What are you currently playing?


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I've been playing Nethack. After this next ascension that's enough for a while. That'll make 2 ascensions for the Junethack tournament, that was all I could do with the limited time after my classes ended, one in Evilhack and one in vanilla. I have a problem where this game is concerned...

Otherwise I've been watching SGF play The Quarry, and I hate it. I've only seen about 2 hours, but the character banter is so completely dreadful. I don't know why Supermassive writes every one of their games like this, but it's awful. Why does everybody need to be so obnoxious? I played Until Dawn and hated it, I watched about 2 hours of Man of Medan and hated it, I watched all of Little Hope and thought it was terrible but in a hilarious way, I watched all of House of Ashes and thought it was actually pretty good, and now they are falling back into form with The Quarry.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I've been playing Nethack. After this next ascension that's enough for a while. That'll make 2 ascensions for the Junethack tournament, that was all I could do with the limited time after my classes ended, one in Evilhack and one in vanilla. I have a problem where this game is concerned...

Otherwise I've been watching SGF play The Quarry, and I hate it. I've only seen about 2 hours, but the character banter is so completely dreadful. I don't know why Supermassive writes every one of their games like this, but it's awful. Why does everybody need to be so obnoxious? I played Until Dawn and hated it, I watched about 2 hours of Man of Medan and hated it, I watched all of Little Hope and thought it was terrible but in a hilarious way, I watched all of House of Ashes and thought it was actually pretty good, and now they are falling back into form with The Quarry.
I haven't played any of them but I'm getting the impression supermassive only knows one song and they occasionally try a slightly different note to try to convince people otherwise.
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Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Dishonored 2
It's fine. It's more Dishonored, but with a worse movement ability if you play as Emily. The main problem is that if, as the game assumes, you've played Dishonored, The Knife of Dunwall, and The Brigmore Witches, there's not much you haven't seen before. The first Dishonored could have done with at least one more level with an interesting gimmick, like Lady Boyle's Last Party, and that game had the luxury of the basic gameplay being fresh. Dishonored 2, in contrast, is catering to an audience already intimately familiar with the mechanics. So far I've played six of the nine levels and I really wish more of them had something special to offer. The Clockwork Mansion is great, but the mission immediately following it is The Royal Conservatory which is a lot like The Clockwork Mansion without the thing that makes The Clockwork Mansion interesting. The Dust District kind of gestures at an idea with the warring factions and dust storms, but the former was done better in The Brigmore Witches, and the latter doesn't have enough of an effect on the level for me to care.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Dishonored 2
It's fine. It's more Dishonored, but with a worse movement ability if you play as Emily. The main problem is that if, as the game assumes, you've played Dishonored, The Knife of Dunwall, and The Brigmore Witches, there's not much you haven't seen before. The first Dishonored could have done with at least one more level with an interesting gimmick, like Lady Boyle's Last Party, and that game had the luxury of the basic gameplay being fresh. Dishonored 2, in contrast, is catering to an audience already intimately familiar with the mechanics. So far I've played six of the nine levels and I really wish more of them had something special to offer. The Clockwork Mansion is great, but the mission immediately following it is The Royal Conservatory which is a lot like The Clockwork Mansion without the thing that makes The Clockwork Mansion interesting. The Dust District kind of gestures at an idea with the warring factions and dust storms, but the former was done better in The Brigmore Witches, and the latter doesn't have enough of an effect on the level for me to care.
If you haven't played crack in the slab yet,that might be more what you're looking for


