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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Ep 1 &2

I'm struggling not to put any context for my feelings going into this, but I will say I went in cynical and angry. I'm pleased to say it was probably an 85% pleasurable experience. I've been hankering for a new star trek where they actually do exploration and approach morality puzzles and this fit the bill nicely. Theres a far more joyful approach to be found here with logical reservation. No character is especially whiny or longwinded, but also no screams "FUCK YEAH" when they fire phasers. Its almost like these are adults doing an actual job. I know a lot of these characters were introduced on Discovery, but theyre new to me so I dont have any preconceived notions about any of them.

The first episode does a brief introduction to Captain Pike. Apparently he's semi retired because he saw his future where he gets mutilated and dies and so he's a bit of a hermit. Star Fleet pulls him back in due to an emergency in which a planet thought to have developed warp drive technology actually found it too early due to some fuck up that happened in Discovery(figures) and is about to use it to blow themselves up in a World War. Ultimately Pike and team have to convince them to settle their dispute peacefully and join the federation instead. While we've seen this kind of story before its not a bad launching off point, telling viewers "hey look SNW isn't going to be just ships shooting at each other.". There's hints that Pike is still suffering PTSD, but that he's navigating his way to moving past it in part by seeing the value he's bringing to the more hopeful and excited crew.

The second episode focuses on the Enterprise trying to stop a comet that's about to destroy a planet harboring a pre-warp species. Once again the crew faces moral debate about interfering with other species and cosmos. I liked it quite a bit. At least for now I'd give this series a recommendation. It seems like they've taken the hint and dialed back the heavy handed drama as well as returned to a largely contained episodic format.

The biggest argument I can see is that if you have every episode of Star Trek memorized these first two will seem familiar. That said, Star Trek is also about engaging characters and so far I'm pleased. I'm two episodes in and I don't hate anybody yet. That's a big change from the last two shows. I'm not yet ready to sing it's praises, but I'm having a good time.
Excellent, once I've finished off Picard season 2 with my grandfather, we're firing this sucker up.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

Beth: Beth easily gets the most character development in this season out of the JSA characters. Arguably, she gets the most character development, period. I mentioned in my season 1 review how not all powers were created equal, that Beth was the weak link in the team since her ability is simply based around wearing goggles and doing tech stuff. Season 2 doesn't change that, but it does address the issue, as she goes through everything from the prospect of her parents divorcing, to her meeting the original Dr. Mid-Nite, to discoverying her own self-worth, etc. It's not really anything new in fiction, but what it does, it does well. And since Beth is the one person that can navigate Eclipso's hallucinations without issue due to the goggles, it does boost her overall worth to the team.

So those are the original JSA members, more or less. Let's look at some of the other newbies:

Jennie: Poor Jennie. I get the sense that the writers either didn't know what to do with her, or they did know, but couldn't due to budget limitations (I have a sneaking suspicion that budget limitations might explain a lot of this season, but more on that later). Thing is, Jennie doesn't really do much, which is ironic, since the entire point of having a Green Lantern ring is that you can will pretty much anything into existence. Instead, she shows up at the start, shows up at the end, and doesn't really do, or change much in either example. But she still gets more compared to:

Jakeem: Jakeem is barely a character. He appears mid-season when the Thunderbolt pen ends up in his possession, then appears at the end, and is told by Mikey (offscreen) about the whole JSA stuff. Then he helps them in the final fight, boom, the end. It's really kind of astounding how little attention is given to him. Maybe the writers just forgot about him, maybe they just ran out of time, but meh, moving onto the ISA characters.

Cindy: This season tries to make me feel sorry for Cindy and...nah, sorry, she's still a *****. I think she's a ***** that has character potential, but she's a ***** all the same. The thing is, like a fair bit in this season, it can't seem to actually commit to fleshing her out. Yes, there's glimpses and flashbacks to her past, of her father turning her into Shiv and all that, but none of it is really fleshed out. But she does get more than:

Isaac: Isaac is emo and dies. Next!

