Assassin's Creed Mirage and rankings


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I was looking for an older AC thread to find it but I gave up so I'll just start this one. With Mirage coming out today and this site and others doing their series rankings I figured I'd put mine somewhere.

I plan on starting Mirage tonight but then I likely won't be able to get to it for a bit. Next weekend looks like the wife will be away and the weather will be shit so I may just binge it then. Understand that I see this is a game for the fans, or at least the "we know what we're getting crowd." It is like those that are saying Starfield is good IF you like Bathesda's whole thing which totally makes sense to me.

Ok here's my rankings. Some of these are worthy of the "hot takes" thread given what I see on the internet.

S-tier Category: Freaking LOVE these games and consider them all-time favorites

#1. Assassin's Creed 2
I was away from gaming for a while when I played this and was captivated and amazed by what I was experiencing. The very idea of being in Renaissance Italy just completely set the standard for what I most value in modern video gaming- being able to just BE in a world. Climbing the Santé Maria de Fiore and leaping down like that is still the greatest single moment of traversing a game world of the 21st century for me.
But then they also introduce this whole whackadoodle Dan Brown-esque conspiracy bullshit with hidden messages and puzzles and like "actually Hitler and Thomas Edisaon are Templars!" and it's just the right amount of crazy to add even more spice to this awesome game.

I disagree with all the criticisms. People saying the parkour is bad? I don't know man. They're all like "you know how sometimes Ezio just flies off of walls?" No, sorry, I don't, there's a button for that so just don't press that button lol. Y'all know I make no claims to being some good gamer (I regularly whine about how I suck) but if you can't make Ezio climb up a tower I dunno what to tell you. In fact, maybe the game is too easy (you can slaughter an army with one counter button).
Pulling enemies off a ledge feels and looks great. Stabbing m'fers from behind looks and feels great. Leaping from a rooftop and stabbing a sucker in the throat looks and feels Batman levels of great. And yes, it all still holds up IMO.

Characters are great! It's-a-me, Mario! Hooker nuns and slimy politicians hot thief chick and Leanardo DaVinci bro. Everything feels big, and melodramatic, and colorful, and intense, and funny. The game feels, appropriately, like an opera by Rossini.

#2. Assassin's Creed
Yeah, the OG. All the common criticisms are wrong.
"It's repetitive"- all games are repetitive. Have you ever played a game?
"It looks bad"- it looks great. No not just "for its time," it looks amazing. Even though it's brown in the age of brown, the cities are different enough to alleviate that, and the skylines alone are both pretty and functional.
"It's a proof of concept"- if that is the case, it's as much a proof of concept for what was left on the floor for future entries as it was for stuff that was kept in, and therein likes the greatness of this game. It was designed to be played without a HUD, and experiencing it like that is revelatory. Considering that like 10 games later they started to de-emphasize HUD elements in response to critical backlash to open world glut, it shows how forward-thinking this game really was.

There are definitely some "unfinished" or incomplete or pointless things in the game but they are all completely skippable or easy to breeze past- the empty "Kingdom" area, the flags, the saving citizens fights.

Frankly this 2007 game feels better for me to play than most modern games I play. Every input has an expected reaction from my character and there is a perfect balance between player expression, complexity, and accessibility. AC fans like to argue about which games has "the best parkour." Well, I think it's the first one (and by definition the first 4 since it's pretty much the same). "Best" to me which ones let you mess around and look awesome but also make you think a little. An actual skill ceiling but you can still get around.

The plot is great. The world-building is amazing. The enemies are cool. I hate that this game is dismissed when I play it and I see a masterpiece.

A-tier Category: Great games, like 'em a lot

#3. Brotherhood
#4. Revelations

Look- I know, I know, they're just glorified AC2 expansions, milking the Ezio thing, more of the same, etc. Hell yeah they are. For sure my ranking these so high are residues of my love of AC2 so unlike AC1 I'm not insisting that the consensus is wrong, I'm just saying I really enjoy these games.
One of the reasons some love them is the introduction of multiplayer but I personally don't like multiplayer even. I just like more AC2. I also disagree with a common opinion I heard about Constantinople in Revelations being an uninteresting city but again I disagree. It's maybe too brown, sure, but as a city it's pretty interesting.

