Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Suikeden Who?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
The splash screen of this game says "For the love of JRPGs", and never has a statement hit so hard as it does in the new Eiyuden Chronicles game. Lovingly crafted using amazing pixel art on the back of modern technology, EC is a JRPG lover's JRPG. From the characters, to the setting, to the story and battle mechanics. This game is everything you could want in a JRPG and then some. I was a bit skeptical at first when I booted the game, but EC immediately greets you with wonderfully lovable characters backed by incredible voice acting which is unheard of in a game with this budget and this many characters.

The first thing that struck me was the personality of the writing, it's very funny but not in a Borderlands kind of way where everything has to be a quip or a joke or a mockery of pop culture. Instead it's just humorous writing brought forth by the characters. Your main character is Nowa a young man joining what is basically the neighborhood watch of the local lands. He's immediately grouped with a team of five other characters, of who Lian insists that she bosses you around because she has been in the Watch for TWO days longer than you and therefore has seniority. There is a charm to it all, not just in the writing but also the way the actors deliver the lines and quite honestly this might be the best voice acting in a JRPG I've ever heard, that includes the FF7 Remake.

The battle system is incredibly easy to get into and is the first turn-based JRPG in a very long time that gives you 6 characters to control in battle at once. Which the number can get quite complicated in a normal battle system, but EC's battles are very straightforward. You're basic attacks build up SP and you spend SP on special attacks, I wonder if SP stands for anything. Those characters with magic can also use MP to cast spells. And then there are team attacks where two or more characters can use SP together to do a better thing together. That's really it. The game also has a tactics system which is more like a gambit system from Final Fantasy 12 where you can program character's behavior in battle, because from moment one the game gives you an auto-battle system.

Auto-battling is great because more normal fights don't require much thinking and it's nice just to be able to set your character's behaviors and let them power through the generic fights. However that wont work on bosses, as every boss as a gimmick that you must pay attention to in order to get through without a nightmare. Some bosses require you to duck your characters behind cover. Another boss will have you flip a switch so that a crane will drop boulders on the bad guys instead of your party. Another boss has you guess which side it'll pop out on so you can hit it with a magical Whack-a-mole hammer. The gimmicks themselves aren't particularly difficult, but the require you to pay attention even if you would otherwise be overleveled and easily able to stomp the boss in a straight-up fight.

Speaking of leveling, EC has an interesting system in that reguard as well. Every level for every character requires only 1000 exp, which to me suggested that I could either power-level myself to Godhood, or the game had level scaling like FF8 which I would have uninstalled the game immediately because I hate that shit. Instead neither was the answer. What EC does is applies EXP penatlies to your characters based on the levels of the enemies you are fighting. If you are the same level or lower, you get full exp, but as you over level those enemies the exp get's less and less. At full exp the enemy might give you 300+ exp, however a couple levels later and that enemy gives you a mere 4 exp. This allows you to over level but only to a point, which I think is fair. But there is also another system in place with the exp. Your characters can get BONUS exp if they are a lower level than both the enemies you fight AND the level of the rest of the party. This is fantastic because there are 100 playable characters in EC, which means you'll never keep up with everybody in levels on every character, but if you bring along someone new or someone who've not adventured with in a while, that character will get a big bonus every fight until they match your party. So usually a new character only needs to be in three or four fights before they are on par with the rest of the group, which is fantastic. Especially since there are so many characters, it is nice that they thought of a way to make it easy to use neglected party members if you want to.

Now this is going to hurt me and shock you all, but I think I might like this game more than FF7Rebirth for GOTY.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
FYI for anyone thinking about picking it up on the switch, its apparently a barely functioning port.
Really pathetic considering this is the kind of game that should be up the big N’s alley. Maybe they should use some of their billions to create a console that actually can support current gen games next time around instead of dumping most of their budget into quirky R&D features.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Really pathetic considering this is the kind of game that should be up the big N’s alley. Maybe they should use some of their billions to create a console that actually can support current gen games next time around instead of dumping most of their budget into quirky R&D features.
Considering the games that I've seen run on the thing, I can say with at least some level of confidence that unless your game is a next-gen system benchmarking title (highest possible fidelity to showcase the system's capability) then the quality of the port job sits strongly on the developer. The Switch is a more than capable system that has been around for a long time. There's no excuse for shoddy port jobs at this point. Devs should know how to use the system and build for it. Even if compromises have to be made to make it work it should still be able to work.
I should note this is being spoken in a general sense. There's always going to be a couple of examples that go against the point being made. With that said, Eiyuden does not look like a game that should be struggling in any major way on the Switch.

