If DeSantis wins


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
LMAO at you have to be qualified to read data. The vast majority of doctors are actually not good at reading data.
Better than me. Way better than you. That's how they get through peer review to begin with

Bread was far far far far far far more nutritious in the past than it is now. Bread today is basically empty calories and not much more. And you think bread lasting longer is a sign it's better for you?

Ok, well it's not good to eat all those carbs either.
My brother in christ, those other not good carbs are theoretically what makes your ancestral bread far far far far far far more nutritious than modern bread

Not to mention that the bottom carb section also included the humble Potato, which is several fucking superfoods depending on which kind you're eating.
It's not those type of long-term effects but stuff like altering brain development if you delay puberty.
Cool, so you'd be okay with straight HRT as to not delay puberty then?

'Cause I'm guessing no and this is you shifting goalposts using studies you don't know how to read as spun by people who don't want trans folks to exist

Then what's my stance...? I'm for like all the policies more progressive countries have that we don't but I'm a conservative?
...When you're backing the conservative policies of those countries, yes? What, do you think that just because Sweden might be considered more progressive in general than the United States, that means Eveything They Do Is More Progressive Than The United States?

I mean, I suppose that would explain a lot about your attitudes
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Came here to catch up on the DeSantis issue, upset to learn that bread (which I love) is wrong.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Was once in the US for work. At some bread. It was sweet. Wasn't even brioche or anything. Weird.

Also, there was something that looked exactly like croissants, but wasn't.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Was once in the US for work. At some bread. It was sweet. Wasn't even brioche or anything. Weird.

Also, there was something that looked exactly like croissants, but wasn't.
Americans are weird when it comes to bread. For whatever reason, we love cake. Like all cake all the time. The 24 hour cake special!
In the EU Subway was brought to court and it was shown their bread had so much sugar in it they were technically cakes, which meant they were subject to more taxes.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Americans are weird when it comes to bread. For whatever reason, we love cake. Like all cake all the time. The 24 hour cake special!
In the EU Subway was brought to court and it was shown their bread had so much sugar in it they were technically cakes, which meant they were subject to more taxes.
Oh, that explains why it tasted the way it did the one time I tried Subway.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
It's a fantastic preservative, which is important for the suburbanites who only go shopping once a month


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
The consensus isn't that fats are bad among current day experts in the field. The whole "fats are bad" thing is just a relic recommendation that the official institutes don't wanna change because then it's admitting they're wrong. It was never based on any legit science and we now have tons of studies showing saturated fats don't increase heart disease or mortality.
Ok... I never argued fats are bad. So who are you arguing with because it isn't me. Arguing that fats aren't bad doesn't prove carbs are. My stance, quite plainly stated, is that no macronutrient on its own is bad or responsible for the current obesity problem.

The standard American diet (SAD) is filled with a bunch of "too muches", that's the problem. Carbs in general are supposed to be eaten in low quantities so it's easy to get to the too much point, a single can of pop is too much.
So you're equating all carbs to a can of pop?

Whereas you can eat meat for all your calories are be very healthy.
Horsehit. There is no conclusive evidence surrounding pure carnivore diets either way.

Plus, quite a large majority of people are already on the road to diabetes (or there already) and they don't understand how to get off that road. Greatly lowering carb intake fixes a lot stuff for people that are on that road.
Being obese puts you on the road to diabetes. You can become obese eating low carb. Because obesity is purely about energy balance. Feel free to insist that calories in vs calories out doesn't decide weight gain, then I'll know for certain you get your info from online quacks.

There's tons of papers. What study in the last 20 years has even associated fat intake with heart disease? The science on that was flawed from the start.
i have no interest in trying to prove a point I never made.

I don't even know who this lobster boy is you're even referring to.
I bet you do.

The problem is basically people aren't eating real food anymore.
Yes. People arr eating highly processed, calorie dense low nutrient foods. That doesn't prove that carbs are the issue.

Even if you ate whatever your calorie intake should be and eating the same diet (same % of calories coming from the same places but just less calories overall), people would still have the same health problems, that's why there's the whole "skinny fat" problem in India where people eat garbage foods but not so much to where they get fat and they still have a massive diabetes problem.
No shit. If I ate at maintenance consuming only 5 mcdoubles a day I'd have similar health issues to eating in a surplus by having 6. Of course with 6 I'd have the added health risks opf being overweight.

The problem isn't people following guidelines exactly because who actually does that?
So how can you blame modern health guidelines when fuck all people follow them?

There was a massive shift in messaging for 50+ years to eat foods low in fat, which lead to people eating foods with sugars way way way more.
Sugar =/= carbs. Stop equating the two. How your body process complex carbs and fiber matters. Your entire argument is based on the premise that a can of Pepsi is equal to brocolli.

Even now people are lead to believe the beyond/impossible burgers are the healthier option, they have somehow made the fast food combo meal even less healthy, that's the level of sheer incompetence going on with regards to nutrition.
Apart from marketing who is saying this? What reputable body is recommending highly processed fast food?


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I mean claiming you're God's chosen man is heresy of the highest order. Ads don't exist in a vacuum, they're real things that really happen.
Ads are just things that marketing thinks will sell stuff or in this case, get votes. You think all the candidates that ran on the election was fraudulent actually think that? No, but they think that's the way to get the most votes.

Better than me. Way better than you. That's how they get through peer review to begin with

My brother in christ, those other not good carbs are theoretically what makes your ancestral bread far far far far far far more nutritious than modern bread

Not to mention that the bottom carb section also included the humble Potato, which is several fucking superfoods depending on which kind you're eating.
Cool, so you'd be okay with straight HRT as to not delay puberty then?

'Cause I'm guessing no and this is you shifting goalposts using studies you don't know how to read as spun by people who don't want trans folks to exist

...When you're backing the conservative policies of those countries, yes? What, do you think that just because Sweden might be considered more progressive in general than the United States, that means Eveything They Do Is More Progressive Than The United States?

I mean, I suppose that would explain a lot about your attitudes
Doctors main job isn't reading data and studies that's why I said they're not good at reading data. Sure some doctors are in such medical fields that do studies or review studies so those doctors are good at that, but most aren't and have a completely different skillset.

Literally just read the nutrition/ingredient label of say Wonder Bread or whatever, it's enriched flour (anything that says enriched usually means it's garbage food), water, high fructose corn syrup as the top 3 ingredients. Then the rest is a bunch of stuff you probably can't pronounce, which means it's most likely garbage for you to eat. You think that ingredient list is anything like an ingredient list of bread from 100 years ago? Potatoes are fine as they are REAL food, not every carb is the same, you think there's going to be added sugars or high fructose corn syrup on the nutrition label of a potato? Fries are horrible for you but that has nothing to do with them being potatoes.

If there's good data that can demonstrate a risk-benefit analysis saying the benefits outweigh the risks, I very much doubt there is data proving that as trans medical treatments are very recent. Most of the time it's better not to be on a drug if you don't have to, even more so for kids.

I'd be for probably 8 out of 10 of the progressive policies that places like Sweden and Denmark have. I really don't understand how you guys think I'm conservative.

Ok... I never argued fats are bad. So who are you arguing with because it isn't me. Arguing that fats aren't bad doesn't prove carbs are. My stance, quite plainly stated, is that no macronutrient on its own is bad or responsible for the current obesity problem.

So you're equating all carbs to a can of pop?

Horsehit. There is no conclusive evidence surrounding pure carnivore diets either way.

Being obese puts you on the road to diabetes. You can become obese eating low carb. Because obesity is purely about energy balance. Feel free to insist that calories in vs calories out doesn't decide weight gain, then I'll know for certain you get your info from online quacks.

i have no interest in trying to prove a point I never made.