Artemis and the Krocks: Christ, this is stupid. First, her parents. We're expected to forgive them by the season's end for briefly helping in the big bad fight, and despite having escaped from jail twice, at the end, they move nextdoor to Courtney. First, how do they expect to stay under the radar from the police, and second, do I have to remind you that Artemis's parents have killed at least four innocent people by this timeframe, not to mention that they were taking part in a plan that would have killed 25 million people? Hello? Anyone?

Also, Artemis doesn't fare much better, as she goes back and forth between being pissed that her parents are in jail from season 1, then grieved that her parents were actually shits, then...pissed that her parents were in jail, despite now knowing that they're shits? And why's she dressed like Casey Jones? I get that kids will want to look up to their parents, but Artemis is just all over the place. Doesn't help (or maybe it does) that she disappears after the mid-season fight, then reappears only in the very last scene.

Concerning other characters...well, what else is there? There's the Shade, who's pretty neat. Turns out that even in 2020s Americana that's stuck in the 1960s, British people still drink tea and like being evil (or something). Still, his motivations are kind of all over the place, but then, we have Eclipso. And...okay, I'll just say it, Eclipso's a lacklustre villain. He's a lacklustre villain that's portrayed really well when he's using his kid hallucination form (see above for when I covered this), but the fact that he looks like Ivan Ooze from Power Rangers aside, Eclipso is...okay, here's the thing. The Injustice Society of America characters always had ham to them (with a name like that, of course they would), but there motivations were at least understandable. Eclipso is...he's just evil. He's an evil guy who does evil things for evil reasons, talking evilly whenever he gets the chance. The result is that you get some extremely hackneyed dialogue, about light, and dark, and blah blah blah...gah. Yes, this kind of dialogue can work in fiction, but Stargirl, you ain't Star Wars. Not even Cindy is immune to this, who declares "I had to find my darkness [Eclipso] to counter your [Cindy] light." Oh, honey, no.

Oh, and Starman's back, who gives the same 'inner light' bullshit. Gah.

Point is, Eclipso is a drag. Also doesn't help that in the final fight (one of only three in the season) is the weakest of said three (remember what I said about budget?) Which is a shame, because the mid-season fight in the cafeteria is absolutely excellent. Probably the best in the entire series so far. But compared to season 1, season 2 has a lot less action, and one stellar fight scene in the middle can't make up for a dearth of it elsewhere.

Also, other random thoughts:

-So, plot twist, the risque photo that Henry leaked of Yolanda in season 1 was revealed to have been done by Cindy. Okay, fair enough, Cindy's a *****. What I don't get is why the Hell, in three plus months, did Henry never, EVER, say "hey, i didn't leak the photo?" Hello? Anyone?

-The Shadowlands concept is pretty neat, but anyone else getting flashbacks to Underworld!Storybrooke in Once Upon a Time? Replace the Shadowlands with the Underworld, replace Eclipso with Hades, replace Blue Valley with Storybrooke, and, well, y'kow...

Overall, this was a letdown. There was some good stuff, but the lacklustre far outweighs the good. I could enjoy the horror aspects on their own, but I'm evaluating a whole season, and in that regard...yeah. Massive step down.

I'd say budget was a factor (this is now CW taking over with DC stepping back as it was planned as a DC streaming service product and made as such in season 1).

Also I'd say a big factor was this was filmed during the pandemic. Hence the fact it was summer school with a far reduced number of people in most scenes with no full classrooms or busy hallways.

I agree with you about how they kind of left a lot up in the air / didn't fully resolve a lot of the stuff that well but again I'm putting a good deal of it down to the pandemic like I've got a feeling Jennie was meant to be a far bigger part of the story but she got ill or something happened pandemic related that meant she had to vanish for part of the season, same with other characters who seemingly just vanished for parts of it.

