JP: 'Bukki-'
Woolsey: 'Booster'
I made this one larger than normal because the detail's not that easy to see, but I don't have a better shot of it. Booster's/Bukki's name is written on the welcome sign, and it's there in the English version as well.

Bowser's victory pose in the Japanese version is supposed to be him holding his bicep to show off how strong he is. However, thrusting your arm up while holding the bicep with your other arm is a rude gesture in some parts of the world, to say nothing of how his closed fist kinda looks like he's flipping the bird if you squint. So it was changed to the double-bicep pose.

JP: 'Murakke Hanma-'
Woolsey: 'Masher'
Me: 'Rough Hammer'
'Murakke' can be a word for 'rough' or 'uneven', and that's used in the weapon's description, which roughly translates to 'A hammer with very uneven damage'. However, the word can also refer to a step in the process of making mochi, and official artwork of the weapon itself shows that it looks like a mochi-pounding hammer. Ted Woolsey clearly decided to focus on that aspect of it, especially since that led into the description of 'Makes monster mash!', which, yes, I do get the reference, but once again the reference comes at a cost - in this case, the understanding that the weapon has a very wide random damage range compared to other weapons.
This one doesn't work as just a screenshot. If the timestamp doesn't work, it's 10:52. You'll understand why I wanted to mark this one out once you've seen it.
The things we could've had outside Japan in the remake...

JP: 'Clown (Big Bro)' and 'Clown (Little Bro)'
Woolsey: 'Knife Guy' and 'Grate Guy'
I'm not sure if it's made clear through dialogue or whatever else that Knife Guy and Grate Guy are actually brothers, in the English version. But they are. The Clown Bros, more specifically.

JP: 'Strawberry'
Woolsey: 'Bundt'
That isn't a goddamn Bundt cake. That isn't a goddamn Bundt cake. That isn't a goddamn Bundt cake. That isn't a goddamn Bundt cake. That isn't a goddamn Bundt cake.

This is a Bundt cake.
This has been the 'what the hell was he on' rant of this post.