Linus Tech Tips accused of mistreatment and poor conditions by former employee.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The Gamers Nexus video about their record of mistakes in benchmarking and technical data (and the follow-up video calling out the poor response) was one thing, but this? Whole other level. Linus has said repeatedly that a need for his workers to unionize is a failure on his part- but I'm thinking that failure has occurred.

Also, seriously, fuck any "fan" of the channel who sent death threats to Reeve. Uncontestable proof of being scum.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
The massive unprofessionalism that seems apparent with LMG/LTT is the more damning revelations than Madison's accusations for me. It seems like a very high pressure, fast-paced work environment that seems like she just couldn't handle regardless of how much or how little she was directly harassed. Most of the complaints seem to all be tied to the work environment as the way she got hired would obviously rub current employees in that environment poorly; like they would be jealous that they had to work to get there and she was in a video people liked a lot and got hired from that. Then, I doubt she was able to sorta "earn" her way into the team as an equal as I'm guessing she's not that tech savvy (I've never seen any of her videos but the way she got hired seems very much like she got hired as pure talent vs being a techie). With the work environment being how it is, I'm sure others would get somewhat upset at her for not pulling her weight because when in such an environment, employees notice other employees that aren't contributing as much as others and then blame them for the an extra hour or so of overtime that they wouldn't have to do if so-and-so did the work they were supposed to. She was probably never properly trained and shown the ropes because nobody had time to do that with all the work that needed to be done. It's just a situation that was never gonna work out and led to a constant downward spiral that was management's fault in the end for creating that type of environment that had no chance at ever being successful. I'd be most interested in her complaint about them changing the employee contract (and exactly the details of that) and whether they ever fired or demoted someone for calling in sick.

Some of the stuff is on her to a degree like you can't blame someone for causing you to cut your leg open to get out of work, you gotta stand up for yourself in such situations. At my last job, after a year of working there, I asked for a 5-hour Saturday off (not a normal work day and had already planned stuff that weekend) and my boss said you can't have the day because we really need you, and I just hardcore internally rolled my eyes at that and said "I'm not available that day, and I'll just call off then, I didn't realize going about it the proper way was the 'wrong way' to do it." Next day, my boss was like I pulled some strings and you can have the day off like it was some massive favor; after that, I couldn't care less about that job.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
The massive unprofessionalism that seems apparent with LMG/LTT is the more damning revelations than Madison's accusations for me. It seems like a very high pressure, fast-paced work environment that seems like she just couldn't handle regardless of how much or how little she was directly harassed. Most of the complaints seem to all be tied to the work environment as the way she got hired would obviously rub current employees in that environment poorly; like they would be jealous that they had to work to get there and she was in a video people liked a lot and got hired from that. Then, I doubt she was able to sorta "earn" her way into the team as an equal as I'm guessing she's not that tech savvy (I've never seen any of her videos but the way she got hired seems very much like she got hired as pure talent vs being a techie). With the work environment being how it is, I'm sure others would get somewhat upset at her for not pulling her weight because when in such an environment, employees notice other employees that aren't contributing as much as others and then blame them for the an extra hour or so of overtime that they wouldn't have to do if so-and-so did the work they were supposed to. She was probably never properly trained and shown the ropes because nobody had time to do that with all the work that needed to be done. It's just a situation that was never gonna work out and led to a constant downward spiral that was management's fault in the end for creating that type of environment that had no chance at ever being successful. I'd be most interested in her complaint about them changing the employee contract (and exactly the details of that) and whether they ever fired or demoted someone for calling in sick.

Some of the stuff is on her to a degree like you can't blame someone for causing you to cut your leg open to get out of work, you gotta stand up for yourself in such situations. At my last job, after a year of working there, I asked for a 5-hour Saturday off (not a normal work day and had already planned stuff that weekend) and my boss said you can't have the day because we really need you, and I just hardcore internally rolled my eyes at that and said "I'm not available that day, and I'll just call off then, I didn't realize going about it the proper way was the 'wrong way' to do it." Next day, my boss was like I pulled some strings and you can have the day off like it was some massive favor; after that, I couldn't care less about that job.
Well if the accusations are on point then those who perpetrated it can burn and the organisation as a whole can take the hit to their image. They wanna shit the bed hard they can lay in it.

And if she's blowing smoke, well, libel suit in 5.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Well if the accusations are on point then those who perpetrated it can burn and the organisation as a whole can take the hit to their image. They wanna shit the bed hard they can lay in it.

