It's ok. Kinda clunky for a Platinum game, and I wish the camera could be pulled back further from Jack. Quite good looking for a Wii game, tho the resolution boost and texture pack I added no doubt helped. And it's got style, drawing from Sin City obviously, but I'm also getting a bit of Viewtiful Joe and maybe just a dash of Godhand. But weirdly, the game I think it 'feels' the most like is No More Heroes. Not so much in moment to moment gameplay, as in general vibe as games that take refuge in audacity.How you liking MadWorld?
Did you use a Wii Mote and Nunchuck when playing on emulator? I played on the actual hardware last year and most of the game didn't feel to clunky to me at least, but I might be too use to it to even notice notice. I do know Anarchy Reigns plays way smoother. As for the vibes you are feeling, you are not wrong. Platinum was made up of mostly ex-Clover Studios alumni at the beginning. MadWorld is a spiritual successor to God Hand, and Platinum stated as such in their previews and various press kits. No More Heroes was there inspiration too, with the ranked battles and dark comedy.It's ok. Kinda clunky for a Platinum game, and I wish the camera could be pulled back further from Jack. Quite good looking for a Wii game, tho the resolution boost and texture pack I added no doubt helped. And it's got style, drawing from Sin City obviously, but I'm also getting a bit of Viewtiful Joe and maybe just a dash of Godhand. But weirdly, the game I think it 'feels' the most like is No More Heroes. Not so much in moment to moment gameplay, as in general vibe as games that take refuge in audacity.
You can play with kb/m, but you're essentially emulating the right analog using a mouse. Sensitivity is a huge pain to get right, and it always feels like you have mouse acceleration.I’ve always wondered how these would play on kb/mouse. Still looks pretty good too.
Oi, where's Ermac's booty shot?Mileena!
(Ugh I think my scrub account is limited to 5 per post)
Oi, where's Ermac's booty shot?