I agree with the fact Eclipso was far more freaky as the little boy than in his monster form and I kind of wish they'd done something with it so Eclipso in the final battle just looked like some normal dude with the whole red eye and greyish skin thing others got when using his power on part of his face. Just like a regular normal dude who when he gets hit or something the more monstrous side of his is just visible for a short while until he reverts his form back to looking almost fully human again.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story

Pedo creep who got away with abusing hundreds ("ages 5 to 75") while staying a beloved media figure all his life. You'd think it would be obvious just from looking at the sicko, and the fact it was treated as an open secret by the media, but no, brushed it off like lint.

This could've been a single 90 minute documentary instead of 3 hours in two parts, it tends to go on tangents and repeat itself. Feels like they're biding their time for a big finish but you already kinda get the whole story in the first half.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
The Pentaverate: S1: Ep1-2: Bad / Great

Michael Meyers is Michael Meyers several times over in a comedy miniseries about an elite group of five men who form a secret society that effectively runs the world.

Really, really, really dumb. Almost cresting the hill of "so bad, it's good." It's worth watching if only to see how bad it is. The writing is terrible and relies heavily on dick jokes, some they work really hard at (pun intended.) I'm probably going to finish it; I mean, I've already pulled over and gotten out of the car, might as well stay to see how the train wreck pans out.

That said, Meyers just needs to do another Austin Powers flick and get it out of his system. If he's going to play a dozen different characters, he should at least lean on the nostalgia of past successes, because this Pentaverate shit just feels almost intentionally pathetic.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Picard (Season 2, eps 1-3)

Oh god. This starts well perhaps examining Picard's character - in particular his failure to have a meaningful relationship, dashes off to classic ST territory with an exciting anomaly... and then collapses into a mush of meh. I didn't ever want to see Q again, he was never a good installment in ST:TNG. He's a sort of wanky deus ex machina to make up alternative dimension/reality bullshit (see also the holodeck) and this, along with time travel, is nearly always a recipe for the laziest, unimaginative SF. Never mind the sneaking suspicion that this is more hauling back some old faves from TNG as a courtesy rather than constructing a decent plot. It goes further wrong quickly, as the alternative reality starts off in some plot-hole-y mess with lots of frantic running around that borders on a farce rather than a drama that leaves me deeply pessimistic about the rest of the series.

Le sigh.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Picard (Season 2, eps 1-3)

Oh god. This starts well perhaps examining Picard's character - in particular his failure to have a meaningful relationship, dashes off to classic ST territory with an exciting anomaly... and then collapses into a mush of meh. I didn't ever want to see Q again, he was never a good installment in ST:TNG. He's a sort of wanky deus ex machina to make up alternative dimension/reality bullshit (see also the holodeck) and this, along with time travel, is nearly always a recipe for the laziest, unimaginative SF. Never mind the sneaking suspicion that this is more hauling back some old faves from TNG as a courtesy rather than constructing a decent plot. It goes further wrong quickly, as the alternative reality starts off in some plot-hole-y mess with lots of frantic running around that borders on a farce rather than a drama that leaves me deeply pessimistic about the rest of the series.

Le sigh.
I’m enjoying Picard very much myself so let me give you some advice. Stop now and don’t bother continuing because it’s not going to improve in your eyes. Stop now, and maybe fire up Strange New Worlds instead.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Picard season 2 - 8/10

Again, this is a show I personally like because I like Picard. I’ll miss Rios - he was a fantastic character - and even if it’s not as well developed as it should be, kudos to Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd for giving Raffi and Seven some genuine on screen chemistry. I’m still not sold on Allison Pill as a ‘Star Trek’ character but she acquitted herself better in this season. Stand out stuff as always was everything between Q and Picard. I cried at the end a little. It remains however a show set in Star Trek’s universe instead of a Star Trek show. With that said…..