And if she's blowing smoke, well, libel suit in 5.
It's far more nuanced than that. Her accusations are a bit like death by a thousand cuts to where most of them taken alone aren't that big a deal, that's why I would like more details on 2 of them. Lots of that stuff happens in most work environments to some degree. I've watched the occasional LTT video and listened to a WAN show here and there (as I have 3 hour drives sometimes for work and gotta listen to something), it seems like Linus is a genuine good guy. What seems like happened was that the core group that started the company put in mad hours to get it very successful and then you have to hire more people as you expand and those first so many hires were probably fine with the work environment and close to as dedicated as the initial group, but then as you expand more an more and get the amount of employees they have, that work environment can't become anything but toxic as the group just becomes too large for that to possibly continue to work. Madison is obviously someone that can't work in that kinda environment, which there's nothing wrong with that. Employees then become resentful of each other and it just downward spirals forever and then you get an implosion (as we are witnessing right now). You probably have managers pushing the employees to get all the work done so people like Linus aren't breathing down their necks and you get told taking days off is bad and all that. I'd hope someone telling Linus directly about needing a day off would result in him understanding (it's just that stuff would never get to him) as he does seem like a good guy; however, some of his excuses and denials were pretty cringe. Overall, I feel like everyone had good intentions and the train just got too much momentum and they didn't have Denzel (Unstoppable reference!!!) to reign it in and the train inevitably derailed. I very much doubt anyone is evil in this scenario; it's not that Madison's complaints are meaningless nor are they the nail in the coffin and Linus isn't some evil boss whipping his employees to work in inhumane conditions nor is he absolved of any responsibility either. The truth is somewhere between those extremes and most likely at the most extreme 60/40 to one end.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
It's far more nuanced than that. Her accusations are a bit like death by a thousand cuts to where most of them taken alone aren't that big a deal, that's why I would like more details on 2 of them. Lots of that stuff happens in most work environments to some degree. I've watched the occasional LTT video and listened to a WAN show here and there (as I have 3 hour drives sometimes for work and gotta listen to something), it seems like Linus is a genuine good guy. What seems like happened was that the core group that started the company put in mad hours to get it very successful and then you have to hire more people as you expand and those first so many hires were probably fine with the work environment and close to as dedicated as the initial group, but then as you expand more an more and get the amount of employees they have, that work environment can't become anything but toxic as the group just becomes too large for that to possibly continue to work. Employees then become resentful of each other and it just downward spirals forever and then you get an implosion (as we are witnessing right now). You probably have managers pushing the employees to get all the work done so people like Linus aren't breathing down their necks and you get told taking days off is bad and all that. I'd hope someone telling Linus directly about needing a day off would result in him understanding (it's just that stuff would never get to him) as he does seem like a good guy; however, some of his excuses and denials were pretty cringe. Overall, I feel like everyone had good intentions and the train just got too much momentum and they didn't have Denzel (Unstoppable reference!!!) to reign it in and the train inevitably derailed. I very much doubt anyone is evil in this scenario; it's not that Madison's complaints are meaningless nor are they the nail in the coffin and Linus isn't some evil boss whipping his employees to work in inhumane conditions nor is he absolved of any responsibility either. The truth is somewhere between those extremes and most likely at the most extreme 60/40 to one end.
The one that makes me sit and pause is the alleged bait and switch with the contract. Like if I recall the reading its alleged she was offered one contract, and then upon arriving to sign had a totally different one. That should be an easy enough one to prove or disprove. All the others are gonna basically need everyone to have some sessions with bare bulbs and probing questions.

But ain't no fool coming out of this clean I wager.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
The one that makes me sit and pause is the alleged bait and switch with the contract. Like if I recall the reading its alleged she was offered one contract, and then upon arriving to sign had a totally different one. That should be an easy enough one to prove or disprove. All the others are gonna basically need everyone to have some sessions with bare bulbs and probing questions.

But ain't no fool coming out of this clean I wager.
Yeah, that's 1 of the 2 things in her complaints that I'd like to know the whole story on as if true and done purposefully maliciously, that's something that's very damning to Linus and the company. That would definitely get me to not indulge in any of their content again.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
This all sounds very VERY much like the Rooster Teeth fiasco that happened a little while ago.

People being overworked, underpaid, told they're lucky to be working at a company that people are so passionate to be a part of. The core group of employees who started the company as on screen talent having absolutely no qualifications to continue in leadership positions as the company grew bigger and bigger.

We've all seen this exact thing play out before and it's not pretty.

On screen personalities are only a very small part of the overall company. I'm sure they're having a lot of fun goofing off in videos as the production team struggle with a completely unrealistic schedule imposed by an out of touch leadership. Number of videos and channels keeps going up as the quality of each individual video goes down while the company does everything it can to chase the Youtube algorithm as hard as possible.

