behind because people can and will always do stuff with you at all levels. Wow doesnt people tend to only care about the latest and greatest thing to do and they get mad if you arent on par.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
people tend to only care about the latest and greatest thing to do and they get mad if you arent on par.
I've never been, in the 18 years I've played, in the latest and greatest. Players find their own level, always have and always will. I don't give a merry fuck if I don't measure up to the standards of its mythic raiding / mythic+ lunatic fringe.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I've never been, in the 18 years I've played, in the latest and greatest. Players find their own level, always have and always will. I don't give a merry fuck if I don't measure up to the standards of its mythic raiding / mythic+ lunatic fringe.
That's nice but that isnt the way wow is made. You should try ff14. That playstyle is perfect for that game.


Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
I did. I didn't care for it. When I need time away from WoW, I play SWTOR.
And in my case, I play Single Player RPGs, like Morrowind or Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines or Fallout.

But I have not closed the door on WOW, I'm just taking a really long break because of burn out for playing this game since Warlords of Draenor. And technical issues, I fear my PC is woefully behind the times for current WOW