It’s kinda tough to respect it even for that, seeing as it also ushered in the era of devs shoehorning MP into everything including even GoW.
That's not
Halo's fault, but a problem with the industry as a whole. It's the system. The whole " These game needs MP/Gore/"be dark & edgy/be more like
GTA/Halo/COD etc. in order to be a successful or X killer!" is the same lie they've been pushing for years, and it boils down to these games don't make all the money in the world.
Even reviews docked seemingly any games’ scores for not having it.
That is the fault of game reviewers sucking up to their corporate overlords/ad revenue, having people in the business that should not be there in the first place (many who don't like gaming, or are only there for the shallowest of reasons), and at the time, gaming still being a young medium and reviewing had not been perfected yet. Nor enough different avenues. Though that last one holds no water now, as most reviewers and journalist of any type should know better by now.
It also pioneered aim assist as a standard for console shooters, and still to this day has nearly cemented the notion that proper aiming mechanics can’t be done for a game pad, which is false.
Don't know who was spreading that bullshit, and a first I've ever heard. I am more than aware some people don't like playing shooters on consoles, and they usually tend to be people already on PC to begin with. People seem to forget or ignore, that before
Halo, a console FPS's controls differed wildly from game to game and consoles. Those were dark times. You had shooters like
Golden Eye and
Perfect Dark, but standards change, and their controls did not age well either.
Halo did bring proper controls and ease of use to the console market when it came to FPS games. The only problem was those that followed too closely and started doing the two/three weapon limits, but those were far and few in-between at the time. Then again, nearly everyone trying to copy
COD and Gears made it worse than almost any
Halo clone. Ironic, because even when certain XBOX shooters were taking things from
Halo, they still usually offered proper health meters (with some regenerating health depending on the game), armor, and you still had a proper weapon wheel for most games during the 6th generation.
Far Cry Instincts being a standout example.
To add, I am not talking about only the MP aspects, but crafting good or great single player campaigns. Before you go on about the
Halo clones and stuff, I did not forget. Once again, that is the problem with the industry and playing follow the leader. This has been a thing long before
Halo became a mere concept. Besides, the
COD and
Gears clones were way worse