I bet you do.

Yes. People arr eating highly processed, calorie dense low nutrient foods. That doesn't prove that carbs are the issue.

No shit. If I ate at maintenance consuming only 5 mcdoubles a day I'd have similar health issues to eating in a surplus by having 6. Of course with 6 I'd have the added health risks opf being overweight.

So how can you blame modern health guidelines when fuck all people follow them?

Sugar =/= carbs. Stop equating the two. How your body process complex carbs and fiber matters. Your entire argument is based on the premise that a can of Pepsi is equal to brocolli.

Apart from marketing who is saying this? What reputable body is recommending highly processed fast food?
Health organizations have said fats are bad for like 50 years now, that's how it all started by Mysterious asking why I don't trust official recommendations and brought up how wrong food recommendations are. All those studies I linked to show that carbs lead to an increase in heart disease whereas fats did not. Isn't your argument that carbs aren't bad...? You literally said "Show me the studies that demonstrate that carbohydrates are the issue and not an excess of food."

Just pointing out your body can't handle the amount of sugar in a can of pop at one time because it's too much sugar. Sugar (and other carbs) aren't inherently bad for you but it's so easy to go over the limit of what you body can handle that the amount of them in the SAD makes them really bad for you. Humans never historically ate near the amount of carbs we are eating now.

You can eat all meat if you want, I'm not saying you should just for variety sake alone. There's a doctor that's eaten nothing but meat for 13 years and she's perfectly healthy. I don't really care about specific type diets because eating healthy is just following basic some basic principles, simply eating real foods that you like is more than enough (which will greatly lower carb intake), KISS (keep it simple stupid). I would say for the 1st week or two of someone trying to eat healthy to cut out almost every carb just to get your body switching to using fat for energy, and cut out breakfast permanently obviously, but that would be it.

You got that backwards, it's not obesity that is the cause, it's the symptom. Skinny people can get diabetes and fat people can be very healthy (sumo wrestlers).

I'm not saying just sugar are carbs but sugar and simple carbs are the main culprits obviously. It's not like people are eating bushels of potatoes and getting diabetes. People follow the general messaging of health organizations, it's been repeated for 50+ years that fats are bad, which made food companies remove fats and add sugars and people think the packaging saying stuff like "no fat" or "half the fat" is good for them when it's actually worse.

I wouldn't say it's been greatly messaged that fake burgers are good for you but it's definitely messaged they are at least on par with a beef burger. Look at all the bullshit in the WebMD article. The U.S. National Institutes of Health are still messaging that the fake burgers having less saturated food is a pro for them (and still pushing saturated fat is bad for heart health). The lead researcher said they can be a healthy choice in some ways. The fake burgers are freaking horrible for you.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Doctors main job isn't reading data and studies that's why I said they're not good at reading data. Sure some doctors are in such medical fields that do studies or review studies so those doctors are good at that, but most aren't and have a completely different skillset.
So we should be listening to the authors and reviewers of studies instead of unaffiliated doctors and randoms in government throwing red meat to their fanbase, yeah?
Literally just read the nutrition/ingredient label of say Wonder Bread or whatever, it's enriched flour (anything that says enriched usually means it's garbage food), water, high fructose corn syrup as the top 3 ingredients.
Was literally only pointing out that enriching flour with niacin ended the pellagra problem in the south.
Then the rest is a bunch of stuff you probably can't pronounce, which means it's most likely garbage for you to eat.
Lmao, are we really doing "it has chemicals so it's bad!"? Gotta watch out for that monosodium glutamate
You think that ingredient list is anything like an ingredient list of bread from 100 years ago?
'course not, Wonder Bread is 100 years old and is healthier now than when it was first made. You really gonna go to bat for pre-regulation early 20th century factory bread?
Potatoes are fine as they are REAL food, not every carb is the same, you think there's going to be added sugars or high fructose corn syrup on the nutrition label of a potato? Fries are horrible for you but that has nothing to do with them being potatoes.
It's all "real food", my dude.
If there's good data that can demonstrate a risk-benefit analysis saying the benefits outweigh the risks, I very much doubt there is data proving that as trans medical treatments are very recent. Most of the time it's better not to be on a drug if you don't have to, even more so for kids.
I mean, the vast majority of trans people want to be on it and wish they'd been on it sooner, and the vast majority of doctors back them up, but I know you don't actually care about their opinions whatsoever. The transes need to be saved from themselves by groups of people who think they shouldn't exist.

The "Good Data" you demand would be horrifically unethical to obtain, and that's been pointed out in other threads.

BTW: the "prefrontal cortex is undeveloped so we can't trust kids" argument hinges on most people not knowing what the prefrontal cortex does. One of the key things it does is moderate your social inhibitions, aka: "what is societally okay for me to do". Or in other words, if you wait long enough and demonize trans people enough, you might coerce young adults into thinking that being trans is socially unacceptable, so they don't transition. Paradoxically, if you want to have people expressing who they are without inhibition, you want to find that out *before* the prefrontal cortex is fully online
I'd be for probably 8 out of 10 of the progressive policies that places like Sweden and Denmark have. I really don't understand how you guys think I'm conservative.
It's the complete denial of bodily autonomy for out-groups honestly, and the constant "but what about democrats" when others are complaining about whatever skullfuckery the GOP is up to recently, including denying that the clear slope towards anti-lgbt bullshit Florida was up to for literal months despite it being extremely obvious. Or the bit where deliberately hurting small enough groups of Acceptable Targets "doesn't count" as being a bad thing to do because fuck 'em, I guess

Like, most of the Tories are broadly pro-public healthcare. That doesn't make them progressive
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Literally just read the nutrition/ingredient label of say Wonder Bread or whatever,
Wonder bread is just not real bread though. Just because America's a hole don't lump the rest of us in. Most of the world still eats real bread

it's enriched flour (anything that says enriched usually means it's garbage food),
It literally just means it has has added micronutrients.

Yeah man, dough is made with water.

high fructose corn syrup as the top 3 ingredients.
So again, the issue is a specific type of carbohydrate.

Then the rest is a bunch of stuff you probably can't pronounce, which means it's most likely garbage for you to eat.
That's not how that works.

You think that ingredient list is anything like an ingredient list of bread from 100 years ago?
Well no, because that's wonder bread isn't bread.

Potatoes are fine as they are REAL food, not every carb is the same, you think there's going to be added sugars or high fructose corn syrup on the nutrition label of a potato?
Yes! Exactly. Now you're getting it. The issue is highly processed garbage. Not carbs, fats or protein. Glad you agree.

Fries are horrible for you but that has nothing to do with them being potatoes.
If I take a potato, slice it and fry it on oil why would it suddenly become horrible for me? Or is it all the other shit that goes into mass produced fries and not the carbohydrates?

All those studies I linked to show that carbs lead to an increase in heart disease whereas fats did not. Isn't your argument that carbs aren't bad...? You literally said "Show me the studies that demonstrate that carbohydrates are the issue and not an excess of food."
I genuinely get embarrassed for you sometimes. The first study you shared said this

"higher carbohydrate intake was associated with lower CVD risk, with the lowest CVD risk for quintile 3 (41.0%–44.3% energy as carbohydrate) versus quintile 1 (<37.1% energy as carbohydrate. There was no significant association between carbohydrate intake and mortality or between saturated fat intake and CVD or mortality. Both increasing saturated fat and carbohydrate intake were significantly inversely associated with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity.


In middle-aged Australian women, moderate carbohydrate intake (41.0%–44.3% of TEI) was associated with the lowest risk of CVD, without an effect on total mortality.

