Hogwarts Legacy - Whimsical Wizardry


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Who did Trump doxx again?
How many lines didn't he cross ?

You do rely on blatant double standards on doxxing (the equivalent to "theirs are terrorists" vs "ours are isolated madmen"), as if the history of gamergate alone didn't show the scale of heinous if not murderous fuckfest along the "culture war" divide. But when, in addition to that, you try to posit some moral high ground on the conservative side's rules of engagement, be it as a premise (they are so noble therefore their trash is to be discarded) or as a conclusion (what trash, there is no trash therefore they are so noble) maybe it's time to contextualise it with the sort of shitbag that you idolize and the carnival of dejection that accompanies him and his minions. Maybe. For perspective and credibility.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
How many lines didn't he cross ?

You do rely on blatant double standards on doxxing (the equivalent to "theirs are terrorists" vs "ours are isolated madmen"), as if the history of gamergate alone didn't show the scale of heinous if not murderous fuckfest along the "culture war" divide. But when, in addition to that, you try to posit some moral high ground on the conservative side's rules of engagement, be it as a premise (they are so noble therefore their trash is to be discarded) or as a conclusion (what trash, there is no trash therefore they are so noble) maybe it's time to contextualise it with the sort of shitbag that you idolize and the carnival of dejection that accompanies him and his minions. Maybe. For perspective and credibility.
Here's something you have to understand about troll logic: once you've decided not to give a shit, you just need an excuse. Any excuse will do. Once you recognize this, you see it everywhere on the right.

Does the right wing frequently dox and harass people for having the "wrong" opinions? Who gives a shit! Some right wingers once got doxxed.

Is Trump a rapist? Who gives a shit! Women lie all the time.

Did the Jan 6 rioters attempt to overthrow a fair election? Who gives a shit! BLM broke some windows.

There is no reasoning with this. It's attractive to small minds because like conspiracy theories it means you never to admit to being wrong about anything. And it gives a lot of freedom to indulge in your worst impulses. You can have it both ways! You can approve of Zoe Quinn getting chased out of her home or even straight up deny it ever happened while demanding your ideological opponents as a whole apologize to you personally for a single bad faith actor sending threats. You can support places like Kiwifarms and 8chan while at the same time crowing about the importance of civility. People who subscribe to this troll logic are beyond help because they don't want to be helped. They see every ruffled feather as a moral triumph on their part because they got you to give a shit while they don't.

So yeah. Better to put these trolls on ignore than to try and convince them of their own awfulness when they never gave a shit about being a good person in the first place.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Yeah, this is why I kept making fun of the tit-for-tat "why don't you condemn this harassment" posts. They don't matter. They literally never matter. The same people saying you need to have thick skin on the internet will pull up collages full of mild disappointment and call it harassment. They'll say you need to ignore the trolls but if you don't personally comment on every new account that follows nobody that gets zero interactions you condone harassment. *We* are obviously not a hive mind and can't control everybody but *you* better damn well should or you'll justify every terrible thing we believe about you.

Stupid and useless. Doubly so when we're several steps removed on this forum


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Couldn't possibly be because I was deemed on the wrong side of history and a number of people have chosen to see anything I say as that in part because I didn't support the "Win by any means" approach some did.
You can interpret the reasons in whatever self-absorbed way you want. But it wasn't because you're against doxxing. You made that up for pity points.

So why do said left wing outlets happily have writers publishing such peoples details? E.G. Eve Barlow
The vast majority don't. You're just using the worst actors to tar everyone else.

4 large communities mostly comprised of trolls.

2 people with followings on par with or bigger than said communities normally who are looked on still as good people in the left wing communities and seen in good standing.

There's the difference.
Sure thing, those two people and their hangers-on are bigger communities than 8chan, 4chan, kiwifarms and Nuremburg Files. Whatever.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You can interpret the reasons in whatever self-absorbed way you want. But it wasn't because you're against doxxing. You made that up for pity points.
Nah it was very much used as evidence of how I'm evil or some shit because how dare I suggest people deemed bad shouldn't be doxxed.

