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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It made $18 million domestically, which already clears its $13 million budget. As for the critical reception, I know Rotten Tomatoes isn't the most reliable, but right now, it's sitting at 84% fresh from critics and 92% from audiences. Comparatively, the original is the second highest from critics at 50% fresh, and Jigsaw is the second highest with audiences at 89%.
So it looks they finally did something right with the franchise in a long time. I'm still not interested. I do thank you for the info.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Fair enough, was just providing actual figures to show that I wasn't just expositing from my posterior.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States

I have begun my October project.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Gran Turismo - 7/10

Pretty solid racing movie that would come off as a massive 2-hour long commercial if this actually didn't happen in real life. Just about everyone would be calling bullshit on the events of the movie as well if this didn't actually happen. David Harbour really makes this movie work the entire way through. The racing scenes are pretty solid with some video game overlays and whatnot that are perfectly app for the movie and car nuts will probably like the internal engine shots (I'm guessing because I'm not a car nut). Pretty solid movie but not up to the greatness of Ford vs Ferrari.

The Creator - 3/10

I saw an ad for this movie at BW3s on Wednesday and there's some reviews for this saying it's amazing, but this movie sucked ass. This is the most by-the-books robots are evil and slaves/not people plots ever. I was waiting for some twist or something throughout the movie to happen, but it never deviates from the bog standard. The movie has a character that is not only the MacGuffin but also the Deus Ex Machina as well so there's literally no stakes throughout the movie. The fact that I was not into this movie at all made all the plot issues/holes readily apparent too. Also, the plot is sorta like Bioshock in the sense that Bioshock has like the most convoluted and implausible assassination plot ever and this movie is very similar in that regard (and it's basically an assassination plot as well but a thing vs a person). The movie really tries to pull on your heartstrings so much at the end, and I was rolling my eyes so hard. They even had the main character have a moment with someone at the end that was so fucking contrived I thought my eyeballs were gonna roll out of the my head.

No, pretty much everyone selling those little heart attacks has something on the menu called the Elvis Burger. No one out there is selling Sting burgers or Michael Jackson burgers, because they weren't killed by burgers. Sting is, AFAIK, both vegetarian and alive. Make of that what you will.
Just because someone ate something, then died of a heart attack doesn't make said thing bad for you. I'm sure Elvis ate other healthy things like beans or nuts or chicken or fish or whatever. That doesn't mean those things are bad for you, correlation doesn't equal causation. There is no evidence burgers cause any bad health outcomes. They got everything wrong about heart attacks ~60 years ago with Eisenhower's heart attack. They blamed saturated fats and cholesterol, and that's plain wrong. The move away from saturated fats has caused so much disease.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Blue Beetle - 9/10

One can argue that Blue Beetle is DC’s attempt at snagging the Spider-Man demographic. And they might be right; fortunately it’s a really well executed attempt with just enough differences to see the characters brothers of other mothers.

The family dynamic is really well realised - although I have no idea how far the exaggeration goes.

Carapax is a fine enough villain, and his backstory is surprisingly dark and upfront once you get to it. Although he does remind me more of Adam Smasher than anyone from DC.

Big ass shout out to the score: I was very much reminded of stuff like Far Cry Blood Dragon and Bubblegum Crisis. Really funky 80s synth. Also, Jamie’s suit I think was largely a practical effect apart from the backpack and the mask when he wears it.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Just because someone ate something, then died of a heart attack doesn't make said thing bad for you. I'm sure Elvis ate other healthy things like beans or nuts or chicken or fish or whatever. That doesn't mean those things are bad for you, correlation doesn't equal causation. There is no evidence burgers cause any bad health outcomes. They got everything wrong about heart attacks ~60 years ago with Eisenhower's heart attack. They blamed saturated fats and cholesterol, and that's plain wrong. The move away from saturated fats has caused so much disease.
Never seen a 1500-calorie Elvis chicken on the menu. When you think of Elvis you think of two things: burgers and became rapidly unhealthy and died. Cogito ergo sum ipso facto dum de dum.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
@Piscian & @Old_Hunter_77, have either of you ever seen Headshot? It's as close as you're going to get to a Raid 3. I got this movie back in 2017, and have only seen it three times total. The third time being right now. The movie holds up well, and is a cross between The Raid and Bourne Identity (minus that franchises horrible shaky cam in the later sequels). Iko Uwais is great here too.