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (eps 1-3) - 10/10

Ladies and gentlemen if very traditional Trek with all the benefits of modern VFX is your bag, look no further. The old Constitution class Enterprise has never looked better; and while there is obviously a longer plot at play, the show masterfully returns Trek to its weekly format. And one of my new favourite crew member is Lt. Ortegas, a choice I feel confident I won’t be alone in.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Not watched but listened to.

The Cipher

A BBC Radio podcast that I can best describe as starting at being a [current year] Da-vinci code but as audio drama but then quickly goes off the rails.

Ok the plot quickly goes from Da-vinci code where the main character is recruited to help stop a killer whose leaving coded messages at sites where they've killed world renowned scientists to quickly become about secret government and underground societies, an alien civil war and also another war between Aliens and robots.

The series falls down pretty fast when you step back and look at just how many plotholes there are and while trying to present itself as grown up sci-fi it ends up commenting on social issues and trends with all the tact and grace of Chris Chibnall's run on Doctor Who but then sort of abandons all that examination and stuff in favour of action scenes and gunfights. Oh also forgot to mention it's a series that name checks "Gone Girl" as positive representation of strong women. Talk about referencing something the writer clearly didn't bother reading / watching.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Picard season 2 - 8/10

Again, this is a show I personally like because I like Picard. I’ll miss Rios - he was a fantastic character - and even if it’s not as well developed as it should be, kudos to Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd for giving Raffi and Seven some genuine on screen chemistry. I’m still not sold on Allison Pill as a ‘Star Trek’ character but she acquitted herself better in this season. Stand out stuff as always was everything between Q and Picard. I cried at the end a little. It remains however a show set in Star Trek’s universe instead of a Star Trek show. With that said…..
I tried to watch Picard. I got two episodes in and it was just sad and dumb. It feels like a fanfic written by people who have never watched Star Trek. RLM pointed out Picards character is sort of rewritten almost to the point that resembles Professor X more than Picard who was the embodiment of an elder statement. Aside from that idk the plot with the androids just felt like messy twilight trashy ya stuff. I also just hate the writing style where so much of it is empty rambling platitudes. I've watch cuts from season 2 and I don't think theres a world where I could be convinced that this isn't all fluff and empty fan service written by staff interns.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (eps 1-3) - 10/10

Ladies and gentlemen if very traditional Trek with all the benefits of modern VFX is your bag, look no further. The old Constitution class Enterprise has never looked better; and while there is obviously a longer plot at play, the show masterfully returns Trek to its weekly format. And one of my new favourite crew member is Lt. Ortegas, a choice I feel confident I won’t be alone in.
mm I'm more like a 7-8/10, but I agree for the most part it does feel like a success modernization of Star Trek. I adore the andorian/Aenarian Chief Engineer Hemmer. I can see him being confusing for folks that didnt watch Enterprise where the Andorians are known as kind of the "fun" version of Klingons, ie giant grumpy assbags with a heart of gold. The Andorian Shran ended up being a fan favorite and I can see Hemmer becoming equally popular given enough screen time. I just noticed the actor who plays Hemmer is actually blind. I can see that being an advantage, adding some realism to his acting.

It feels more focused on storytelling, than drama. I think aside from writing what largely has pulls fans away from Picard and Discovery is that JJ Abrams brat pack macguffin writing where they just throw character plotlines at the wall like spaghetti with no clear plan to resolve any of them because they just write one episode at a time. So far with the first 3 episodes the actual story of the episode begins and ends with a clear resolution, so you feel like youre watching something with purpose regardless of whatever character drama is happening in the background.

I continue to not "hate" anybody. I like Hemmer, Pike, Ortega, and the geneticist though her name escapes me.

Drama drama drama - within the first three episodes weve already got 4 or 5 macguffins. Pike has PTSD, Number 1 is an Ilyrian, Whatever her name is a augment, The doctor is keeping secrets blah blah. SETTTLE THE FUCK DOWN. Its worth noting this happens with all star treks, BUT over time. This is the problem with anything written by Abrams buddies. They seed this kind of shit too much. Like dude save some of this for season 2 or 3 or 5. If you oversaturate the audience with SEEECREETSS it dilutes the consistency of the main story.

