Youtube has sided with Hate


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Elden Ring reviews sure are spicy huh? Some people love the game, some people hate the game, and some people have takes so bad that they strike any other video that mocks them for a completely nonsensical review.

This started with a Youtuber called Mischief. A small youtube who made some videos defending bad ER reviews that made nonsense claims. One of these bad reviewers is a guy named Quantum_TV who is currently ban evading a previous Youtube ban for promoting hatespeech, including telling other Youtubers that they should have died during the Pulse Masacre. He is a different level of special.

So he copyright struck Mischief claiming that Mischief stole the video using an illegal downloader. Unfortunately you are allowed to do this, and Quantum has no case here.

This got picked up by a much bigger Youtuber named TheActMan who found out about all the copy right abuse and ban evading done by Quantum and also found all Quantums hate speech and posted a video about how Youtube should not allow a guy like this on the platform, especially since Quantum is already evading a previous ban.

Quantum didn't like that much, and focused all his insanity upon ActMan including Doxxing him and outright calling TheActMan's Mother! Holy shit.

Unfortunately even with all these reports and the support of a ton of other youtubers. Youtube declared that Quantum has done nothing wrong.

TheActMan did not back down though and posted another video which goes over even MORE evidence of Quantum's wrong doings and compares them directly to Youtube's own policies. Unfortunately I cannot link that video directly because Youtube has taken that video down AND has severed TheActMan from his partnership.

However I can link a reaction to the follow up video.
It's awful and it sets a standard by Youtube that they don't actually give a shit about their own rules. And are even willing to side with a nothing-creator and scam artist simply to avoid having anyone do any actual work. And the kicker on top of all of this is that TheActMan is the one sitting on the verge of losing his whole channel and his 1.3m subs.

Youtube has sided with hate. Holy fuck.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
This started with a Youtuber called Mischief.

Sorry, I'll give a more substantial reply later, I'm on my phone right now. Just wanted to get in with the easy shot before anyone else.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I already know about this. Sucks, but this is nothing new to YT. They've been doing this shit since the AVGN era. Either trying to promote talentless hacks or rip-offs, or making excuses and ignoring bad YTbers who broken the same policies or worse. I am talking about IRATEGAMER being one of the first examples of this. ReviewTechUSA never got punished encouraging his viewers to harass another Ytber for wearing a Yoshi hat at E2014. A fucking gaming convention. Don't forget about shit heads like Logan Paul, Jake Paul Pewdepie and plenty of others. What you're seeing is nothing new.

It's great to know most people are against this guy.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I already know about this. Sucks, but this is nothing new to YT. They've been doing this shit since the AVGN era. Either trying to promote talentless hacks or rip-offs, or making excuses and ignoring bad YTbers who broken the same policies or worse. I am talking about IRATEGAMER being one of the first examples of this. ReviewTechUSA never got punished encouraging his viewers to harass another Ytber for wearing a Yoshi hat at E2014. A fucking gaming convention. Don't forget about shit heads like Logan Paul, Jake Paul Pewdepie and plenty of others. What you're seeing is nothing new.

It's great to know, most people are against this guy.
The Pual brother, and Pewdiepie I can sort of understand because of the huge following. (Not that it's an excuse but at least there is logical reasoning there)

Quantum barely has an audience, and I can't see a reason why they would ban a creator with over 1 million subs, versus a youtuber who has barely 66K and likely paid or botting for a lot of them.

The only thing I can think of, is that last video (the now takedown down one) got removed because it shits on youtube and holds youtube accountable for its bullshit so they removed it....but then again the video was taken down for Nudity. So I can only assume someone false flagged it (quantum). Yet according the ActMan's twitter his partner manager at Youtuber has informed him that his channel is going to be de-partnered and faces potential removal and for the life of me I can't fathom why.

I only hope that the other youtubers who've spread this story around get involved and demand Youtube takes accountability for it's own policies.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Quantum barely has an audience, and I can't see a reason why they would ban a creator with over 1 million subs, versus a youtuber who has barely 66K and likely paid or botting for a lot of them.
The same applied to IRATEGAMER, at the time, and the same still applies to RTUSA. Big time or not, they're all gutless and cowardly fuck heads that can't take criticism or have over sized egos. At least with Irate, he stopped gaming reviews altogether and is doing something else on YT. I think it involved kids programming and puppets..? I never bothered to care, because I never liked him to begin with.