That would mean on a diet of say 2000 kcals about 880 would come from carbs, or 220 grams of carbs. Maybe for an active person say 100g of protein would be 1280 calories. Leaving 720 kcals from fat or 80ish grams of fat. Fat is calorie dense. The calories between carbs and fats should be roughly the same. The actual physical amount of each would be hugely different. This study does not prove that carbs are the issue. It literally says increasing carbs lowers chances of cardiovascular disease while there is no correlation between fat intake and CVD. But here's the thing. If you keep your calories the same and eat more carbs, what does that mean for the amount of fat you're eating? It means it goes down. The reason I ignored them the first time is because you did that thing again where you don't actually read and or understand the studies you use because you're not as bright as you think you are and it's very important to you that you feel smart.

Just pointing out your body can't handle the amount of sugar in a can of pop at one time because it's too much sugar. Sugar (and other carbs) aren't inherently bad for you but it's so easy to go over the limit of what you body can handle that the amount of them in the SAD makes them really bad for you.
Gram for gram your carbohydrate intake should be roughly slightly over double fat intake. You shared a study that demonstrated this!

Humans never historically ate near the amount of carbs we are eating now.
Horseshit again.

You can eat all meat if you want, I'm not saying you should just for variety sake alone. There's a doctor that's eaten nothing but meat for 13 years and she's perfectly healthy.
Sample size of one. Good job.

I don't really care about specific type diets because eating healthy is just following basic some basic principles, simply eating real foods that you like is more than enough

(which will greatly lower carb intake),

KISS (keep it simple stupid). I would say for the 1st week or two of someone trying to eat healthy to cut out almost every carb just to get your body switching to using fat for energy, and cut out breakfast permanently obviously, but that would be it.
You don't care about specific diets but you just recommended Intermittent fasting and the keto diet because all your nutrition info comes from the Roganiest corners of the Internet and you don't actually understand anything you've been told by them.

You got that backwards, it's not obesity that is the cause, it's the symptom. Skinny people can get diabetes and fat people can be very healthy (sumo wrestlers).
There it is. You're just spouting click bait social media nutrition nonsense. Obesity is not a symptom of diabetes. Obesity is a symptom of consuming more energy than you use so your body stores it in a number of ways that eventually will become fat. That imbalance may be affected by things like hormones limiting your body's ability to use calories as fuel but you're own statement, skinny people can have diabetes shows you don't actually think diabetes causes obesity.

I'm not saying just sugar are carbs but sugar and simple carbs are the main culprits obviously. It's not like people are eating bushels of potatoes and getting diabetes. People follow the general messaging of health organizations, it's been repeated for 50+ years that fats are bad, which made food companies remove fats and add sugars and people think the packaging saying stuff like "no fat" or "half the fat" is good for them when it's actually worse.
Those recommendations say to severely limit sugar intake! Far more than they suggest limiting fat. The reason you should limit fat, like I've explained is fat is incredibly calorie dense compared to protein and carbs and, yes, gram for gram, you should eat less fat.

I wouldn't say it's been greatly messaged that fake burgers are good for you but it's definitely messaged they are at least on par with a beef burger. Look at all the bullshit in the WebMD article. The U.S. National Institutes of Health are still messaging that the fake burgers having less saturated food is a pro for them (and still pushing saturated fat is bad for heart health). The lead researcher said they can be a healthy choice in some ways. The fake burgers are freaking horrible for you.
Honestly I'm really not in the mood to create another argument chain. I don't particularly care for vegan meat substitutes beyond some being tasty, and generally low calorie with a reasonable protein content so I will occasionally eat them when I'm on a cut but I prefer to just stick to lean meats. Certain vegan and plant based voices are certainly overstating the healthfulness of these foods in the same way keto/carnivore zealots are overstating the benefits of meat. Because for some reason even eating food has become overly divisive an issue now that definitely has greater than 0 connection to politics. Similar to my point about the connection between the right amd carnivore, do you think there's many conservatives pushing beyond meat or do you think it's largely people on the left?

Edit:Also if you're eating healthy foods and staying in an energy balance there is no reason to skip breakfast. It's pseudoscience bullshit to claim breakfast is bad.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I want DeConMan to run so he and Trump can shred each other. it's going to be a spicy GOP primary.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
So we should be listening to the authors and reviewers of studies instead of unaffiliated doctors and randoms in government throwing red meat to their fanbase, yeah?
Was literally only pointing out that enriching flour with niacin ended the pellagra problem in the south.
Lmao, are we really doing "it has chemicals so it's bad!"? Gotta watch out for that monosodium glutamate
'course not, Wonder Bread is 100 years old and is healthier now than when it was first made. You really gonna go to bat for pre-regulation early 20th century factory bread?
It's all "real food", my dude.
I mean, the vast majority of trans people want to be on it and wish they'd been on it sooner, and the vast majority of doctors back them up, but I know you don't actually care about their opinions whatsoever. The transes need to be saved from themselves by groups of people who think they shouldn't exist.

The "Good Data" you demand would be horrifically unethical to obtain, and that's been pointed out in other threads.

BTW: the "prefrontal cortex is undeveloped so we can't trust kids" argument hinges on most people not knowing what the prefrontal cortex does. One of the key things it does is moderate your social inhibitions, aka: "what is societally okay for me to do". Or in other words, if you wait long enough and demonize trans people enough, you might coerce young adults into thinking that being trans is socially unacceptable, so they don't transition. Paradoxically, if you want to have people expressing who they are without inhibition, you want to find that out *before* the prefrontal cortex is fully online

It's the complete denial of bodily autonomy for out-groups honestly, and the constant "but what about democrats" when others are complaining about whatever skullfuckery the GOP is up to recently, including denying that the clear slope towards anti-lgbt bullshit Florida was up to for literal months despite it being extremely obvious. Or the bit where deliberately hurting small enough groups of Acceptable Targets "doesn't count" as being a bad thing to do because fuck 'em, I guess

Like, most of the Tories are broadly pro-public healthcare. That doesn't make them progressive
Look at the strength of the argument and the data backing anyone's claims. My mom's doctor told her to limit eating eggs which are one of the healthiest foods you can eat because he just follows that standard guidelines that are wrong. Look at how John Mandrola was being thrown under the bus by all the "fact checkers" when he shred the light on the mRNA myocarditis issue. Remember that doctor's tweet about immunity debt not being a thing you posted? Here's a tweet totally owning that bullshit of a post (since you only seem to get your science from tweets):

Generally when something is enriched nowadays at least, it means it's been refined/processed so much that basically all nutritional value is gone and enriched just means they added some of it back. It's a pretty good sign that it's garbage food (not a blanket 100% true thing, like rule of thumb type thing).

What staple food that now has an ingredient list that you can't pronounce is actually good for you vs what is was when cooked/made with real foods?

Owen Wilson "Wow" right here. You think bread in America is actually healthier now that it was before? You're so blinded by the fact I can't possibly be right about literally anything, you can't see the most basic truths right in front of your face.

How is getting good data unethical?

Just because Democrats are better than Republicans doesn't mean they are worth voting for, stop giving Democrats passes and handwaving the bad shit they do, that's all I've ever said. So if we are doing the infamous Trolley Problem, you're saying that killing 5 people is better than killing 1 person? Democrats and Republicans do harm and if the worst thing you all can bring up about DeSantis is this fucking plane stunt, I can list several things Democratic governors have done that have harmed far more people. What is DeSantis doing that is harming any more people than the average governor? Nobody can answer that question because your knowledge just comes from Twitter outrage of small ass shit vs overarching policy discussion. Also why aren't you on Biden's ass for deliberating gaslighting people into thinking they are getting their student debt cancelled? He literally went about cancelling debt in the most inefficient manner possible so it would be undone because he never wanted to cancel any debt, it was just a political stunt as well.