I can not, for the life of me, consistency understand what the doctor is saying. His voice is like t'challa filtered through a sawmill.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I watched the first episode of Our Flag Means Death, and it was really fucking good. It's pretty much What We Do in the Shadows with pirates, but wholesome as fuck.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
The Pentaverate (Netflix)

I have no idea where Mike Myers has been for the last 5-10 years (Shrek voiceovers aside), but he's returned here for a short comedy series about a secret society, the Pentaverate, who are basically the Illuminati... but nice. Mike Myers stars as most of the main characters in his traditional make-up, and clearly has some fun. He has some very able support from the likes of Keegan-Micael Key and Jennifer Saunders, and Jeremy Irons does a bang up job being Jeremy Irons as the announcer. It concerns a local Canadian journalist, Ken Scarborough, who sets out to save his job by exposing a global conspiracy.

This is a pretty dumb comedy, as you might expect from Mike Myers - lots of very cheap sex jokes, in-jokes and general imbecility. Plenty of this is just good-naturedly dumb without really hitting the mark, but it's also funny at many points, and overall, I think it was pretty good. I do love the bit which goes through a section with a lot of sexual innuendo and swearing, and then replays it without the swearing managing to come across as even more obscene. So stupid, and yet it works.

I also found the last scene - a real-world clip from early in Mike Myers' career - a very sweet and touching end that explains some of the inspiration.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Currently, Arrowverse rankings stand as:

23) The Flash: Season 7

22) Black Lightning: Season 2

21) Black Lightning: Season 1

20) The Flash: Season 5

19) Arrow: Season 3

18) Legends of Tomorrow: Season 3

17) The Flash: Season 4

16) The Flash: Season 6

15) Stargirl: Season 2

14) The Flash: Season 3

13) Supergirl: Season 1

12) Arrow: Season 5

11) Legends of Tomorrow: Season 1

10) Legends of Tomorrow: Season 2

9) Arrow: Season 6

8) Supergirl: Season 2

7) The Flash: Season 1

6) The Flash: Season 2

5) Stargirl: Season 1

4) Arrow: Season 4

3) Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4

2) Arrow: Season 2

1) Arrow: Season 1
I liked Stargirl S 1. I haven't gotten around to 2 yet. But you rank Legends of Tomorrow S4 that high? I think I can see it on Netflix and check it out.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I started binging FROM (2022)

Mike over at RLM brought it up on a video yesterday. It wouldn't surprise me if its sort of flying under the radar as its on EPIX which I'd never even heard of until yesterday. Anyway it's a horror TV show that's sort of a combination of The Langoliers and Salem's Lot. A bunch of people have been trapped in this small town in the woods. Once they enter they can't get out. The more pressing issue is that after dark these vampire/zombie like creatures massacre anyone not locked in at night. It varies, some folks have been trapped there a really long time some are just showing up. I'm enjoying it, if I had a complaint theres Stephen King stereotype autistic guy whos been trapped there since he was little kid whos running around figuring out whats actually going on, but everyone seems to be ignoring him and just saying "he's weird", while hes the macguffin leading the audience to sleuth out whats going on. Overall I'm pretty hooked. It's a lot of things we've seen before, but jumbled together differently so as to make it new and interesting. The acting is also pretty solid. I'm not like screaming at the screen "YOU IDIOTS" 4 episodes in and I'm pretty critical about the running in high heels effect. Fair warning its very graphic. Peeps get slaughtered left and right. It is not a slow burn.



Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I just finished Made For Love Season 2 on HBO-Max.
I'd post a trailer for 2 but don't want to spoil this for anyone that hasn't seen 1 so, trailer for 1

The show is a creative hoot. Quirky characters in a fun sci-fi situation. Amusing and mind expanding. Best with gin. 8.5/10.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Thanks for letting us know about season 2 of Made For Love, u/gorfias! I liked season 1. There has been a lot of satire of tech billionaire weirdos but I think this show has the best one.