Almost all the allegations regarding Rooster Teeth turned out to be true, and I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of the allegations here are true as well.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
The Gamers Nexus video about their record of mistakes in benchmarking and technical data (and the follow-up video calling out the poor response) was one thing, but this? Whole other level. Linus has said repeatedly that a need for his workers to unionize is a failure on his part- but I'm thinking that failure has occurred.
I couldn't believe I hadn't heard that line about unions before, but... wow, fuck that. The GN videos were also just crazy to watch. It sucks cause I liked a good handful of LTT/LMG videos and some of the clips of the WAN show were informative and interesting watches that I liked to tune into when I am washing my dishes. But now I just feel sick about all of it. This whole event lead me to dig back a little about past controversies, and... yeah, Linus doesn't seem as together and respectable as I thought. It's a damn shame too. It's even more of a shame that the allegations might be true as well.
Oh, and their apology video they posted recently stunk of corporate garbage and Linus got whiny in his segment too, putting the blame on others rather than himself and his poor management of the company. It stunk of getting out their word as fast as possible rather than actually writing something with care and attention to it.
Just... what the hell, man. I'm bummed about this whole situation
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Didn't know about Linus Tech before, and I am already not liking them. As Dirty Hipster said, this song and dance has happened before with Rooster Teeth.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Oh, and their apology video
Look I'm gonna stop you right there. Apology videos are always farcical - even when they're sincere - because they're a wholly unnatural way to go about doing anything. In fact if I ran a business I'd make it a policy to never do them. I mean you're gonna get shit slung at you regardless so you may as well just do a standard press release and focus your energies on doing something productive like lining everyone up against the wall and asking for confessions.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Look I'm gonna stop you right there. Apology videos are always farcical - even when they're sincere - because they're a wholly unnatural way to go about doing anything. In fact if I ran a business I'd make it a policy to never do them. I mean you're gonna get shit slung at you regardless so you may as well just do a standard press release and focus your energies on doing something productive like lining everyone up against the wall and asking for confessions.
Fair enough. But trying to make one seem genuine at least, to me, shows some level of effort to recognize and acknowledge the problems put forward, even if nothing comes of it. Farcical or not, an apology video that addresses every single problem put forward at least, on some small level, requires mental acknowledgement that the problem exists on the part of the people making the apology video. Whether it matters to the people making the video is another debate that could go on for quite some time.

Apology videos and apology JPEGs are a bit wonk though, I'll wholly agree with that. We can thank the video game industry for completely nuking any credibility the latter of those could ever have
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Fair enough. But trying to make one seem genuine at least, to me, shows some level of effort to recognize and acknowledge the problems put forward, even if nothing comes of it. Farcical or not, an apology video that addresses every single problem put forward at least, on some small level, requires mental acknowledgement that the problem exists on the part of the people making the apology video. Whether it matters to the people making the video is another debate that could go on for quite some time.
The only people who apologise convincingly on camera are actors. Also see previous comment about a press release: a simple typed statement that can be read at an individuals leisure. If they feel it must involve actual people, do it as a live stream in the vein of a press statement.

Also, and I don't care if this makes me sound like a shill, but the simple fact of the matter is we're not owed shit by LTT on this matter. They're not a publicly traded company, we're not shareholders or investors, and they don't hold a position tied to the public good or government. It may be in their best interests to do so, but they could decide to just turtle up and say fuck all and our objections would be directed to the bin.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Oh, and their apology video they posted recently stunk of corporate garbage
Whoever decided it'd be a funny idea to put a "segue to our sponsors" joke in that video needs to never write anything again.

Also, and I don't care if this makes me sound like a shill, but the simple fact of the matter is we're not owed shit by LTT on this matter. They're not a publicly traded company, we're not shareholders or investors, and they don't hold a position tied to the public good or government. It may be in their best interests to do so, but they could decide to just turtle up and say fuck all and our objections would be directed to the bin.
Technically, you're right. But their audience also owes them nothing in return, and if it decides that's unacceptable, stops watching their videos and buying their merchandise, then the company will go away in very short order, private or not.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Whoever decided it'd be a funny idea to put a "segue to our sponsors" joke in that video needs to never write anything again.

Technically, you're right. But their audience also owes them nothing in return, and if it decides that's unacceptable, stops watching their videos and buying their merchandise, then the company will go away in very short order, private or not.
Yes. I know that, and I think it’s a notion more people need to square with. Besides, if they did Madison this dirty they deserve to fail.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Whoever decided it'd be a funny idea to put a "segue to our sponsors" joke in that video needs to never write anything again.
That was the worst. As another YouTuber who briefly made a video on this said, them mentioning Dbrand at the end after that segue made it semi-sponsored by proxy.

Technically, you're right. But their audience also owes them nothing in return, and if it decides that's unacceptable, stops watching their videos and buying their merchandise, then the company will go away in very short order, private or not.
I was considering buying a thing or two from them, was just waiting for the time to be right. There goes that idea.

The only people who apologise convincingly on camera are actors. Also see previous comment about a press release: a simple typed statement that can be read at an individuals leisure. If they feel it must involve actual people, do it as a live stream in the vein of a press statement.
Good point, I like all of these options quite a bit better than what we got
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