Brotherhood suffers from introducing a lot of the stuff that would dilute the franchise into the Ubisoft crap we all know and hate now- all kinds of useless activities like a brotherhood management system, annoying optional objectives, an stupid amount of pointless collectibles, etc. Most important, the departure of Patrice Desilets, the werido creative director and with him gone, any hope of a cohesive and authorial voice behind the story. The repercussions of Brotherhood would ripple down negatively to this day but as a game to play it's still great.

B-tier Category: gg

#5. Black Flag
A frequent consensus choice for #1 due to the setting and extremely fun pirating activities. And indeed, no other game offers quite the thrill of sailing around, hearing your crew sing, spotting a juicy target, and raiding a ship. We can include the experience of hopping off on an island, doing some side quest, and hopping back on to continue pirating.
If I were being more "objective" I'd put this above the Ezio-quels but Black Flag takes a hit for being the game that introduced fans to the phrases "not a real Assassin's Creed game" or "a good [whatever] game but not a good AC game." While I don't really agree with that, I do not think they handled the post-Desmond situation well at all.

I don't like this whole meta-you're-actually-a-Ubisoft-employee bullshit, lol, wtf were they smoking. Edward Kenway is great but he's no Ezio. And yeah the tailing missions are butt- they just enhance this Skyrim-esque feeling of encouraging the player to downplay the actual story in favor or side stuff faffing about and I just don't think AC benefits from this (i.e., my S-tier selections).

#6. Origins
As with Black Flag, this game sets itself apart from its predecessors by offering new mechanics and a way of applying the AC lore and ideas to a new kind of setting and gameplay. Of course it's much more of a technical and graphical change (Black Flag was the same engine and mechanics as AC3).
This game's placement in B-tier and above its follow-ups is due to the strength of the main character and the novelty of its vast and beautiful open world, before every critic would get sick of it. And with Layal Hassan at least they try to bring back some larger story-telling. They try... oh, they try, but their own Ubisoftness doesn't let them succeed.
Game loses points for completely removing the unique and interesting assassination mechanics where everything gameplay-wise just becomes "go to some dudes and fight." Real shame, there. Also it was the game that most blatantly illustrated the studio's misogynistic fear of having a playable woman character where clearly Aya should have been the main character based on, well, the plot of the game itself!

C-tier Category: this'll keep me busy for a while

#7. Odyssey
#8. Valhalla

Yep, just gonna dump the [not really] "rpg" right here. We don't need to regurgitate the fatigue arguments we've all heard and wrote a million times, we get it, it's real, we know. I disagree with many who rate Valhalla so much lower than the other two- I can get into details about the strengths and weaknesses of each but I don't find it interesting. They're just ranked in release order because each time a thing repeats, it's lesser.

#9. Liberation
Originally released as a hand-held game to coincide with AC3, most don't even consider it a mainline entry. But I played it a couple times and I enjoyed it. Not only is it the only one where you play as a woman exclusively but it actually uses that unfortunately unique aspect in its plot and mechanics where you can where different outfits to effect how NPCs react. The story is actually pretty great with the mother, the mentor turning evil, the swamp, the smugglers, all the stuff. And you get a whip!

#10. Syndicate
A response to Unity for better (it actually works) and worse (simplified and less interesting). The Victorian England setting is least interesting for me, as it's too modern and covered so much in various BBC and Netflix shows. The best and worst thing about the game is clearing districts from rival gangs because, as with the later "rpg" ones, it's nice to have a mind-numbing pretty world, but the zombie-like dullness sets in a lot faster for me here than it does with the later games for some reason.

D-tier Category: if this wasn't set in a pretty historical world, it could f*** right off

#10: Assassin's Creed 3
Ah, the one that broke my heart.
My goodness did I have high hopes for this one. I have heard the complaint that the American Revolution is not a good setting for an AC game because there's already too much media bout the US or that there aren't enough buildings to climb or that the themes don't work with the setting and I just disagree, especially with the latter. But I am an American so take that as you will. Either way, playing as an indigenous person was a brilliant choice and I do love hearing the language and seeing a Mohawk village represented and using a freaking tomahawk- that is the best part of the game.
Everything else is a tragedy. With a new engine, reworked mechanics, and finally a new playable character, it was supposed to be a much needed reboot to the franchise. Instead, it's a grab-bag of unfinished systems that don't work together cohesively, incomplete or just bad missions, and vast vast emptiness, wrapped with a story that doesn't make any goddamn sense and I hate it so much. I still hear "TO THE LEFT CONNOR" in my nightmares- and since I live in Boston I get those nightmares every day.