Wonder bread is just not real bread though. Just because America's a hole don't lump the rest of us in. Most of the world still eats real bread

It literally just means it has has added micronutrients.

Yeah man, dough is made with water.

So again, the issue is a specific type of carbohydrate.

That's not how that works.

Well no, because that's wonder bread isn't bread.

Yes! Exactly. Now you're getting it. The issue is highly processed garbage. Not carbs, fats or protein. Glad you agree.

If I take a potato, slice it and fry it on oil why would it suddenly become horrible for me? Or is it all the other shit that goes into mass produced fries and not the carbohydrates?

I genuinely get embarrassed for you sometimes. The first study you shared said this

"higher carbohydrate intake was associated with lower CVD risk, with the lowest CVD risk for quintile 3 (41.0%–44.3% energy as carbohydrate) versus quintile 1 (<37.1% energy as carbohydrate. There was no significant association between carbohydrate intake and mortality or between saturated fat intake and CVD or mortality. Both increasing saturated fat and carbohydrate intake were significantly inversely associated with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity.


In middle-aged Australian women, moderate carbohydrate intake (41.0%–44.3% of TEI) was associated with the lowest risk of CVD, without an effect on total mortality.

That would mean on a diet of say 2000 kcals about 880 would come from carbs, or 220 grams of carbs. Maybe for an active person say 100g of protein would be 1280 calories. Leaving 720 kcals from fat or 80ish grams of fat. Fat is calorie dense. The calories between carbs and fats should be roughly the same. The actual physical amount of each would be hugely different. This study does not prove that carbs are the issue. It literally says increasing carbs lowers chances of cardiovascular disease while there is no correlation between fat intake and CVD. But here's the thing. If you keep your calories the same and eat more carbs, what does that mean for the amount of fat you're eating? It means it goes down. The reason I ignored them the first time is because you did that thing again where you don't actually read and or understand the studies you use because you're not as bright as you think you are and it's very important to you that you feel smart.

Gram for gram your carbohydrate intake should be roughly slightly over double fat intake. You shared a study that demonstrated this!

Horseshit again.

Sample size of one. Good job.



You don't care about specific diets but you just recommended Intermittent fasting and the keto diet because all your nutrition info comes from the Roganiest corners of the Internet and you don't actually understand anything you've been told by them.

There it is. You're just spouting click bait social media nutrition nonsense. Obesity is not a symptom of diabetes. Obesity is a symptom of consuming more energy than you use so your body stores it in a number of ways that eventually will become fat. That imbalance may be affected by things like hormones limiting your body's ability to use calories as fuel but you're own statement, skinny people can have diabetes shows you don't actually think diabetes causes obesity.

Those recommendations say to severely limit sugar intake! Far more than they suggest limiting fat. The reason you should limit fat, like I've explained is fat is incredibly calorie dense compared to protein and carbs and, yes, gram for gram, you should eat less fat.

Honestly I'm really not in the mood to create another argument chain. I don't particularly care for vegan meat substitutes beyond some being tasty, and generally low calorie with a reasonable protein content so I will occasionally eat them when I'm on a cut but I prefer to just stick to lean meats. Certain vegan and plant based voices are certainly overstating the healthfulness of these foods in the same way keto/carnivore zealots are overstating the benefits of meat. Because for some reason even eating food has become overly divisive an issue now that definitely has greater than 0 connection to politics. Similar to my point about the connection between the right amd carnivore, do you think there's many conservatives pushing beyond meat or do you think it's largely people on the left?

Edit:Also if you're eating healthy foods and staying in an energy balance there is no reason to skip breakfast. It's pseudoscience bullshit to claim breakfast is bad.
My bad I didn't realize America ruined bread sorta on their own. Bread in America is horrible.

I know what enriched means. The general rule is when something says it's enriched (at least in America), it means the food has been so refined/processed it basically has no nutritional value and they added back some stuff to give it some nutritional value. It's far better to eat the real thing.

So many of people's carbs are bad carbs that carb has gotten a bad name and it mainly refers to all the added sugars.

I wasn't trying to imply fries are bad for you because they are carbs (I said potatoes are good).

My bad, I misremembered the studies. The 2nd study I linked to said "A diet high in added sugars has been found to cause a 3-fold increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease." My whole point has been that for the 50+ years health organizations have been saying fat is bad and leads to heart disease has been erroneous and it's the sugar that causes heart disease. They got it wrong and replacing fat in foods with sugars has caused massive health problems in the population.

Citation that humans have eaten carbs at the level we are today at any other point in history.

I'm not like super pro meat or anything for nutrition but I have read somewhere that you can live off only meat longer than any other food. It's not unbelievable to me that you can live only off eating meats. You act like I'm promoting a meat only diet or the carnivore diet (I don't even know if that is meat only). Like I said I don't really care for following specific diets and probably only causes people eat more poorly in the end because the massive restrictions will lead people to just say "fuck it" and eat what they want usually. That's why I say just get good real foods that you like and keep it simple. It's just basic common sense something like that will get people eating more healthy overall than trying to get them eating some specific diet of stuff they probably don't like and restricting stuff they do like.

Cutting out foods with tons of added sugars will lower your carb intake. Cutting pop from someone's diet will lead to them having less carbs in their diet.

I don't even listen to Rogan outside of the short clip here or there on Youtube. And if I am listening to Rogan and following some nutritional advice, it will be because of a doctor that's a guest making sense and making a strong argument and not Rogan himself. There's no reason why anyone actually needs to eat breakfast or some 3-meal structure. Literally my whole life, I've never been hungry in the morning and was forced to eat breakfast as a kid and then continued eating something small in the morning because of the whole tagline of "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". Once I looked into all that, I realized I should've just been following my gut instinct of not eating breakfast just due to not being hungry and listening to my body as there's no reason one needs to eat breakfast.

Obesity is a symptom of insulin resistance. The people that are "skinny fat" still have a fat problem where sugars are converted to fat and will have non-alcoholic fat liver disease.

I know the recommendations for sugar is rather low intake but people don't know/follow actual recommendations. Hell, a serving of kids fruit juice has more sugar than the WHO's daily recommended sugar intake for a kid, you think people actually know that? People do know the overall messaging of things though so they will choose the low fat thing filled with sugar vs eating the thing with fats that's better for you because they've been told over and over again from official health organizations that fat is bad.

What are you talking about politics for? I couldn't care less if something is "left" or "right", I care about what is true and what is not. I have nothing against vegan diets (outside of not personally liking most vegetables). I've literally said at least 2 or 3 times now that people should eat good healthy foods that they like regardless of what they are. My daily lunch is just soup and a banana because I like most soups and bananas, I'm not trying to say anyone else should eat that or that a "soup-banana" lunch diet is superior. Hating on fake burgers has nothing to do with some anti-vegan stance or any political stances, it's that those fake burgers are just horrible for you.