Also, give Triple Threat a watch if you neither you have not yet. It's a better Expendables movie than the entire franchise. I like Expendables, and love Expendables 2, but Expendables 3 is whatever, and I am not even going to bother with E4.

nope.. Not gonna lie, I'm really out of touch with martial arts movies for the most part. I suppose "more movies with the guy from Raid" makes sense for the next time I'm in the mood for some action. Not crazy about non-English speaking actors speaking English in an attempt to cross-over as it removes from the immersion sometimes but dialogue is obviously not the draw for these flicks.
I never seen Expendables, just not interested in a over-the-hill action doods and their cash-ins. But Tony Jaa > Sly any day so, maybe I'll check it out. Thx.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
*steps on soapbox*

Ok I know this is off topic but I'm seeing these posts here about Elvis Presey's death for some reason and arguing about food and.. guys, you can google this shit, come on.

Yes, Elvis was overweight and ate poorly, But that is not the primary cause of his death- he had multiple drug addictions, specifically barbituates and opioids. As both a music fan and someone who has struggled with food addiction, I need to tell you how grossly irresponsible to go around looking for excuses for fat-shaming or oversimplifying the complex relationships of food supply, pharmaceutical companies, celebrity culture, and iconography.

Arguing over bread vs meat is some weird stupid internet dudebro thing and it's bad enough but Elvis freaking Presley is especially an absurd sample case to use for this nonsense.

*steps off soapbox*

ok i'm done, back to movies


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
sense for the next time I'm in the mood for some action. Not crazy about non-English speaking actors speaking English in an attempt to cross-over as it removes from the immersion sometimes but dialogue is obviously not the draw for these flicks.
At least in Triple Threat, Jaa's English actually improved. Iko mostly uses nonverbal communication in the movie. His English wasn't too bad from what I remember. It has been a while though.
As for Headshot, only the main villain speaks English and he does good job, but he doesn't do it that often. It's really only in the beginning, one middle part of the movie, and some towards the end.

never seen Expendables, just not interested in a over-the-hill action doods and their cash-ins.
Like I said before, you're not missing much from half of the franchise. Just watch the first two movies if you're curious, and skip the rest.

But Tony Jaa > Sly any day so, maybe I'll check it out. Thx.
As much of a Sly fan I am; I agree.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
The Creator: Just Fine / Great

Humans develop AI machines as "helpers" in our day-to-day lives. AI gains a level of sentience humans are uncomfortable with. AI ostensibly attacks 'Murica and is banned. AI in Asia is still proudly allowed to exist and prosper. 'Murica finds out that AI in Asian has developed a "weapon." 'Murica attacks AI in Asia. Humans are bad.

For the couple of folks who have railed against this film, I will be the one to advocate for it. It was fine. Original? Innovative? Inspiring? No, it was none of those, but it was good. I was entertained (God knows I've spent 2 hours watching worse,) and there was some decent spectacle. It's basically Avatar, but instead of blue aliens, you've got sentient machines. Nothing about it was offensively bad unless you're one of those sorts who sips $200 wine and notices hints of coriander and oak; for those of us who gratefully swill $20 wine and only notice it tastes like wine, this film was good enough.

Oh, and we discovered the theater we go to has the most kickass loaded fries with queso and truffle ranch sauce! So it might have been the party in my mouth skewing my enjoyment of the movie.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The Creator: Just Fine / Great

Humans develop AI machines as "helpers" in our day-to-day lives. AI gains a level of sentience humans are uncomfortable with. AI ostensibly attacks 'Murica and is banned. AI in Asia is still proudly allowed to exist and prosper. 'Murica finds out that AI in Asian has developed a "weapon." 'Murica attacks AI in Asia. Humans are bad.

For the couple of folks who have railed against this film, I will be the one to advocate for it. It was fine. Original? Innovative? Inspiring? No, it was none of those, but it was good. I was entertained (God knows I've spent 2 hours watching worse,) and there was some decent spectacle. It's basically Avatar, but instead of blue aliens, you've got sentient machines. Nothing about it was offensively bad unless you're one of those sorts who sips $200 wine and notices hints of coriander and oak; for those of us who gratefully swill $20 wine and only notice it tastes like wine, this film was good enough.