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Dishonored 2
It's fine. It's more Dishonored, but with a worse movement ability if you play as Emily. The main problem is that if, as the game assumes, you've played Dishonored, The Knife of Dunwall, and The Brigmore Witches, there's not much you haven't seen before. The first Dishonored could have done with at least one more level with an interesting gimmick, like Lady Boyle's Last Party, and that game had the luxury of the basic gameplay being fresh. Dishonored 2, in contrast, is catering to an audience already intimately familiar with the mechanics. So far I've played six of the nine levels and I really wish more of them had something special to offer. The Clockwork Mansion is great, but the mission immediately following it is The Royal Conservatory which is a lot like The Clockwork Mansion without the thing that makes The Clockwork Mansion interesting. The Dust District kind of gestures at an idea with the warring factions and dust storms, but the former was done better in The Brigmore Witches, and the latter doesn't have enough of an effect on the level for me to care.
DIshnored 2 has some of the best level in the franchise, but sadly the other one are just meh at best. Doesn't help that the story is really not that great since its more or less a re hash of the first one and its severely handicapped by the dual protagonist system which means they can't really explore either character the full way. Dual protagonist works well when both character are in the story but it change which one you play as. Still its a fun game (a bit on the short side).
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Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
If you haven't played crack in the slab yet,that might be more what you're looking for
The Crack in the Slab is good but it's also really short.
DIshnored 2 has some of the best level in the franchise, but sadly the other one are just meh at best. Doesn't help that the story is really not that great since its more or less a re hash of the first one and its severely handicapped by the dual protagonist system which means they can't really explore either character the full way. Dual protagonist works well when both character are in the story but it change which one you play as. Still its a fun game (a bit on the short side).
It's also retreading a lot of ground from the first game's DLC. Like, I already defeated Delilah once as Daud, why am I doing it again as Emily?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I beat Final Vendetta with Miller on Hard. I had to use the cheat code for level select, and said "Fuck it, I am using the invincible health, because this game is so unfair, and it's worse playing as him". Miller is one of the most unfun slow-power characters in a brawler. Some of his moves can be fun, but the cheap difficulties and no continues highlights how not fair the game actually is. I unlocked Ultra Hard Mode, but fuck you Numbskull games, and I am not playing your Ultra Bullshit Mode. Wake me up when you have the patch that allows continues.

The best way to beat this game is either using Duke or Claire. Preferably Duke, because he has the best juggles in the game. He can juggle indefinitely, if you time your dashes and hidden moves right. Claire is similar, but requires slightly different timing, and is a little harder to pull off due to a different move set. If you're doing two player, pick those two. Pick only Miller if you have your player two as extra back up, or if you know what you're doing.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Sekiro, was having fun till it pulled out the growing punishments for dying too many times. Now it's a lingering anxiety that has stopped me from going back at all.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Sekiro, was having fun till it pulled out the growing punishments for dying too many times. Now it's a lingering anxiety that has stopped me from going back at all.
Dragonrot disease?

Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, it really doesn't matter all that much. The only thing it does is temporarily lock off NPC quests which isn't all that big of deal. You can remove dragonrot by using a certain item at a Sculptor's Idol, an item that you'll find plenty of throughout the game.

My advice would be to play up to the cut off point for an NPC's quest you're trying to follow, remove dragonrot, rush through the quest and then just continue on until the next cut off point.


Currently rolling through Ghost of Tsushima.

It's a fun enough Ubisoftesque game, but I find myself tiring of it after an hour or two each time I start it up.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Currently rolling through Ghost of Tsushima.

It's a fun enough Ubisoftesque game, but I find myself tiring of it after an hour or two each time I start it up.
Sometimes it's best to play that game in segments. I was so excited for that game though, that I would usually play about 4 to 5 hours a day most of the time. It was more so me grinding so I could unlock all the stances. So I did as many side activities as possible, to unlock them early enough. It took me about 3.5 to 4 hours to get all the stances as unlocked. Around the halfway point of the game, I kept it to about two or two and a half hours each day.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Sekiro, was having fun till it pulled out the growing punishments for dying too many times. Now it's a lingering anxiety that has stopped me from going back at all.
Just be like the white lion and casually run past danger as you giggle at the foolish attempts by enemies to harm you.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Dragonrot disease?

Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, it really doesn't matter all that much. The only thing it does is temporarily lock off NPC quests which isn't all that big of deal. You can remove dragonrot by using a certain item at a Sculptor's Idol, an item that you'll find plenty of throughout the game.

My advice would be to play up to the cut off point for an NPC's quest you're trying to follow, remove dragonrot, rush through the quest and then just continue on until the next cut off point.


Currently rolling through Ghost of Tsushima.