Also, I never said breakfast is inherently bad, it's just the meal most can easily give up, has the least social impact, and probably least nutritious. You should have a window of where you eat all your food for the day and doing the standard 3 meals a day does not fit in that window. So if you just wanna eat from like breakfast to lunch, that's a lot harder with social pressures than eating from lunch to dinner would be. That's why I single out breakfast and it's usually the easiest meal to give up as well since it's usually something small and on the run (and usually not eaten socially with others) and standard American breakfast foods like cereal are pretty bad for you.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Look at the strength of the argument and the data backing anyone's claims.
*Snipping this part because I'm still not your mom's doctor*
Remember that doctor's tweet about immunity debt not being a thing you posted? Here's a tweet totally owning that bullshit of a post (since you only seem to get your science from tweets):
Get the feeling you really need to read this thread yourself, plus a lot of this dude's other posts

What staple food that now has an ingredient list that you can't pronounce is actually good for you vs what is was when cooked/made with real foods?
Most of it, but then I'm good at pronunciation and I'm not scared of different types of salt
Owen Wilson "Wow" right here. You think bread in America is actually healthier now that it was before? You're so blinded by the fact I can't possibly be right about literally anything, you can't see the most basic truths right in front of your face.
It was a joke about Wonder Bread meeting your "100 year old bread" criteria, and how it's better for you today than when it was created. Same with most factory bread of the time

How is getting good data unethical?
It's not good data, it's Wakefield level shit

Just because Democrats are better than Republicans doesn't mean they are worth voting for
Incorrect, that's just how the math works.
Democrats and Republicans do harm and if the worst thing you all can bring up about DeSantis is this fucking plane stunt, I can list several things Democratic governors have done that have harmed far more people. What is DeSantis doing that is harming any more people than the average governor? Nobody can answer that question because your knowledge just comes from Twitter outrage of small ass shit vs overarching policy discussion.
It's not, but it's weird you have zero problems with intentionally fucking up dozens of people's lives for a political stunt.
Also why aren't you on Biden's ass for deliberating gaslighting people into thinking they are getting their student debt cancelled? He literally went about cancelling debt in the most inefficient manner possible so it would be undone because he never wanted to cancel any debt, it was just a political stunt as well.
That part's easy: I don't blame democrats over the bullshit republicans do. Personal Responsibility and all that jazz. But hey, you're an expert political adviser on top of being an immunologist, so how could Biden have done that on his own that would be above scrutiny?


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
I know what enriched means. The general rule is when something says it's enriched (at least in America), it means the food has been so refined/processed it basically has no nutritional value and they added back some stuff to give it some nutritional value. It's far better to eat the real thing.
Probably is better, but it doesn't mean enriched is bad or harmful.

So many of people's carbs are bad carbs that carb has gotten a bad name and it mainly refers to all the added sugars.
That is not the point w]you were making though is it? Are you really going to pretend it is? We can all see your posts. You can just admit you were wrong for once. Because we can all go and read where you said people should practically eliminate carbs from their diet. It's all in the last 3 pages of this thread. Because I'm going to start quoting your earlier posts and you're going to look silly and I just want to ask, why? Why do this, everyone can see you're wrong? Is it just for you? Can you still convince yourself, even with all the goalpost shifting? Like what does this serve, is it just to waste my time? Because you write such long posts, to so many people, it has to be time consuming for you too?

I wasn't trying to imply fries are bad for you because they are carbs (I said potatoes are good).
Then why are fries bad for you? If I take a potato (not bad for you) and slice it then fry it in oil (not bad for you) why would they be bad for you?

My bad, I misremembered the studies. The 2nd study I linked to said "A diet high in added sugars has been found to cause a 3-fold increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease." My whole point has been that for the 50+ years health organizations have been saying fat is bad and leads to heart disease has been erroneous and it's the sugar that causes heart disease. They got it wrong and replacing fat in foods with sugars has caused massive health problems in the population.
But that has nothing to do with the dietary recommendations because they also called for heavily restricting sugar intake. People misinterpreting recommendations doesn't mean the recommendations were bad. Again, the reason fats SHOULD be restricted is they are incredibly calorie dense compared to carbs and proteins. With 2000 kcal diet consisting wholly of fats (Obviously impossible because, apart from things like oils, all fat sources would also have some amount of the other macronutrients but just as a thought experiment) you ate half a pound of food in the entire day you would be in a calorie surplus.

Citation that humans have eaten carbs at the level we are today at any other point in history.
I've stated multiple times that the health issues surrounding diet today are around eating far too much processed, calorie dense food and has nothing to do with a specific macronutrient. My claim was that people have always eaten carbs in a greater amount than they ate fats.


The best available estimates suggest that those ancestors obtained about 35% of their dietary energy from fats, 35% from carbohydrates and 30% from protein.
Again, fats having more than twice the calories of carbs means that they were eating about 2.25:1 carbs to fats. If anything the biggest change has been protein intake. I eat a high protein diet and still come to about a quarter of my calories coming from protein. Most people eat far less protein than I do.

I'm not like super pro meat or anything for nutrition but I have read somewhere that you can live off only meat longer than any other food. It's not unbelievable to me that you can live only off eating meats.
😂😂 Alright Mr. "I just follow the research". You read somewhere and it's not unbelievable to you? Jesus.

Also, you on the previous page:
Whereas you can eat meat for all your calories are be very healthy.
Starting to back pedal now that you realise you're talking shit to someone who knows what they're talking about? Because this was you making a pretty definitive statement. And, again, you also said:

Carbs in general are supposed to be eaten in low quantities
You act like I'm promoting a meat only diet or the carnivore diet (I don't even know if that is meat only).
You have literally said people should go on the keto diet and almost completely eliminate carbs.

You on this page said:
I would say for the 1st week or two of someone trying to eat healthy to cut out almost every carb just to get your body switching to using fat for energy, and cut out breakfast permanently obviously, but that would be it.
And we'll get back to breakfast, don't worry. You were advocating for eating almost no carbs and now you're trying to back pedal on that because you're own studies show that, gram for gram, your carb intake should be roughly over twice your fat intake.

Like I said I don't really care for following specific diets and probably only causes people eat more poorly in the end because the massive restrictions will lead people to just say "fuck it" and eat what they want usually.
You're either trying to pretend that you didn't say what you said, or you're so uninformed on the subject that you don't even realise that you are advocating for very specific diet protocols. Ketogenic diet, cutting out carbs so your body uses fat for energy is called ketosis. It certainly works but it's not magic. It is no better or worse than using carbs for energy when combined with correct energy balance and appropriate physical activity. You also, later in this post, insist that you should eat all your meals in a specific window. That's intermittent fasting. The evidence for it is far from conclusive and you stating it like it's a fact shows that your claims of just following research are laughable. Almost all of the research surrounding IF fail in one of three ways.
1.)Studies are on lab animals.
2.)Studies are too small in scope
3.)They don't control for diet and calorie intake. Many of the studies have the IF group skip breakfast but eat a comparable lunch and dinner to the control group who did eat breakfast meaning that the issue again is overconsumption, not time of consumption.

That's why I say just get good real foods that you like and keep it simple. It's just basic common sense something like that will get people eating more healthy overall than trying to get them eating some specific diet of stuff they probably don't like and restricting stuff they do like.
That is quite clearly not what you said. You advocated for extremely restricting what you eat and when you eat. Everyone can see that.

Cutting out foods with tons of added sugars will lower your carb intake.
... Yes it will because sugar is a carb. But that doesn't mean that carb intake was the problem. If a person was getting 200g of carbs from healthy sources and an additional 30g of carbs from pop then they're still getting 200g of healthy carbs.

I don't even listen to Rogan outside of the short clip here or there on Youtube. And if I am listening to Rogan and following some nutritional advice, it will be because of a doctor that's a guest making sense and making a strong argument and not Rogan himself.
There are many doctors who are shameless grifters trying to sell you their book or meal plan. Jim Stoppani is one of the worst but there's many others. Michael Mosley is another "Doctor" who uses his title in a misleading way to seem like an expert in the field of nutrition. You shouldn't believe any individual because people have agendas,

There's no reason why anyone actually needs to eat breakfast or some 3-meal structure.
There's also no reason not to. Like I mentioned before, there is no strong evidence that IF promotes a healthy lifestyle more than any other protocol when energy balance and food quality are equated.