#11: Rogue
Black Flag 2, but with shittier songs. A placeholder for what was then last-gen console owners. A much shorter story than the other games with a LOT more side filler, including TWO different maps of collectathon stuff. But since some of the side stuff is fun like the reverse-assassinations and even a lesser Black Flag is still fun, it's a nice time filler for hardcore AC fans that find this on sale.

F-tier Category: where the 'F' stands for 'F*** you, Ubisoft"

#12: Unity
I think they just literally arrested the creative director of this game lol.
This game has received some retroactive praise because it introduced ideas that would be great if they actually worked. But IMO, quality matters, and all the ideas in the world don't mean jack if the thing on the screen doesn't do the thing it's supposed to do. Parkour down, co-op missions, emphasis on stealth, dedicated crouch button, return of an actual "brotherhood"- great, right? But none of them freaking work!
I am not talking about bugs, I am talking about the core game. It's a broken janky piece of shit and I hate it. And when I say this online I get lectured about patches. Like.. I applied all the patches lol. It still doesn't work. The AI is insane. Arno is a magnet and all the chairs and windowsills are the opposite magnet. And the story is the least consequential of any AC.
This is the only AC game I would never ever replay.


May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
If playing Mirage, it defaults to English voice acting as the standard, which isn't terrible per se, but is far better experience picking the Arabic voice option, due to the iffy stilted delivery of English being jarring and way less believable. On console it counted it as a separate (free, don't give them any ideas!) download pack for me, which needed to reload the game, so is worth getting it out the way with before starting the story if this recommendation is of interest.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
was looking for an older AC thread to find it but I gave up so I'll just start this one. With Mirage coming out today and this site and others doing their series rankings I figured I'd put mine somewhere.

Here's that topic for you.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
I refuse to believe there's been that many AC.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
If playing Mirage, it defaults to English voice acting as the standard, which isn't terrible per se, but is far better experience picking the Arabic voice option, due to the iffy stilted delivery of English being jarring and way less believable. On console it counted it as a separate (free, don't give them any ideas!) download pack for me, which needed to reload the game, so is worth getting it out the way with before starting the story if this recommendation is of interest.
You know I was thinking about doing that but then I decided to just stick with English 'cause maybe I'm lazy, I dunno. Just wanna hear people talk in the language I understand, especially if it's the default. But good to know about have to restart the game though, thx.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Totally agree with your AC Origin take!

Look I like Bayek, I really do. But I would've loved the option to play as Aya as well, sort of like Syndicate where they have their own extensive story and gameplay style. The last bit at Rome was also kinda bad, and I really wish we got an AC game in Rome instead of Odyssey. I was also a tad bit annoyed this WASN'T the game where the hidden blade was first designed, would've been cool too.

I liked the world design enough, but I would've loved it more if it didn't have the outdated ubisoft open-world design where each district has the same set of activities to do.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
My goodness did I have high hopes for this one. I have heard the complaint that the American Revolution is not a good setting for an AC game because there's already too much media bout the US or that there aren't enough buildings to climb or that the themes don't work with the setting and I just disagree, especially with the latter. But I am an American so take that as you will. Either way, playing as an indigenous person was a brilliant choice and I do love hearing the language and seeing a Mohawk village represented and using a freaking tomahawk- that is the best part of the game.
I still maintain its a bad setting. Subjectively because I think just about everything that was happening elsewhere was more interesting. Why do the American Revolution when you can do the French one? And preferably not messing it up with horror faces and glitches. But that's just subjective. More objectively I think its a poor setting because its stiffling. If you do something in the era you must maintain the image of the founding fathers as marble men, of Britain as the villains and as the US as a force of good in the world.

You can see this with how Connor joins the revolution despite having absolutely no in character reason to do so. He only joins the revolution and kills British soldiers because any other option won't be accepted by the American market.

Now to give the writers credit AC3 takes as much liberty with the setting as it can. Washington is depicted as a bumbler rather than a god among men and he even personally inflicts tragedy on Connor. But still, even with this the game still ultimately concede that George is a good, if flawed man trying his best, and that Haythen's description of an arch opportunist and idiot is unfounded. He and Connor even end the game on fairly neutral terms despite everything. Between this and the game occasionally paying lipservice to the idea that the Americans are the true danger to the Natives its clear the game wants to explore more interesting ideas but that its constrained in actually doing those. In this aspect the game did itself no favor by having a Native American as the main character. I can accept a colonist drinking the freedom cool aid, but for a native American to join a force partially motivated for more chance to take his lands and kill his people I need a better explanation then the British not even being THAT mean that one time he's in Boston.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
> If you do something in the era you must maintain the image of the founding fathers as marble men, of Britain as the villains and as the US as a force of good in the world.