Oh, and we discovered the theater we go to has the most kickass loaded fries with queso and truffle ranch sauce! So it might have been the party in my mouth skewing my enjoyment of the movie.
Thanks I was curious about this one.
I'm kind of glad we have like a B grade sci-fi movie that isn't part of some big IP, suggests hope for more original stuff.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Thanks I was curious about this one.
I'm kind of glad we have like a B grade sci-fi movie that isn't part of some big IP, suggests hope for more original stuff.
I'm with you; it was refreshing to watch something that at least attempted to be wholly new. I was satisfied.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
No one will save you 2023

This one just popped up on my radar last week, Ironically on the "scene", but I pay for Hulu so I ended up watching it on there just to be a good citizen (yes brawl I know DT reviewed it).

I kinda wonder if the average movie goer is aware of it. Hulu has been the horror version of netflix over the years shuffling trash filler horror on to their service intermixed with quality films so I can see this one getting ignored by most audiences. With that context I can assure you - this one is one of the good ones.

Technically more scifi than horror "No one will save you" is a home invasion film centered on a young woman living alone in the country outside a small midwestern town, with the hook being that it's aliens. The film almost immediately opens with hints that this girl is weird. There's something very sad and melancholy about her life, the townfolks avoid her like the plague and are outwardly hostile to her. It's not that she's creepy, but that she's done something horrible and is some kind of pariah. There's an overt hint at a scarlet letter situation. The film contains almost no dialog which does a great deal of heavily lifting, keeping the viewer wondering how the films namesake plays into the story. It's called "No one will save you" not "No one can save you". This is a pretty heavy drama hiding under a scifi veneer.

The aliens invade her home Hopkinsville Gremlin style and most of the film centers around her attempts at combat or escape. All this leads up to a fairly expected reveal, painfully hinted at throughout the film. Instead of being groanworthy however it ends up being rather cathartic and emotionally weighty. It's, emotionally, a bit of a hard watch. The ending is pretty Tim burton-esque, but earned. I would have preferred it be a bit more somber given the context, but it works.

If I had to take actual points away from the film, the aliens behavior is a tad inconsistent. I think some of the alien attack is played up a bit too much to add more "action" than was needed and undercuts the weight of the ending.

At any rate solid 7.5/10 definite recommend. Nothing earth shattering here, but a good well written scifi flick yarn harkening back to the Twilight zone.

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
For the couple of folks who have railed against this film, I will be the one to advocate for it. It was fine. Original? Innovative? Inspiring? No, it was none of those, but it was good. I was entertained
I found it funny there people who are sick and tired of long running franchises, yet when an original IP comes out and doesn't follow every specific whim or "rule", people freak out unnecessarily about it. I'll be sure to check this out whenever I get a day off. I'll try to aim for this week.

I'm kind of glad we have like a B grade sci-fi movie that isn't part of some big IP,
Waaaahhhhh!!!! How I know if it's good or not, if isn't part of some grander IP! Nor if it's not starting a franchise! Waaaahhhhh!!!

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Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Possession (1981)

You know, whenever you decide to watch a cult classic, there's a 50/50 chance it's gonna be one of the most boring things you've ever seen, or something that'll absolutely blow your mind. Fortunately, Possession was the latter.

Possession is an art house horror movie directed by polish film maker Andrzej Zulawski and starring pre Jurassic Park Sam Neil and Isabelle Adjani. Possession tells the story of a couple in West Berlin going through a nasty divorce that eventually takes an even more disturbing turn when it turns out that wife Anna harbors a dark secret. I am being deliberately vague here, but hear me out. As unwarranted this phrase usually is, Possession is a movie that you should experience knowing as little about it as possible.

The first half of the film establishes a tone of heightened melodrama. People don't just express their emotions, their emotions run away with them. They yell and scream, they cry and they sneer, they demolish the furniture of their sparsely decorated apartments, they angrily rock back and forth in a rocking chair. Neil and Adjani deliver a pair of truly unhinged performances, probably some of the most unhinged ones you're ever gonna see, but just as you start to accept that this is a story about mad people you realize it's really the story of a mad world.