Literally my whole life, I've never been hungry in the morning and was forced to eat breakfast as a kid and then continued eating something small in the morning because of the whole tagline of "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". Once I looked into all that, I realized I should've just been following my gut instinct of not eating breakfast just due to not being hungry and listening to my body as there's no reason one needs to eat breakfast.
I eat five to six times a day. ANd I consume less than when I stuck to a 3 meal structure. Because I don't get so hungry I over indulge. People are different. What works for one person doesn't work for everyone. That's something anyone who isn't trying to sell a book or a miracle weight loss plan will agree on.

Obesity is a symptom of insulin resistance.
No. It isn't. If you do not consume enough food to have leftover calories stored as fat you will not become obese. If you eat at maintenance your body will stay the same size because you are consuming the correct amount of energy to fuel your body. Consume too little you will lose weight through stored energy, muscle glycogen, fat and even muscle.

The people that are "skinny fat" still have a fat problem where sugars are converted to fat and will have non-alcoholic fat liver disease.
Yup, but they're still not obese because obesity is not a symptom of insulin resistance, it can cause insulin resistance. Well, more specifically the over consumption that leads to obesity can also cause insulin resistance.

I know the recommendations for sugar is rather low intake but people don't know/follow actual recommendations.
So the recommendations aren't the problem. Glad we agree.

Hell, a serving of kids fruit juice has more sugar than the WHO's daily recommended sugar intake for a kid, you think people actually know that?
Do you even remember what you're trying to argue at this stage? What people know and what's advised are two different things. You were trying to claim dietary advice is bad.

People do know the overall messaging of things though so they will choose the low fat thing filled with sugar vs eating the thing with fats that's better for you because they've been told over and over again from official health organizations that fat is bad.
So again, the issue is people misinterpreting the guidelines rather than the guidelines?

What are you talking about politics for? I couldn't care less if something is "left" or "right", I care about what is true and what is not.
Nah dude, you care about "what you read somewhere" and what's "not unbelievable". The reason I bring up politics is because what you believe about diet and the amount of evidence it takes for you to believe it, says a lot about you and lines up so perfectly with so many other things. Again, the fact that I can predict what you believe about diet based entirely on what you believe about trans healthcare is hilarious to me because you think you're this super rational free thinker who follows the science and cuts through the bullshit but everything you believe is so predictable. The fact that you believe so strongly in this dietary information despite the fact that at best there's little to no supporting evidence for your claims and at worst the research says the opposite shows me you took a bunch of people at face value without looking into it because despite your claims that marketing doesn't work on you you have ended up pushing the ketogenic diet without even knowing what it is because of your youtube algorithm.

I have nothing against vegan diets (outside of not personally liking most vegetables). I've literally said at least 2 or 3 times now that people should eat good healthy foods that they like regardless of what they are.
No dude, you have made very specific claims about carbs being bad and how we should massively restrict carb intake. That's all there for us to see.

My daily lunch is just soup and a banana because I like most soups and bananas, I'm not trying to say anyone else should eat that or that a "soup-banana" lunch diet is superior. Hating on fake burgers has nothing to do with some anti-vegan stance or any political stances, it's that those fake burgers are just horrible for you.
No you're not saying that. You are saying people should follow a keto diet and practice intermittent fasting. You said that. Own it.

Also, I never said breakfast is inherently bad,
you literally saying breakfast is bad said:
The saying that breakfast is the most important meal is complete fucking bullshit and it's the worst meal you can have (and not because of what foods are part of breakfast but because the time you eat it).
it's just the meal most can easily give up, has the least social impact, and probably least nutritious. You should have a window of where you eat all your food for the day and doing the standard 3 meals a day does not fit in that window.
Like I said, there is no strong supporting evidence for this. IF isn't bad by any means but there's no evidence that it's any better. If you can stick to it, you do you, if you can't just control overall calorie intake and you'll see the same results.

So if you just wanna eat from like breakfast to lunch, that's a lot harder with social pressures than eating from lunch to dinner would be. That's why I single out breakfast and it's usually the easiest meal to give up as well since it's usually something small and on the run (and usually not eaten socially with others) and standard American breakfast foods like cereal are pretty bad for you.
I eat breakfast everyday. Usually something small, 300-350 calories with about 25g to 30g of protein. I will then eat a sandwich for lunch. About 500 calories with 40g of protein. A couple of snack throughout the day and a pint of milk brings me in another 700ish calories and 60g of protein. And then I'll have dinner for the rest. I tend to undershoot my calorie intake a little because I don't bother actually counting the fruit and veg so that usually fills in the difference.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Probably is better, but it doesn't mean enriched is bad or harmful.

That is not the point w]you were making though is it? Are you really going to pretend it is? We can all see your posts. You can just admit you were wrong for once. Because we can all go and read where you said people should practically eliminate carbs from their diet. It's all in the last 3 pages of this thread. Because I'm going to start quoting your earlier posts and you're going to look silly and I just want to ask, why? Why do this, everyone can see you're wrong? Is it just for you? Can you still convince yourself, even with all the goalpost shifting? Like what does this serve, is it just to waste my time? Because you write such long posts, to so many people, it has to be time consuming for you too?

Then why are fries bad for you? If I take a potato (not bad for you) and slice it then fry it in oil (not bad for you) why would they be bad for you?

But that has nothing to do with the dietary recommendations because they also called for heavily restricting sugar intake. People misinterpreting recommendations doesn't mean the recommendations were bad. Again, the reason fats SHOULD be restricted is they are incredibly calorie dense compared to carbs and proteins. With 2000 kcal diet consisting wholly of fats (Obviously impossible because, apart from things like oils, all fat sources would also have some amount of the other macronutrients but just as a thought experiment) you ate half a pound of food in the entire day you would be in a calorie surplus.

I've stated multiple times that the health issues surrounding diet today are around eating far too much processed, calorie dense food and has nothing to do with a specific macronutrient. My claim was that people have always eaten carbs in a greater amount than they ate fats.


Again, fats having more than twice the calories of carbs means that they were eating about 2.25:1 carbs to fats. If anything the biggest change has been protein intake. I eat a high protein diet and still come to about a quarter of my calories coming from protein. Most people eat far less protein than I do.

😂😂 Alright Mr. "I just follow the research". You read somewhere and it's not unbelievable to you? Jesus.

Also, you on the previous page:
Starting to back pedal now that you realise you're talking shit to someone who knows what they're talking about? Because this was you making a pretty definitive statement. And, again, you also said:

You have literally said people should go on the keto diet and almost completely eliminate carbs.

And we'll get back to breakfast, don't worry. You were advocating for eating almost no carbs and now you're trying to back pedal on that because you're own studies show that, gram for gram, your carb intake should be roughly over twice your fat intake.

You're either trying to pretend that you didn't say what you said, or you're so uninformed on the subject that you don't even realise that you are advocating for very specific diet protocols. Ketogenic diet, cutting out carbs so your body uses fat for energy is called ketosis. It certainly works but it's not magic. It is no better or worse than using carbs for energy when combined with correct energy balance and appropriate physical activity. You also, later in this post, insist that you should eat all your meals in a specific window. That's intermittent fasting. The evidence for it is far from conclusive and you stating it like it's a fact shows that your claims of just following research are laughable. Almost all of the research surrounding IF fail in one of three ways.
1.)Studies are on lab animals.
2.)Studies are too small in scope
3.)They don't control for diet and calorie intake. Many of the studies have the IF group skip breakfast but eat a comparable lunch and dinner to the control group who did eat breakfast meaning that the issue again is overconsumption, not time of consumption.

That is quite clearly not what you said. You advocated for extremely restricting what you eat and when you eat. Everyone can see that.

... Yes it will because sugar is a carb. But that doesn't mean that carb intake was the problem. If a person was getting 200g of carbs from healthy sources and an additional 30g of carbs from pop then they're still getting 200g of healthy carbs.