This seems more about your own expectations and presumptions than anything inherent to the setting. Previous games treated complicated historical figures as marble men much more so than AC3.


May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Some enemy NPC dude I was creeping on, hoping to assassinate by luring them closer through a curtain by whistling as they're visually highlighted by videogame powers, after the whistle just started fucking running at me full speed like a post-28-days-later zombie instead. Scared the shit outta me, they never done that before. Plus had plans for sneaking further back to lure them with a second whistle: a plan that was hastily revised to "what the fuck, oh shit, retreat at full speed!"


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Oh is this one of those "Actually AC Unity was good" videos? You can throw them in the same pile as "9/11 was an inside job" videos in terms of my regard for them. Both use careful editing to change reality to make a point that seems clever but is bullshit.

Unity had good ideas and potential but is actually complete ass to play. I mean it is literally the only AC game where playing it feels miserable and upsetting. These videos that show gorgeous parkour and lovely crowd interactions eliminate the constant futzing, broken AI, and Arno's behavior where he's made of rubber cement sticking to every window frame and chair he can. Unity is fucking dogshit.

This is why I'm always defending AC around here- not because it's not worthy of criticism (it is... it is). But because it just became this lightning rod of "well ahckchoollies" on the internet. It's to video games what "both parties are bad therefore why not Trump" is to political arguments- based on some understandable frustration but ultimately a pointless exercise in smug self-promotion.

And the funny thing, you don't need to do any of this to criticize Mirage. I like SkillUp and Dunky and Yahtzee but there is no possible way to make an AC that will please them at his point. I really can't imagine what such a game would look like- these games are not for them.

I, however, played a bunch more yesterday (finally) and I think it's enough to formulate an opinion and I would say that it's extremely meh, leaning on the side of blech. And that is for two reasons:

1- Awkward movement
I am not so picky about this stuff like some. I do share one common opinion that the move to the "rpg" style with Origins over-simplified everything to the point where navigation is uninteresting, but I also accept it's necessary to scale the game up in size. At least the movement worked and succeeded for what it needed to do, and whatever else I can say about the last 3 games, I never didn't enjoy just moving Bayek/Kassandra/Eivor around.

Even though mechanically, Mirage is basically just more Valhalla, something is off here. Camera moves kinda too fast and zooms in and out awkwardly; Basim just feels less "smooth"- I dunno I don't think I have the vocabulary for this stuff. I think it's like the game tries too hard to help you, with the zooming in and out or something. The most egregious moments came when I was in a room and had to move around things to open passages- these mini-puzzles have been in all these games- if you did the tombs in Origins or the locked houses in Valhalla you know what I mean. But here when I'm moving an object, the camera flies in past Basim; the ceilings are crushingly low; and you have to hold down a button to let go and together that makes this sort of thing impossible.

I will say that the simple act of scaling rooftops- the sort of trademark AC thing- is good, but that is because they really designed the city for that. I mean there are planks and conveniently stacked boxes and ropes everywhere.

2- Awkward character interaction
Basim's voice and face are weird- which is INSANE because he was so good in Valhalla! Wtf, seriously, this is one of those things that I never imagined would be a problem because why would it- same engine, same assets, same freaking character!- and yet he talks and acts like an NPC from Horizon Zero Dawn or Final Fantasy 16 (this particularly awkward and weird NPC style of recent games that uncanny valley good characters in a specific that pisses me off because Witcher 3 figured this shit out 9 years ago).

Some of the NPCs are good- there is this thief chick that is Basim's friend (she's like the first character you meet so no spoiler) and she looks, talks, and is cool. There's the dudes that upgrade your items and they're fine, and of course there's the mentor character voiced by the beloved middle-eastern actress who sounds like she ate a frog, and she's fine (I have seen criticisms of her character's rendering but I don't get it, she's fine). But some of the NPCs you encounter during assassination missions are just so robotic. But, again, the problem is really Basim himself- he's weird and terrible.