The vast majority don't. You're just using the worst actors to tar everyone else.
Except there's so many worst actors. Wasn't it like CNN or some shit that threatened to reveal the identity of the Trump clotheslining CNN gif?

Sure thing, those two people and their hangers-on are bigger communities than 8chan, 4chan, kiwifarms and Nuremburg Files. Whatever.
yeh they kind of likely are lol


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Nah it was very much used as evidence of how I'm evil or some shit because how dare I suggest people deemed bad shouldn't be doxxed.
Where? It wasn't on this forum. So where was it, and why is it relevant to us?

Except there's so many worst actors. Wasn't it like CNN or some shit that threatened to reveal the identity of the Trump clotheslining CNN gif?
K. There's also countless worst actors on the right wing-- do I get to judge you and a bunch of other harmless centre-right forumites because of 'em?

yeh they kind of likely are lol


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
30 more pages and we can pass the Elden Ring thread.
Eh, whenever Dwarvenhobble starts talk about his grievances about online discourse it is usually a sign that the thread is running out of topic to cover.

It's quite amusingly obvious that Terry Pratchett was one of JK Rowling's biggest influences, and also that he didn't like her at all.
I don't know if I agree that he was an influence by necessity, other than him being the most popular British fantasy author so Rowling ought to have read him. Or maybe I'm just staring at how tonally different they are and fail to see obvious connections.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Eh, whenever Dwarvenhobble starts talk about his grievances about online discourse it is usually a sign that the thread is running out of topic to cover
No, he'll do that crap when there is something to cover. You should have seen amount of time she tried to derail a thread or throw it off topic, when the actual topic was still going on.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Also, pokemons ? I don't know pokemons at all, how does it work ? Willing slavery ? Rebellions ? Rationalizations, spectators outrage ?
I'm not overly versed with Pokemon, but my understanding is that pokemon don't welcome being captured per se, while on the other hand, working with a trainer allows them to gain strength faster. A sort of "if you were good enough to capture me, then you're probably worth teaming up with.

Alternatively, maybe they're captured and spend all their time with Professor Oak? If so, sucks to be them I guess. 0_0

But on a more serious note, Pokemon's had its share of controversy, usually from PETA, about the whole capturing animals aspect. And I'd be more sympathetic to that argument if it didn't underestimate kids' intelligence, not to mention adults.

You don't want peace in WH40k, you don't want civilization in Mad Max, etc. In that kind of universes, something must and will happen to maintain its features. Something will rationalize its permanence. I don't think it's a things that, in itself, tells much about real-world attitudes.
Heh, speak for yourself. :p

Still, the thing with Warhammer is that it's a case of "status quo is king," where people are invested in the setting rather than the plot (if Warhammer can even be said to have a plot per se). Even Mad Max has technically adjusted its status quo with each movie, from society on the verge of collapse (movie 1), to society having collapsed (movie 2), to post-nuclear war (movie 3) - still not sure if movie 4 is really a reboot or continuation, and since I've only seen the first movie (bleh), I won't say much more.

I thought Dobby wasn't under magical restrictions, at least by the time he was at Hogwarts, but he'd been conditioned to obey the rules and hadn't been deprogrammed.
Well that's assuming there's "programming" in the first place, and despite various theories, there's no actual evidence of this.

But to answer your question, as far as I can tell, Dobby has complete latitude at Hogwarts to do as he wants. He even negotiates downwards when Dumbledore offers him payment.

Artemis Fowl is also just not nearly as good. Doesn't have half the charm of the wizarding world and the characters are all annoyingly perfect.
Dem's fighting words, pony!