There are many doctors who are shameless grifters trying to sell you their book or meal plan. Jim Stoppani is one of the worst but there's many others. Michael Mosley is another "Doctor" who uses his title in a misleading way to seem like an expert in the field of nutrition. You shouldn't believe any individual because people have agendas,

There's also no reason not to. Like I mentioned before, there is no strong evidence that IF promotes a healthy lifestyle more than any other protocol when energy balance and food quality are equated.

I eat five to six times a day. ANd I consume less than when I stuck to a 3 meal structure. Because I don't get so hungry I over indulge. People are different. What works for one person doesn't work for everyone. That's something anyone who isn't trying to sell a book or a miracle weight loss plan will agree on.

No. It isn't. If you do not consume enough food to have leftover calories stored as fat you will not become obese. If you eat at maintenance your body will stay the same size because you are consuming the correct amount of energy to fuel your body. Consume too little you will lose weight through stored energy, muscle glycogen, fat and even muscle.

Yup, but they're still not obese because obesity is not a symptom of insulin resistance, it can cause insulin resistance. Well, more specifically the over consumption that leads to obesity can also cause insulin resistance.

So the recommendations aren't the problem. Glad we agree.

Do you even remember what you're trying to argue at this stage? What people know and what's advised are two different things. You were trying to claim dietary advice is bad.

So again, the issue is people misinterpreting the guidelines rather than the guidelines?

Nah dude, you care about "what you read somewhere" and what's "not unbelievable". The reason I bring up politics is because what you believe about diet and the amount of evidence it takes for you to believe it, says a lot about you and lines up so perfectly with so many other things. Again, the fact that I can predict what you believe about diet based entirely on what you believe about trans healthcare is hilarious to me because you think you're this super rational free thinker who follows the science and cuts through the bullshit but everything you believe is so predictable. The fact that you believe so strongly in this dietary information despite the fact that at best there's little to no supporting evidence for your claims and at worst the research says the opposite shows me you took a bunch of people at face value without looking into it because despite your claims that marketing doesn't work on you you have ended up pushing the ketogenic diet without even knowing what it is because of your youtube algorithm.

No dude, you have made very specific claims about carbs being bad and how we should massively restrict carb intake. That's all there for us to see.

No you're not saying that. You are saying people should follow a keto diet and practice intermittent fasting. You said that. Own it.

Like I said, there is no strong supporting evidence for this. IF isn't bad by any means but there's no evidence that it's any better. If you can stick to it, you do you, if you can't just control overall calorie intake and you'll see the same results.

I eat breakfast everyday. Usually something small, 300-350 calories with about 25g to 30g of protein. I will then eat a sandwich for lunch. About 500 calories with 40g of protein. A couple of snack throughout the day and a pint of milk brings me in another 700ish calories and 60g of protein. And then I'll have dinner for the rest. I tend to undershoot my calorie intake a little because I don't bother actually counting the fruit and veg so that usually fills in the difference.
I just wanted to say
1. God bless you for your patience in trying to correct the blatant nonsense Phoenix throws around

2. I've learned quite a few things from your posts on this topic, so thank you. It's things I've mostly heard before but never really sunk in or combined together to make as much sense.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
2. I've learned quite a few things from your posts on this topic, so thank you. It's things I've mostly heard before but never really sunk in or combined together to make as much sense.
Thanks. I genuinely really appreciate that.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
And just to clarify slightly further:

If we take the 35/35/30 split om a 2000 calorie here's what your macro split would lool like


If we took Phoenixmgs study that calls for a 44% carb in take and assume a relatively low protein intake (100g) theb you get this

Even accounting for the RDA fpr protein (50g which I would say is the bare minimum, not a target to shoot for) you get

meta-chart (1).jpeg

You get a fat intake slightly over a quarter of your total volume of food.

Proving what i've been saying. Fats should be restricted because they are calorie dense. Even with nearly half your calories coming from fat it should still account for roughly a quarter of your food intake.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Get the feeling you really need to read this thread yourself, plus a lot of this dude's other posts

Most of it, but then I'm good at pronunciation and I'm not scared of different types of salt
It was a joke about Wonder Bread meeting your "100 year old bread" criteria, and how it's better for you today than when it was created. Same with most factory bread of the time

It's not good data, it's Wakefield level shit

Incorrect, that's just how the math works.
It's not, but it's weird you have zero problems with intentionally fucking up dozens of people's lives for a political stunt.
That part's easy: I don't blame democrats over the bullshit republicans do. Personal Responsibility and all that jazz. But hey, you're an expert political adviser on top of being an immunologist, so how could Biden have done that on his own that would be above scrutiny?
So I guess you're mainly just a troll vs wanting to have actual discussions.

Probably is better, but it doesn't mean enriched is bad or harmful.

That is not the point w]you were making though is it? Are you really going to pretend it is? We can all see your posts. You can just admit you were wrong for once. Because we can all go and read where you said people should practically eliminate carbs from their diet. It's all in the last 3 pages of this thread. Because I'm going to start quoting your earlier posts and you're going to look silly and I just want to ask, why? Why do this, everyone can see you're wrong? Is it just for you? Can you still convince yourself, even with all the goalpost shifting? Like what does this serve, is it just to waste my time? Because you write such long posts, to so many people, it has to be time consuming for you too?

Then why are fries bad for you? If I take a potato (not bad for you) and slice it then fry it in oil (not bad for you) why would they be bad for you?

But that has nothing to do with the dietary recommendations because they also called for heavily restricting sugar intake. People misinterpreting recommendations doesn't mean the recommendations were bad. Again, the reason fats SHOULD be restricted is they are incredibly calorie dense compared to carbs and proteins. With 2000 kcal diet consisting wholly of fats (Obviously impossible because, apart from things like oils, all fat sources would also have some amount of the other macronutrients but just as a thought experiment) you ate half a pound of food in the entire day you would be in a calorie surplus.

I've stated multiple times that the health issues surrounding diet today are around eating far too much processed, calorie dense food and has nothing to do with a specific macronutrient. My claim was that people have always eaten carbs in a greater amount than they ate fats.


Again, fats having more than twice the calories of carbs means that they were eating about 2.25:1 carbs to fats. If anything the biggest change has been protein intake. I eat a high protein diet and still come to about a quarter of my calories coming from protein. Most people eat far less protein than I do.

😂😂 Alright Mr. "I just follow the research". You read somewhere and it's not unbelievable to you? Jesus.

Also, you on the previous page:
Starting to back pedal now that you realise you're talking shit to someone who knows what they're talking about? Because this was you making a pretty definitive statement. And, again, you also said:

You have literally said people should go on the keto diet and almost completely eliminate carbs.

And we'll get back to breakfast, don't worry. You were advocating for eating almost no carbs and now you're trying to back pedal on that because you're own studies show that, gram for gram, your carb intake should be roughly over twice your fat intake.

You're either trying to pretend that you didn't say what you said, or you're so uninformed on the subject that you don't even realise that you are advocating for very specific diet protocols. Ketogenic diet, cutting out carbs so your body uses fat for energy is called ketosis. It certainly works but it's not magic. It is no better or worse than using carbs for energy when combined with correct energy balance and appropriate physical activity. You also, later in this post, insist that you should eat all your meals in a specific window. That's intermittent fasting. The evidence for it is far from conclusive and you stating it like it's a fact shows that your claims of just following research are laughable. Almost all of the research surrounding IF fail in one of three ways.
1.)Studies are on lab animals.
2.)Studies are too small in scope
3.)They don't control for diet and calorie intake. Many of the studies have the IF group skip breakfast but eat a comparable lunch and dinner to the control group who did eat breakfast meaning that the issue again is overconsumption, not time of consumption.

