The only ones bothering with that "debate" are those that already have something against gaming to begin with (mostly old people and those that never lived a day in their life), and philistine "gamers" who are only there for the shallowest of reasons. I.e, they're only there for the gore, sex, violence and not much else. Or they don't want to think about it but their own pleasures or fantasy.Ico: Showed to me that games could have a quiet beauty and awe, majesty, to them. I know the "are games art" debate is tired and old but this was the game that was the one that told me "yes" they can be.
Ristar - it showed me that you can have a platformer that doesn't have to be like Sonic or Mario. Nor be a platformer with run and gun gameplay. The game where the character stretches his arms and uses his face as a weapon.
Splatterhouse Trilogy - Not that I need this lesson before, but it shows how having a simple story that's executed well makes a better story than an overcomplicated one. Plus, the franchise has one of the best romances in gaming. I just wish that the reboot was good.
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