Government shouldn't overreach regardless of how "good" or "bad" something is.
That's a value judgement. It isn't even "
overreach" until you think it's gone too far; that's what it means.
The state governments are reaching much further into peoples' personal lives, but that doesn't qualify as overreach in your conception.
The right decision was overturning it regardless of political inclinations...
You've already stated that you don't actually agree with the legal basis the judges used to overturn it. They explicitly said that rights should only be considered protected if they had a "historical basis", and that the founders actually had those rights in mind when they wrote the Constitution. And you've already said you don't agree with that approach.
You're projecting your own layman's armchair understanding of law onto the SCOTUS judges, when their actual stated rationale is one you've already dismissed.
You definitely back one team way way way way more than the other team so, yes, your team.
Certainly I object to the Republicans more, because they're aggressively hostile towards basic human compassion, decency and law. Doesn't mean I particularly like or identify with the limpdick corporatists in the Democratic Party.