That is quite clearly not what you said. You advocated for extremely restricting what you eat and when you eat. Everyone can see that.

... Yes it will because sugar is a carb. But that doesn't mean that carb intake was the problem. If a person was getting 200g of carbs from healthy sources and an additional 30g of carbs from pop then they're still getting 200g of healthy carbs.

There are many doctors who are shameless grifters trying to sell you their book or meal plan. Jim Stoppani is one of the worst but there's many others. Michael Mosley is another "Doctor" who uses his title in a misleading way to seem like an expert in the field of nutrition. You shouldn't believe any individual because people have agendas,

There's also no reason not to. Like I mentioned before, there is no strong evidence that IF promotes a healthy lifestyle more than any other protocol when energy balance and food quality are equated.

I eat five to six times a day. ANd I consume less than when I stuck to a 3 meal structure. Because I don't get so hungry I over indulge. People are different. What works for one person doesn't work for everyone. That's something anyone who isn't trying to sell a book or a miracle weight loss plan will agree on.

No. It isn't. If you do not consume enough food to have leftover calories stored as fat you will not become obese. If you eat at maintenance your body will stay the same size because you are consuming the correct amount of energy to fuel your body. Consume too little you will lose weight through stored energy, muscle glycogen, fat and even muscle.

Yup, but they're still not obese because obesity is not a symptom of insulin resistance, it can cause insulin resistance. Well, more specifically the over consumption that leads to obesity can also cause insulin resistance.

So the recommendations aren't the problem. Glad we agree.

Do you even remember what you're trying to argue at this stage? What people know and what's advised are two different things. You were trying to claim dietary advice is bad.

So again, the issue is people misinterpreting the guidelines rather than the guidelines?

Nah dude, you care about "what you read somewhere" and what's "not unbelievable". The reason I bring up politics is because what you believe about diet and the amount of evidence it takes for you to believe it, says a lot about you and lines up so perfectly with so many other things. Again, the fact that I can predict what you believe about diet based entirely on what you believe about trans healthcare is hilarious to me because you think you're this super rational free thinker who follows the science and cuts through the bullshit but everything you believe is so predictable. The fact that you believe so strongly in this dietary information despite the fact that at best there's little to no supporting evidence for your claims and at worst the research says the opposite shows me you took a bunch of people at face value without looking into it because despite your claims that marketing doesn't work on you you have ended up pushing the ketogenic diet without even knowing what it is because of your youtube algorithm.

No dude, you have made very specific claims about carbs being bad and how we should massively restrict carb intake. That's all there for us to see.

No you're not saying that. You are saying people should follow a keto diet and practice intermittent fasting. You said that. Own it.

Like I said, there is no strong supporting evidence for this. IF isn't bad by any means but there's no evidence that it's any better. If you can stick to it, you do you, if you can't just control overall calorie intake and you'll see the same results.

I eat breakfast everyday. Usually something small, 300-350 calories with about 25g to 30g of protein. I will then eat a sandwich for lunch. About 500 calories with 40g of protein. A couple of snack throughout the day and a pint of milk brings me in another 700ish calories and 60g of protein. And then I'll have dinner for the rest. I tend to undershoot my calorie intake a little because I don't bother actually counting the fruit and veg so that usually fills in the difference.
It's just a rule of thumb that if you see enriched something on the package, it's probably not too good for you. That's all I ever meant by it.

Yeah, go back through my posts because it all started from this post where I said sugar is basically poison. Yes, I probably have used carbs too derogatory in some of my posts because most people's carb intake comes from sugars. It's not like people are getting insulin resistance and diabetes from eating real breads and potatoes. I said there's nothing wrong with eating a potato in several posts. I never said people should eliminate carbs or do a no carb diet. The most I said for those who are eating unhealthy and want to start eating healthy was to eliminate carbs for the 1st week or 2, that was it (2nd link). Stop exaggerating what I've actually said.

The fry is probably not being fried in a healthy oil and frying stuff adds a ton of calories to the food. Eating fries fried in healthy oil occasionally is fine but eating them daily for lunch from your fast food place of choice is really bad for you.

I've said this several times now, people don't read/know most recommendations. But what they do know is that it has been messaged for 50+ years that fats are bad for you. That's why you have people eating tons more sugars because they were told it was better than fat and food companies were also "forced" to remove the fat and food tastes like cardboard if you do that and then sugar was added to like everything in place of fat.

Sugar is really really really really bad for you outside of very marginal intake.

Eating fats vs sugars will regulate the hormones dictate hunger/appetite so you'll end up intaking more calories from a diet high in sugars than a diet high fats because you're eating more food on the high sugar diet.

Do meats have the most overall nutritional value than any other type of food? That's all I was saying that I heard is true. You're acting like eating meats is the crux of my argument when I literally have just said to eat REAL foods that you like.

Where did I say to eat like no carbs? Again, I may be too derogatory overall to carbs and when I mean carbs, I'm mainly referring to sugars. As you can go back in this thread and that where it started from me saying sugar is poison.

The people that are unhealthy and obese that have excess fat, how are they supposed to get rid of the fat without ketosis? Where did I say a perfectly healthy person needs to switch to burning fats for energy vs carbs? I wouldn't say I'm advocating for some kind of fasting that's against the standard human diet for most of our history. Where is there historical relevance that humans normally ate 3 meals a day? I'm just advocating for whatever fasting is normal. I don't even know what intermittent fasting technically is (as in how much fasting it actually entails). I literally just do 2 meals a day (a small lunch meal and normal dinner meal) because that's when I'm actually hungry vs following what some guy said. I doubt that's considered intermittent fasting.

Eating real foods of your choice and eating 2 meals a day is EXTREMELY RESTRICTING?

You have that healthy carb to sugar carb ratio way off for what is apart of the standard American diet. We've gone from eating 2 pounds a sugar a year not too long ago to eating 152 pounds of a sugar a year.

That's why I said making a strong and sound argument...

If we as humans historically did not eat 3 meals a day, then we are biologically not used to eating in that manner.

I'm willing to bet that eating at a similar schedule as humans historically ate food at is a pretty good starting baseline for most people.

Obesity is a symptom of insulin resistance. BMI is how you determine obesity, not just if the person is overweight. Skinny fat people are still obese.

The very broad dietary messaging/advice is different from the actual recommendations. People know the former.

You're acting like scientists arguing that sugar is bad is some recent thing. Back when it was decided that fat was bad, it was a debate over fat and sugar at that time even. It's pretty fucking obvious we backed the wrong horse 50+ years ago. How is not doing stuff to kids that's not proven as being safe some radical thinking cutting through the bullshit? It's literally saying "we don't know" so don't do it vs proclaiming I know something you don't. Same thing happened with kids covid vaccines, I said to wait on the risk-benefit analysis and the risk benefit analysis came back saying the vaccines were more risky than kids actually getting covid. Also, I literally have done exactly what I've said for last like 9 months or so and lost probably around 50 pounds (I really don't know what my weight was when I started nor what it is now as I only weigh myself very occasionally) as I'm down from 42 pants to 34s. And, never once have I not eaten when I was hungry or had really any kind of struggle sticking to my diet. I just eat real food and eat when I'm hungry and that has been really it.

Because removing all the ridiculous amounts of sugar the average diet will, in essence, greatly reduce carb intake.

I just wanted to say
1. God bless you for your patience in trying to correct the blatant nonsense Phoenix throws around

2. I've learned quite a few things from your posts on this topic, so thank you. It's things I've mostly heard before but never really sunk in or combined together to make as much sense.
All I've said is that sugar is bad for you, that pretty much every study says, so what nonsense have I actually said?
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