After completing the first major assassination I was surprised how actually hard it was. And I feel it's both because of the mission design and also the game's mechanical weaknesses. I had to sneak into a caravanserai to lure out and kill a dude, and I love all of that. It's one of those great Unity ideas executed poorly where you have a target in a big area and you can do optional side things to make the kill easier and cooler. The problem here is, as usual, enemy AI- in one moment they are so oblivious I can kill a guy right next to his buddy who is completely unaware. On the other hand, once they do see you they never let up and can then see you from a mile away. They also added this thing where the crowd itself turns against you. So you have a contradiction- the mechanics let you murder crowds of people, but the NPCs don't let you continue afterwards.

Basically they just took Valhalla, a game that was never designed for stealth, and simplified some stuff and added some other easy stuff to kluge together something that resembles stealth. But it's not great, for the most part.
However, when it comes together, it still is fun, despite itself. Once I finally lured that dude in the caravanserai out, I sneaked my way up above and air assassinated him and I felt the kind of happiness that only AC can give me.

Baghdad is freaking gorgeous and I know I say this about every AC but damn, what a thrill to immerse myself in another stunning historical environment.

So, overall, so far, yeah, this game ain't great. But not for any of the reasons I'm seeing in a lot of these videos and reviews. So far it's feeling like FF16- fun enough to spend a weekend or two with but the flaws are BLATANT and annoying.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
. I like SkillUp and Dunky and Yahtzee but there is no possible way to make an AC that will please them at his point.
I'm not going to blame either three in the first place. But Yahtzee has been having the "old man yells at cloud" energy for a good while now. It's part of the reason why I barely even touch the stuff anymore.

I really can't imagine what such a game would look like-
Yachts it really doesn't know what he wants at this point. Lately him and many other game journalists want to have it both ways, or are complaining about non issues. SkillUp at least tries and Dunkey just once games that are good and fun, or do their own thing.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Oh is this one of those "Actually AC Unity was good" videos? You can throw them in the same pile as "9/11 was an inside job" videos in terms of my regard for them. Both use careful editing to change reality to make a point that seems clever but is bullshit.

Unity had good ideas and potential but is actually complete ass to play. I mean it is literally the only AC game where playing it feels miserable and upsetting. These videos that show gorgeous parkour and lovely crowd interactions eliminate the constant futzing, broken AI, and Arno's behavior where he's made of rubber cement sticking to every window frame and chair he can. Unity is fucking dogshit.

This is why I'm always defending AC around here- not because it's not worthy of criticism (it is... it is). But because it just became this lightning rod of "well ahckchoollies" on the internet. It's to video games what "both parties are bad therefore why not Trump" is to political arguments- based on some understandable frustration but ultimately a pointless exercise in smug self-promotion.

And the funny thing, you don't need to do any of this to criticize Mirage. I like SkillUp and Dunky and Yahtzee but there is no possible way to make an AC that will please them at his point. I really can't imagine what such a game would look like- these games are not for them.

I, however, played a bunch more yesterday (finally) and I think it's enough to formulate an opinion and I would say that it's extremely meh, leaning on the side of blech. And that is for two reasons:

1- Awkward movement
I am not so picky about this stuff like some. I do share one common opinion that the move to the "rpg" style with Origins over-simplified everything to the point where navigation is uninteresting, but I also accept it's necessary to scale the game up in size. At least the movement worked and succeeded for what it needed to do, and whatever else I can say about the last 3 games, I never didn't enjoy just moving Bayek/Kassandra/Eivor around.

Even though mechanically, Mirage is basically just more Valhalla, something is off here. Camera moves kinda too fast and zooms in and out awkwardly; Basim just feels less "smooth"- I dunno I don't think I have the vocabulary for this stuff. I think it's like the game tries too hard to help you, with the zooming in and out or something. The most egregious moments came when I was in a room and had to move around things to open passages- these mini-puzzles have been in all these games- if you did the tombs in Origins or the locked houses in Valhalla you know what I mean. But here when I'm moving an object, the camera flies in past Basim; the ceilings are crushingly low; and you have to hold down a button to let go and together that makes this sort of thing impossible.

I will say that the simple act of scaling rooftops- the sort of trademark AC thing- is good, but that is because they really designed the city for that. I mean there are planks and conveniently stacked boxes and ropes everywhere.