If Kubrick saw The Shining as a story about the horrors of domestic abuse, Zulawski aims to portray the horror of a mutually abusive relationship. People who bring out the worst in each other and can't let go of each other because only at their worst, they feel like themselves.

And the funny thing is, this is the note Possession is starting off on. Eventually dark secrets and supernatural mysteries are introduced into what's already a highly tense relationship drama and that's where it goes really off the rails. Zulawski takes this operatic melodrama setup and adds lynchian doppelgängers, cronenbergian body horror and just a dash of kafkaesque paranoia and religious metaphysics until it unfolds into a microcosm of the writer-directors entire worldview at the time.

It certainly feels like Zulawski's theory on everything (though mainly human relationships) which is as overwhelming and unhinged as it is compelling. It feels both intimately personal and aggressively confrontational. You really see how everyone involved is writing, directing and acting their heart out not despite but because of how weird and personal their project is. It's a movie that feels larger than life, its performances and dialogue frequently so overwrought that it comes off as funny (which I'm pretty sure was at least partially intentional.) but that's part of what makes it such an engaging watch.

It's one of those movies that remind me that no matter how many weird movies I watch, there'll always be movies that are weird in ways I haven't seen before.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Second October film done.



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
*steps on soapbox*

Ok I know this is off topic but I'm seeing these posts here about Elvis Presey's death for some reason and arguing about food and.. guys, you can google this shit, come on.

Yes, Elvis was overweight and ate poorly, But that is not the primary cause of his death- he had multiple drug addictions, specifically barbituates and opioids. As both a music fan and someone who has struggled with food addiction, I need to tell you how grossly irresponsible to go around looking for excuses for fat-shaming or oversimplifying the complex relationships of food supply, pharmaceutical companies, celebrity culture, and iconography.

Arguing over bread vs meat is some weird stupid internet dudebro thing and it's bad enough but Elvis freaking Presley is especially an absurd sample case to use for this nonsense.

*steps off soapbox*

ok i'm done, back to movies
Yeah, was going to say, isn't it well known that Elvis was an on sorts of things? Though, I'd always heard that it was less addiction in the more common sense and more a dependency on chemical help to be able to perform.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Started watching Clerks 3. Did anyone make it all the way through?

I found it painful watching to be honest, and I couldn't tell what it was going for. Watched Three Amigos instead, which remains good.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Started watching Clerks 3. Did anyone make it all the way through?

I found it painful watching to be honest, and I couldn't tell what it was going for. Watched Three Amigos instead, which remains good.
"You were supposed to fire UP! We both fired UP! It's like living with a six year old..."
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Once in a blue moon I feel like being 10 again, getting a big ole pizza, and watching some random martial arts film I've never heard before, but which I always end up enjoying.

Today's selection was Headshot, an Indonesian martial arts crime drama. Story is pretty basic, you have a family of mob assassins, one of them turned good cause they shot him in the head and he got amnesia so he forgot he was an assassin but still knew how to fight, and he went on living his life with the doctor girl who helped him recover until they discover he's still alive and set on killing him again.

They use a lot of gunplay, and the martial arts are totally modernized for efficiency so you don't have any magical or overly pretty stuff but more efficient and brutal battle which will use anything to get an edge. The melee part is like a mix of kung fu and jiu jitsu with a lot of grappling for joint breaks mixed in the more stylish strikes, but of course you have random objects being tossed into the mix. My favorite one was this one guy who got a bullet casing punched into his eyeball. Because yeah, it is very gory too, way more than most martial arts films. You see torn chunks of meat and gun flash burns and so on all over the place. And this film has an overkill tendency whenever some unarmed person is being shot. They will legit shoot a good 30 bullets more than needed on someone who is very clearly gonna be gone for good anyways.

The characters are on the basic side, but the big assassin boss dude has a lot of charisma, which is the opposite of what you can say about our main character, but once you learn what they've been through and add him having amnesia on top of it, it kinda makes sense. I liked the stick man the best out of them all, he was a bro. If you have seen the film or plan on doing so, you will know who I mean.

So yeah if you're in for a brutal 2 hours of kickass gun and punch film that gets to the point pretty quickly and stays there, Headshot is highly recommended.
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