Edit: Ok I have one major caveat to make to my post. Eiyuden was made with Unity. Many, MANY games I've seen that are made with Unity run pretty poorly on the Switch. I'm not sure what it is about this engine, but it requires a good bit of extra work and optimization to make it play nice on the system. If it's not given that extra care then it can be rather rough
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
SP just kinda builds over time, not necessarily with attacks, it's why defending a bunch and then unleashing a high tier skill is very effective in hard fights. It stands for Skill Points btw.

Also a minor correction, there's like 120~ characters (the initial KS pitch which the name is based on was 100 heroes, but there were a ton of stretch goals which added more chars, and the backers got to vote on the artwork for those chars, like for example the kunoichi was voted to have a look similar to Yoruichi from Bleach), but not all are playable, you get to a point where you build a fort like in Suikoden, and some of those party members are shopkeeps and council members and strategists and architects etc, I think only maybe 60ish are actually playable in combat, but still that's a ton of chars. Some like the girls who manage the Inn can still join you in your expeditions too, in that Support slot, which gives you passive benefits like for example allowing you to change your party at any save point (the sultry Elf lady does that) or increasing how much resources you get out of those shiny points.

Oh and you didn't touch on the minigames cause they come a bit later in the picture, but off the top of my head you have a card game, beyblade, fishing, monster racing, theater, shokugeki cooking battles and so on. They were all kick starter stretch-goals and we cleared em all so I remember them, but they don't all become available asap. I only got fishing and beyblade 20 hours in.

Also much like the minigames, later on you have grand scale wars which play like a turn based strategy games, and 1v1 duels during crucial story bits which have amazing animation and have their own rock paper scissors style gameplay. Those spice up the experience a ton since they feel totally distinct to the normal gameplay loop and have unique voice lines attached to them.

The thing about the switch and ps4 versions is true though, basically the loading screens are like ps2 levels slow on those systems, and I think the framerate on switch chugs too. Initially they weren't even PLANNING on putting the game on switch. On the KS it promised the game would be on a next gen nintendo platform, cause they assumed back in 2020 that by 2024 nintendo would have obviously put out a new console. But they realized like a year and a half ago that they wouldn't have, so I guess they rushed the switch port after that point.

Anyhow yeah this game is eating up all my stellar blade time, so that speaks volumes in itself XD. I almost feel sad playing it cause it feels like the end of an era, like we won't get proper Jrpgs any more. But then I remember we got a new entire trails arc kicking off in the summer, and then Metaphor in fall, so we're still eating good.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Also much like the minigames, later on you have grand scale wars which play like a turn based strategy games, and 1v1 duels during crucial story bits which have amazing animation and have their own rock paper scissors style gameplay. Those spice up the experience a ton since they feel totally distinct to the normal gameplay loop and have unique voice lines attached to them.
I did get to one of these battles, and I hope there aren't many more of them because they are pretty bad to play. There is very little feedback on things and the information on the battlefield is vague which makes any real strategy beyond zerg rushing down the armies not really viable.

I haven't unlocked the mini games, but I also think the duels are bad because having climatic battles based strictly on a rock, paper, scissor's mechanic is also really dumb.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I did get to one of these battles, and I hope there aren't many more of them because they are pretty bad to play. There is very little feedback on things and the information on the battlefield is vague which makes any real strategy beyond zerg rushing down the armies not really viable.

I haven't unlocked the mini games, but I also think the duels are bad because having climatic battles based strictly on a rock, paper, scissor's mechanic is also really dumb.
Well the system is rock paper scissors but actually it's all about the narrative, there is a pretty big "tell" of what the right pick is in each situation based on what the chars are saying, so you gotta just pay attention and read the mood right basically. When the guy is like "I will use my ultimate move!" you may wanna counter and when you are like "I won't hold anything back!" you wanna attack instead. There's an internal logic basically.