2- Awkward character interaction
Basim's voice and face are weird- which is INSANE because he was so good in Valhalla! Wtf, seriously, this is one of those things that I never imagined would be a problem because why would it- same engine, same assets, same freaking character!- and yet he talks and acts like an NPC from Horizon Zero Dawn or Final Fantasy 16 (this particularly awkward and weird NPC style of recent games that uncanny valley good characters in a specific that pisses me off because Witcher 3 figured this shit out 9 years ago).

Some of the NPCs are good- there is this thief chick that is Basim's friend (she's like the first character you meet so no spoiler) and she looks, talks, and is cool. There's the dudes that upgrade your items and they're fine, and of course there's the mentor character voiced by the beloved middle-eastern actress who sounds like she ate a frog, and she's fine (I have seen criticisms of her character's rendering but I don't get it, she's fine). But some of the NPCs you encounter during assassination missions are just so robotic. But, again, the problem is really Basim himself- he's weird and terrible.

After completing the first major assassination I was surprised how actually hard it was. And I feel it's both because of the mission design and also the game's mechanical weaknesses. I had to sneak into a caravanserai to lure out and kill a dude, and I love all of that. It's one of those great Unity ideas executed poorly where you have a target in a big area and you can do optional side things to make the kill easier and cooler. The problem here is, as usual, enemy AI- in one moment they are so oblivious I can kill a guy right next to his buddy who is completely unaware. On the other hand, once they do see you they never let up and can then see you from a mile away. They also added this thing where the crowd itself turns against you. So you have a contradiction- the mechanics let you murder crowds of people, but the NPCs don't let you continue afterwards.

Basically they just took Valhalla, a game that was never designed for stealth, and simplified some stuff and added some other easy stuff to kluge together something that resembles stealth. But it's not great, for the most part.
However, when it comes together, it still is fun, despite itself. Once I finally lured that dude in the caravanserai out, I sneaked my way up above and air assassinated him and I felt the kind of happiness that only AC can give me.

Baghdad is freaking gorgeous and I know I say this about every AC but damn, what a thrill to immerse myself in another stunning historical environment.

So, overall, so far, yeah, this game ain't great. But not for any of the reasons I'm seeing in a lot of these videos and reviews. So far it's feeling like FF16- fun enough to spend a weekend or two with but the flaws are BLATANT and annoying.
…Ok, so you’re more passionate about the series than the average passerby glancing at a YouTube video, where the only point was demonstrating in a general sense how similar (or in some cases even superior) something made nearly a decade prior can technically appear at a glance. Things like lighting, textures (both shit on YouTube but whatever) crowd density, parkour animation, etc. It was edited to highlight these things, but it’s not like they changed the games’ coding or something to do so. Unity being complete shit otherwise has no bearing on what the video was attempting to convey, because it’s highly likely that maybe half the people who know nothing of either game would think the older game was the newer one.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
…Ok, so you’re more passionate about the series than the average passerby glancing at a YouTube video, where the only point was demonstrating in a general sense how similar (or in some cases even superior) something made nearly a decade prior can technically appear at a glance. Things like lighting, textures (both shit on YouTube but whatever) crowd density, parkour animation, etc. It was edited to highlight these things, but it’s not like they changed the games’ coding or something to do so. Unity being complete shit otherwise has no bearing on what the video was attempting to convey, because it’s highly likely that maybe half the people who know nothing of either game would think the older game was the newer one.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Funny in itself, but still pretty irrelevant here with comparing two different games side by side. Besides,

Or is that also doctored footage? Idk, but a quick browse of the comments show that maybe (just maybe!) some people actually liked Unity.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
some people actually liked Unity.
That is true. Though many only started liking it after all the patches and updates. I do remember one female GameStop employee being overly defensive about Unity. She claimed that there were never any bugs in the game, but then I showed her the proof. She kind of flipped out making extra excuses on top of a "whatever" and left in a huff.
Last edited:
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
That is true. Though many only started liking it after all the patches and updates. I do remember one female GameStop employee being overly defensive about Unity. She claimed that there were never any bugs in the game, but then I showed her the proof. She kind of flipped out making extra excuses on top of a "whatever" and left in a huff.
Some people really started liking (or, I believe, pretending to like Unity) after Origins, as way to on-line "protest" the change in format. Then Unity got a little more good press after the IRL Notre Dame had a massive fire and people were praising the game's recreation of it, going so far as to create a myth that it would literally be used to help restore the real one.
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