It's a fun enough Ubisoftesque game, but I find myself tiring of it after an hour or two each time I start it up.
Yeah I looked up that item when they introduced the rot, and it said it's a limited resource, which reinstated the panic. But if it solely affects NPC quest progression temporarily and nothing else, then that is somewhat a bit of weight off the brain. I had an impression it would kill the NPCs after a certain amount of dying in one area.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Yeah I looked up that item when they introduced the rot, and it said it's a limited resource, which reinstated the panic. But if it solely affects NPC quest progression temporarily and nothing else, then that is somewhat a bit of weight off the brain. I had an impression it would kill the NPCs after a certain amount of dying in one area.
They certainly hint that it will, but its just to fool the player into taking death a little more seriously.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
They certainly hint that it will, but its just to fool the player into taking death a little more seriously.
IDK, I died like 5 million times to SSI and then this happened. Apparently I'm really bad at Sekiro, so much that I supercharged the dragonrot.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Evil Within 2 (XONE) - I finished Chapter 3, and did the side quests. Currently on Chapter 4 and stopping for tonight. I still remember how much fun exploring Union can be looking for supplies and encountering scripted evens within the world. You're not going to see them coming on a first playthrough, or may have forgotten after not playing in a long time. You are rewarded for exploring risky areas or doing side quests. The side stuff you can do in any order, but it's best to do them as early as possible, so a player won't miss out or the content gets locked out, because you've advanced too far in the game. The game is surprisingly lenient with these events, when you can encounter them. There is a certain side quest or certain residence points that will add new elements or certain creatures stalking depending what area you are at.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Expeditions: VIking.

Finished with Denmark. So that tomb quest is something. I mean, I expected something because nobody ever comes out of the tomb when they venture in for treasure and the tomb is guarded, but either you're actually fighting skeletons or you're hallucinating the shit out of something(so bad as to cause actual severe wounds when you go down) and it's never really explained what's going on there. And of course, I had to use a lot of medicine to get all my guys into fighting shape again. OTOH, I've got a full party, everyone is fully armed and armored up as well as getting nicely skilled up and my homestead is shaping up nicely to give me some recurring income. And now I'm past the original 1 month quest(of which I had plenty of time to spare after finishing the quests), I have roughly 6 months to do the rest of the quests in Britain which hopefully should be more then enough.

Definitely enjoying it a lot now, though I wish there were more ways to get herbs other then buying them since how much medicine you might need. I also appreciate when you first arrive in Britain, you meet a group of villagers and nobody speaks each others languages, until someone fetches a nearby monk who speaks some Saxon...and being from Jutland, so you do, allowing you to communicate that way. Most games more or less skip over stuff like this because having to use a translator would be too much work apparently.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Man, Sekiro is so good.

I've started my annual WItcher 3 replay. Was going to attempt a "get all trophies in one play-through where the last trophies pop with the end credits" but am realizing this is impossible because of the game on its hardest difficulty basically nerfs the magical powers and crossbow damage required to do that. Oh well.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Roleplaying Game

It's in early access. Isometric SF RPG set on - you guessed it - a gigantic colony ship. The ship was filled with a religious sect heading off to colonise a new planet. The journey was generations long, and part-way through the later generations did not stick with the religion of their forefathers, rebelled, and the colony ship was kind of trashed in the process so it has post-apocalyptic elements. Quests, factions, etc. You live on it, and you have to... do stuff. Presumably, you will decide the fate and future of the ship.

It's very nice, though. I am not going to play it much more, so I don't spoil my fun when it's finished. I was quite amused by the combat, though: unless you made a very specialised tank, you'll learn very quickly that you might want to be avoid fighting until you get some much better kit than you start with.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Roleplaying Game

It's in early access. Isometric SF RPG set on - you guessed it - a gigantic colony ship. The ship was filled with a religious sect heading off to colonise a new planet. The journey was generations long, and part-way through the later generations did not stick with the religion of their forefathers, rebelled, and the colony ship was kind of trashed in the process so it has post-apocalyptic elements. Quests, factions, etc. You live on it, and you have to... do stuff. Presumably, you will decide the fate and future of the ship.

It's very nice, though. I am not going to play it much more, so I don't spoil my fun when it's finished. I was quite amused by the combat, though: unless you made a very specialised tank, you'll learn very quickly that you might want to be avoid fighting until you get some much better kit than you start with.
That's one of those games that caught my attention and I'm waiting till it's out of early access to really look into it. Glad to see someone else is checking it out
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Just beat the FF7 remake. Holy crap that was really good, the ending starts to drag a bit and sets up too much stuff that will come later but the whole game was fantastic, I enjoyed it much more then the original, which I was kinda lukewarm on, I like 9 much more and 8 a bit more. The characters were a lot of fun, I'm so used to thinking of Aeris as the generic kinda perfect woman archtype that I was surprised to see her have not only a personality but a fun one. Not to mention that even with Cloud trying to be a stoic badass, you can tell its more of an act then who he really is, plus its fun to see him being bullied into helping out. I haven't started on the intragrade thing yet, but I am looking forward to more.
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