The only thing I can think of, is that last video (the now takedown down one) got removed because it shits on youtube and holds youtube accountable for its bullshit so they removed it....but then again the video was taken down for Nudity. So I can only assume someone false flagged it (quantum). Yet according the ActMan's twitter his partner manager at Youtuber has informed him that his channel is going to be de-partnered and faces potential removal and for the life of me I can't fathom why.
Looks like Quantum either has some back door deal (nothing new see Irategamer again) with YT, YT does not like being criticized, or both. Nothing new here, and not the first time they tried de-partnering or removing a channel, because they can't handle the fucking truth. These are the same fuckers that allowed the Fine Bros. to stay around when they tried to copyright the word, "React". The same fuckers that had racism and homophobia on the set. All of the reactors, (the kids that became teens, and the teens that became adults) left in protest and refused to come back, or their parents pulled them away. They're not as big as they used to, and took major hits, but still around making money. I am glad those kids are safe and stood for something they believe in. That's what most important. FB did some restructuring, but most of the reputational damage was already done.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
ooks like Quantum either has some back door deal (nothing new see Irategamer again) with YT, YT does not like being criticized, or both. Nothing new here, and not the first time they tried de-partnering or removing a channel, because they can't handle the fucking truth.
Which is exactly why I hope the other Youtubers in Actman's video step up and call Youtube out for it. Asmondgold, Charlie, Mudahar, even RTUSA, Keemstar, they all should come forward and call Youtube a pile of shit. Because even if they all got banned, while it wouldn't really hit Youtube's bottom line, it would send shockwaves through the entire website because that's way too many people to get deleted and not have every creater on the platform notice and call out on it. Meanwhile viewers should also be harrassing Youtube on this. Viewers should go report every single Quantum video, and show Youtube that they will not stand beside this.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
They never really did, sadly.
Dead-on. YouTube and Twitch both talk a big game about "supporting creators", but when a situation comes along that might actually cost them money or make them look bad, that all goes out the window at warp speed and expediency becomes the watchword of the day. They're corporations, and corporations owe loyalty to no one except their shareholders.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I can't speak for all those other people, but fuck Rich (RTUSA)! Fuck him hard! He's nothing more than a douche that pretends be the "good guy" and "on the common gamers side!". I still hate him, and he can rot in hell. No one needs his fucking help!


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
The elephant in the room might unfortunately be Youtube wanting to avoid the racial angle. Because well, QuantumTV seems like just the type to pull *that card* here. Which kinda inadvertently turns it into a reverse racism thing.

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The elephant in the room might unfortunately be Youtube wanting to avoid the racial angle. Because well, QuantumTV seems like just the type to pull *that card* here. Which kinda inadvertently turns it into a reverse racism thing.

Which is even dumber, because they had no problem enabling and remaining "neutral" with the right wing extremists on youtube. That's not getting it into not bothering with Trump and his crazy supporters comment and they didn't start doing something until all that crap happened at the Capitol.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Which is even dumber, because they had no problem enabling and remaining "neutral" with the white ring extremists on youtube. That's not getting it into not bothering with Trump and his crazy supporters comment and they didn't start doing something until all that crap happened at the Capitol.
I think algorithmic bots must run YouTube full stop at this point.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I think algorithmic bots must run YouTube full stop at this point.
I think this is a strictly vindictive revenge from someone at Youtube tbh. Actman posted on his twitter that he submited an appeal to the claims department to manually review his video and they told him 30 minutes later that the strike would not be removed. How can they watch a 50minute video for review, determine it violates a policy, then reply to Act Man in less time than it takes to watch the video.

I think they just shut him down for talking shit on youtube and showing evidence of how they do not care nor enforce their own policies.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I think this is a strictly vindictive revenge from someone at Youtube tbh. Actman posted on his twitter that he submited an appeal to the claims department to manually review his video and they told him 30 minutes later that the strike would not be removed. How can they watch a 50minute video for review, determine it violates a policy, then reply to Act Man in less time than it takes to watch the video.

I think they just shut him down for talking shit on youtube and showing evidence of how they do not care nor enforce their own policies.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Youtube is a really good example of why the tech industry is broken.

It was founded by three people. It didn't make any money, but it did attract a lot of users, so a year after it launched they sold it to Google for over a billion dollars. It still didn't make money. It has never made money. But it has a lot of people use it, so it could hypothetically make someone money at some point, and thus is worth billions.

The tech industry is entirely built on this ridiculous model of creating a service, making that service popular by offering generous conditions to its users, then selling it for enormous sums of money despite the fact it's never been proven to be able to make any kind of return on that investment. I think Google is finally realising that buying Youtube was a terrible idea, and now they just want everyone to leave so they can turn it into a bad streaming service built around a handful of massive internet celebrities.

Of course, once they do that noone will use it, so the entire thing is still pointless, but again it's a broken industry that doesn't work.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
The tech industry is entirely built on this ridiculous model of creating a service, making that service popular by offering generous conditions to its users, then selling it for enormous sums of money despite the fact it's never been proven to be able to make any kind of return on that investment. I think Google is finally realising that buying Youtube was a terrible idea, and now they just want everyone to leave so they can turn it into a bad streaming service built around a handful of massive internet celebrities.
YouTube might not directly make a profit, but it might still be valuable to Alphabet - for instance by giving it forms of influence and leverage, or giving it market presence and options / opportunities.

I might also question whether YouTube doesn't make a profit. Apparently its revenues have more than tripled in the last five years, which anyone who's noticed the colossal profusion of adverts over that time could understand. At any rate, that's potentially enough to have shifted it from loss into profit.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
YouTube might not directly make a profit, but it might still be valuable to Alphabet - for instance by giving it forms of influence and leverage, or giving it market presence and options / opportunities.

I might also question whether YouTube doesn't make a profit. Apparently its revenues have more than tripled in the last five years, which anyone who's noticed the colossal profusion of adverts over that time could understand. At any rate, that's potentially enough to have shifted it from loss into profit.
I can't find any mention of whether Youtube makes a profit. But apparently it makes 15 billion a year.

Don't know what the overhead at Youtube is though. The server and bandwith is probably expensive, but if Google owns the servers and controls it's own bandwith then who knows.