Re: the new Trek... man, I love me some Trek, but I am definitely feeling burnt out. This new Pike one, everyone keeps saying is like TNG. And I liked TNG... 30 years ago or whatever. It's 2022, I don't think I need that in my life right now?

Anyway, wife and I finished watching season 1 of Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty. This HBO Max is based on a book about how the Lakers became a schmancy powerhouse in the '80's, so it starts with Jerry Buss buying the team right after they draft Magic Johnson.
It's done with a lot of meta-stuff, 4th wall breaking, snark, even random bits of animation. In order to emphasize the glam and gltiz, there is a lot of nudity and exploitation of women's bodies but, you know, HBO. There is an uncomfortable vibe I get that's like "oh, THIS is why Magic got AIDS" and this excusing of "great men" being pigs with women. But I forgive that stuff with a show this over-the-top silly and fun.

Best episode is where they visit my current residential town of Boston and just hate it, lol.
It's good fun and I recommend it, even if you don't care about basketball so much (it was my favorite sport to watch as a kid though so I remember the Showtime Lakers).

Then we started watching an Apple TV+ show called For All Mankind. This is about, what if Russia landed on the moon first?! But still from Americans' perspective. I watched the first two episodes on a plan trip myself, incorrectly assuming my wife wouldn't be into it but when I told her about it she seemed interested, especially with the angle that after the second episode, women take up a larger role.

Man, Apple TV shows are really produced, directed and shot well. All of their shows I watched- maybe they're not the best writing or particularly like great overall, but they really are made well, like real movies. This show feels like a Spielberg movie or something, very old school in a warm comforting way.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I just finished Made For Love Season 2 on HBO-Max.
I'd post a trailer for 2 but don't want to spoil this for anyone that hasn't seen 1 so, trailer for 1

The show is a creative hoot. Quirky characters in a fun sci-fi situation. Amusing and mind expanding. Best with gin. 8.5/10.
I liked, my only complaint is that it almost felt kinda rushed in the end.

I'm still unclear if they're saying the frozen bodies are clones? or originals? Did her dad actually die or was it a clone?
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I liked Stargirl S 1. I haven't gotten around to 2 yet. But you rank Legends of Tomorrow S4 that high? I think I can see it on Netflix and check it out.
Bear in mind that I'm an oddity for season 4 of LoT and Arrow for that matter. But for me, the show's at its best when it goes full silly, and season 4 has that in spades.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Very late to this, I'm aware, but just finished Squid Game. Holy shit, what a show. Great acting almost all the way through, very well-done characters, and a lot of real tension. What more could you ask for from a battle royale?


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Finished up 2 seasons the other day.

Killing Eve - Season 4

The season was such a slog to get through and they really try to go in-depth on the big baddie organization and I really couldn't care less about that. They introduce new characters that aren't needed and only space out greatly the character interactions that do work. I do like how they ended it at the very end though, it just meandered so much to get there.

Moon Knight - Season 1

I really liked the first episode but really didn't care much about anything afterward honestly. The second to last episode was pretty interesting because it didn't involve the main plot at all. I really didn't care about anything going on because they didn't really go into why the "good" god was good and why the "bad" god was bad. It just seemed like the "bad" god was simply more efficient at what the "good" god was trying to do.

I just finished Made For Love Season 2 on HBO-Max.
I'd post a trailer for 2 but don't want to spoil this for anyone that hasn't seen 1 so, trailer for 1

The show is a creative hoot. Quirky characters in a fun sci-fi situation. Amusing and mind expanding. Best with gin. 8.5/10.
Oh damn, there's a season 2 already.

It only continues going downhill. Last season is really really bad.
I loved the 1st and 2nd seasons IIRC, the third was alright I think, but that last season was a slog to get through with only few good moments. I liked how they ended the show but getting there was very roundabout.
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