Snark aside, I agree with you. I liked Artemis Fowl well enough back in the day, but it just isn't as good as HP. Course there's a subjective statement to make, but as you said, the world doesn't have the charm. The characters are decent, but not as memorable. There's a reasonable amount of worldbuilding, but nowhere near as much, or as in-depth. Also, I haven't read every book (I read at least the first four), but as far as I could tell, there was less of an overall plot, with each book being mostly stand-alone, and while Artemis does develop over the course of the books (least the ones I read), he doesn't grow up in the same way Harry does, with the HP books' maturity increasing with Harry's age. Not to mention that in HP, there's one clear, overall story to keep you invested, with plot hints dropped in the first book becoming manifest many books later.

Only thing about Quidditch that irks me is the Golden Snitch being an instant win condition. Sure catching it can mark end of play but if it’s (significant) point allocation isn’t enough to simply win by highest score then it’s just a mercy killing for your side. Otherwise it seems simple enough.
It plays more of a role in tournaments and where overall point tallies are calculated.

But yes, I think quidditch would work better if the point tally for the snitch was reduced - 50 points, maybe? Makes the chasers far more important.
Rambling aside, it's part of why I don't buy the "right place at the right time" argument. Sometimes, works are just better. It's part of why I even read the first Worst Witch book, and, yeah. It's pretty bad actually, even accounting for the intended audience.

Don't mind me, just snagging that #1000.
For that, you deserve 0001. :p

However to me it brings to mind Wizard ice hockey. Compare the function of a quidditch team to like, the Mighty Ducks. You’ve got Goldberg, the goalie. Your beaters are just enforcers Fulton and Portman with the added advantage of having special pucks only they can hit, expressly to clobber other players with. The rest of the team is Charlie, Adam, Jesse and Averman as (I think) the forwards who try and score goals.
...oh don't mind me, I'm just one of those people who's never understood the popularity of the Mighty Ducks movie, who considers Little Giants to be much better, and whose "Mighty Ducks" were the animated cartoon ones.

Carry on.

Sounds a lot like only viewing people with learning disabilities as animals or pets...
Who views people with disabilities as pets?

Maybe there's some people in the world, but not many.

HP has a lot of very weird nicknames for things, I like it for the sheer creativity. My favorite has to be the Moaning Myrtle. The jokes practically make themselves.
You know, as someone who's watched the Cursed Child stageplay, you're actually closer to the money than you might imagine...

Who did Trump doxx again?
If doxxing was the worst of Trump's crimes, we (and by we, I mean the world) would have less to worry about. Alas...

30 more pages and we can pass the Elden Ring thread.
This thread's running circles around it.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I don't know if I agree that he was an influence by necessity, other than him being the most popular British fantasy author so Rowling ought to have read him. Or maybe I'm just staring at how tonally different they are and fail to see obvious connections.
Connections between Harry Potter and Discworld are pretty spurious. It would take forever to list the differences, so flipping things around, what are the notable similarities?

-Both are written by British bestselling authors (Pratchett was the UK's best selling fantasy author until Rowling dethroned him, IIRC)

-Discworld has a wizard school (Unseen University), Harry Potter has a wizard school (Hogwarts) - let's casually ignore that the idea of a wizard school goes at least as far back as Earthsea.

Really, that's about it. Granted, I've read far more HP material than Discworld material (and of said material, rarely been that enamored with it), but really, there's not much linking the two.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Connections between Harry Potter and Discworld are pretty spurious. It would take forever to list the differences, so flipping things around, what are the notable similarities?

-Both are written by British bestselling authors (Pratchett was the UK's best selling fantasy author until Rowling dethroned him, IIRC)

-Discworld has a wizard school (Unseen University), Harry Potter has a wizard school (Hogwarts) - let's casually ignore that the idea of a wizard school goes at least as far back as Earthsea.

Really, that's about it. Granted, I've read far more HP material than Discworld material (and of said material, rarely been that enamored with it), but really, there's not much linking the two.
Both authors forgot they said they supported trans rights.

(For maximum clarity, this is a somewhat mean joke about Rowling's switch away from 'I would march with you etc.' constrasted to Pratchett having Alzheimer's. Pratchett, as far as I am aware, never made explicit comment on trans rights, but we know he was a good guy so we don't have to worry about it.)
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