This just in, covid vaccines do not prevent serious illness or death from covid
Not without getting duly compensated, sure. Though if they want to live in their own filthy cell, that's on them
And if somebody's married and hasn't formally gone through the process to give their power of attorney to somebody else, a very common occurrence given how powerful that is?
4 voted against last time, and that faction has more power now...
...okay, so what's the moral and ethical case for government mandated forced pregnancy? What is the moral and ethical case for requiring 10 year old rape victims to remain pregnant, A THING WHICH IS CURRENTLY GOVERNMENT MANDATED IN MORE THAN A FEW STATES. I'm not being more dramatic than I need to be, this shit *is currently happening*.
Correct. There are *lots* of cases where that does not happen, especially when, say, a mother dies during birth. We've figured this shit out for literally tens of thousands of years.
Correct. I want to hear your non-religious argument for using the government to forve somebody to stay pregnant.
Don't need very many people involved when gerrymandering and court control is a thing
Laws that ban abortion or severely restrict the procedure have gone into effect in about a dozen states after the US Supreme Court ended a constitutional right to abortion on June 24.
If you are for forcing pregnant people to stay pregnant, a process which permanently alters their bodies, drains their resources, causes immense pain, and always carries the risk of injury and death, why *not* take somebody's extra kidney or bone marrow or chunk of liver if it saves a life? Not even blood, an easily replaceable substance, for the purpose of saving a life?
Yes. Pregnancy is inherently risky and you are for forcing somebody to remain pregnant at some undefined point in the pregnancy
And you've never proved that. Never even tried to prove that beyond the asinine "but it's immoral to kill a fetus that's currently moving through the birth canal seconds from birth for no reason" like that's a thing that ever happens.
That is not a "fact". Legally speaking, that is not a thing.
I do not have to. My argument is entirely agnostic towards personhood and is just as valid if the person that has to use another's body for survival is a 35 year old computer programmer named Chuck.
The other side's surface level argument is that women are breeding stock and not full human's with bodily autonomy