As for the big war battles, it's simple, but the real point to it is getting those cool dialogue moments you do when generals meet. Basically both of these systems are really storytelling elements more than focused on a gameplay experience.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
As for the big war battles, it's simple, but the real point to it is getting those cool dialogue moments you do when generals meet. Basically both of these systems are really storytelling elements more than focused on a gameplay experience.
So long as they aren't overdone I think it'll be fine.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Well the system is rock paper scissors but actually it's all about the narrative, there is a pretty big "tell" of what the right pick is in each situation based on what the chars are saying, so you gotta just pay attention and read the mood right basically. When the guy is like "I will use my ultimate move!" you may wanna counter and when you are like "I won't hold anything back!" you wanna attack instead. There's an internal logic basically.

As for the big war battles, it's simple, but the real point to it is getting those cool dialogue moments you do when generals meet. Basically both of these systems are really storytelling elements more than focused on a gameplay experience.
Sadly those are pretty much the same for every suikoden, were you'd get maybe 1 duel and 1 strategy battle that weren't so scripted they might as well be a cutscene. A real shame because the strategy battle represented an occasion to actually use most of the large cast, 3 even has you splitting your full rooster in many small combat party so that you get to use 50 or so of them and give you a reason to properly build them all up, in theory. In practice, almost every battle is a forgone conclusion and the only one where your action actually matter is super easy and can be won with just your regular party.
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Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
This game has been on my radar.

I even played the side scrolling prequel to this game.

I don't have a major attachment to Suikeden my friend played it and loved it but something about this made me want to check it out. I always have a soft spot for a fine I will do it myself when IPs are in limbo its why I look forward to Penny Blood aka not totally is Shadowhearts.

Going to keep an eye on this and grab it hopefully next paycheck.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
This game has been on my radar.

I even played the side scrolling prequel to this game.

I don't have a major attachment to Suikeden my friend played it and loved it but something about this made me want to check it out. I always have a soft spot for a fine I will do it myself when IPs are in limbo its why I look forward to Penny Blood aka not totally is Shadowhearts.

Going to keep an eye on this and grab it hopefully next paycheck.
Oh yeah I backed penny blood and armed fantasia too, those are also looking great.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Official Marisa Story Expansion Launch Trailer



Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
So that's part 1 of the dlc, next one is Seign's story on March, and finally the skeleton lord Markus' in the summer which actually won a backer vote back in the day. Also if you're a backer keep in mind you get all this for free if you log on to the yeti store. It's one code for all 3 dlcs.

Hilariously enough, Marissa's came out right on my birthday. You can't make this stuff up.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
So I played about 15 hours of this, its not terrible, but its really nothing special, its like "generic nostalgia RPG: The game". Unless something change radically later on (checking other review and guide, it really doesn't like there is) I'm probably done. It's like suikoden 2 light and without the excuse that its a 20 year old game.

The gameplay is super simplistic, there's nothing really interesting here. The game has a tons of recruitable character, but they differ very little from each others, so there's essentially no reason to use the vast majority of them since most of the really good one are just story character and the rest are worthless. There's no real building them up either, most can only equip 4 runes (think accessory/special attack/magic), but rune don't do much ultimately. Magic is near worthless, cost a ton of MP to do less damage than regular attack and most mage character are waffer thin on defense and die almost immediately. Was playing on hard and most boss fight my backline would die right away but I could still easily clear the fight with just my frontline who would take 2-3% HP damage from most boss attack. Suikoden 3 introduced skills to differentiate character a bit more (to mix results), but this was too advanced for this. Some sort of reason to bring most character along, at least for a little bit (say every character have a couple of gameplay objective they need to do, like X of Y or something, and when you do it, you get some tangible gameplay reward) would have really helped make every character feel like they have a role to play, but nope.

Same for story essentially, its about what you'd expect. They're obviously trying to copy suikoden 2 story, with the main character and his rival, but in suikoden 2, the rival character are childhood friend and have a long history together. Here, the rival character meet the main character for like an afternoon, and this is supposed to be some incredibly deep relationship, it just didn't work for me. Especially since they know that the empire is evil and are just going along because that's their job I guess? Otherwise its just "empire is evil, you're not, time to rebel", didn't play very far, but I'm guessing the empire is essentially static while you build your force and never think of attacking your very obvious castle. Otherwise almost every character is one or two notes, they're okay, but nothing special.
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