A thread about Xbox being Stupid


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

With Hellblade 2 being the only big release from Microsoft and it being a massive waste of time, I figure it would be nice to have a thread about Xbox doing stupid shit. Post any remarkable Xbox decisions and news here so we can all point and laugh at them.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I am not even mad at xbox anymore. All I feel is pity. It used to have such a great community even during xb1 days. Now it only seem to have those fanatical supporters, with no significant first-party games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
We technically already have this in the current events thread, but I don't mind. The space battles forums beat you to it about three months ago.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I am not even mad at xbox anymore. All I feel is pity. It used to have such a great community even during xb1 days. Now it only seem to have those fanatical supporters, with no significant first-party games.
With no games to build the brand the only people left are those who have drank too much of the Kool-Aid
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I am not even mad at xbox anymore. All I feel is pity. It used to have such a great community even during xb1 days. Now it only seem to have those fanatical supporters, with no significant first-party games.
I don't even feel pity. I give them nothingness. Fuck'em.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States

With Hellblade 2 being the only big release from Microsoft and it being a massive waste of time, I figure it would be nice to have a thread about Xbox doing stupid shit. Post any remarkable Xbox decisions and news here so we can all point and laugh at them.

Act Man made a correct summation in the title there, because it will never end as long as MS has money to piss away.

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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

Xbox's current head says a bunch of stupid nonsense.

"I like the game's industry because it's creative." Oh really? I didn't know games where creative, especially since big companies prevent creativity from ever being a part of the "products". Oh and she loves mobile games, those horrible apps that are little more than glorified money pits for stupid people. They make billions so I wonder what part she loves so much about them.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

Xbox's current head says a bunch of stupid nonsense.

"I like the game's industry because it's creative." Oh really? I didn't know games where creative, especially since big companies prevent creativity from ever being a part of the "products". Oh and she loves mobile games, those horrible apps that are little more than glorified money pits for stupid people. They make billions so I wonder what part she loves so much about them.
Nice click bait title. A gaming crash is never going to happen again. People have so many options and places to go nowadays. Steam, GOG, etc. It's not like how it was back in 1983. That crash was mainly in America ( A majority of the outside world was still gaming fine), and that was because every Charleton and shit heel was trying to release games in the lowest effort for possible with all the shovel ware. Digital distribution is a huge thing now. So that changes the market entirely. The shovel ware Is found on a majority of mobile games now.

These YouTube idiots think that if a crash happens, everything will go back to normal but really even the smaller studios and indie suffer heavily too. They also think that they're ones that only matter when this crash happens or that they will survive it. I had already discussed this before on another forum site.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
You know if Xbox wants to push Gamepass so hard I think what it should have been doing is releasing games as exclusive to Gamepass. Hi-Fi Rush, Hellblade 2, Forza, if you want these games you MUST sub to Gamepass you cannot buy them. You need to have bait on the hook for people to want to sub to Gamepass and remain subbed for months or even years. I think Xbox really shit the bed on it because Gamepass isn't really working out, not just in terms of subscription numbers but also it's ruining sales figures. So games look like flops that otherwise wouldn't have been if they had just been for sale only. Or likewise only available to play on Gamepass in order to maintain sub numbers.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Nice click bait title. A gaming crash is never going to happen again.
Has there ever been a true gaming crash in the first place?

I remember back in the days people were saying that the PC was dead as a gaming platform: consoles would wipe it out. Here we are decades later, and it's still doing fine. Obviously it's market share declined as a percentage of players and gaming time, but that's actually because more and more people started playing computer games, much on consoles. In absolute numbers, PC gaming merrily continued on growing. Proportional market share for console / PC gaming has likewise declined despite absolute numbers increasing... because mobile phones brought another massive chunk of gamers onto the market on a different platform.

At various points companies and products have gone spectacularly bust, but that's really due to typical reasons of capitalism (overextending themselves, too much competition for the market), but gaming itself has never crashed. Even in the 1980s, any crash was USA-specific, and what actually happened was that people were moving from consoles to personal computers... and what did they then do with personal computers, but play games on them?

Is the Xbox (for instance) going to die like Atari did? Who gives a shit? Yeah, sorry, Xbox owners, and many devs/publishers working on stuff for it. But all of the other gaming will go merrily on, and within a year or two, the Xbox-sized hole in the gaming market won't even visible.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
there ever been a true gaming crash in the first place?
Yes. Console gaming was dead in the US for a while until Nintendo came around. Personal computers didn't count in this case and most people couldn't afford at the time.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I recall as far back as my initial purchase of Xbox One that I had to kinda ask myself - why am I buying this? I bought it to play Dead Rising 3. I beat it and until recently my xbox one has sat on a shelf for 7 years? oh wow its been like 10 years.

I'm actually very easy to talk into dumb electronic purchases, but I genuinely could not find a compelling reason to to buy an Xbox Series X. While I haven't exactly made massive use of my PS4/PS5 I have at least played through 3 or 4 games on it. God Of War, Ghost of Tsushima, LOU1 & 2 and a couple others. Largely well...exclusives.

The biggest problem is that Xbox provides me with literally zero incentive to own one or pay for xbox pass. I actually don't know what exclusives it even has. Forza?

Modern vintage gaming and Adam Koralik have both done some videos about the history of Xbox, but essentially it started as a home media center play. Gaming never was and isn't as important as getting an xbox in the home to sell services on. The problem that Microsoft is finding out that they were too little too late. It's sort of ironic. The homebrew community was wildly success in turning the original xbox into a home media center. Theres still pirate music/movie/gaming services online you can connect your original xbox to, but Microsoft never really go their shit together until Xbox One. They even had that pointless catv adapter for cable. However by the point you could even use an Xbox One as a home media center everyone could literally watch HDTV on their phone and install netflix on their TV.

Microsft has since tried to pivot to "making games", which is funny because the OG xbox has more console exclusives than any console next to Sega, but they burned all those bridges.

Now I can only speculate, but it seems like they facing a parallel issue to Sega America vs Sega Japan back the 90s when Sega Japan was like "hey Sega Saturn" and Sega America was like "no fuck you 32x".

I think the wacko merges and layoffs are coming from Microsoft as a whole and not Microsoft the game studios. knucklehead bean counters.

Sucks for everyone, but I am enjoying watching Microsoft burn for doing Windows 10 dirty. Sidenote, this all distracting from the fact that Windows 11 is also a massive flop. The user base is down to like 30% versus Windows 10, supposedly they're on the verge of abandoning Windows 11 next year and doing a Windows ME thing.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
So glad I skipped 11. Even if there’s ways around it, wtf were they thinking having only the most recent hardware officially supported? It’s literally the exact opposite of 10, and 7 for that matter.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
I feel like the rise of the XBox series has always been a fluke mainly based on the fact that the XBox 360 released sooner and was cheaper than the PS3. In terms of exclusives it pretty much had Gears of War and fuck all else that didn't at least also release on PC.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Sucks for everyone, but I am enjoying watching Microsoft burn for doing Windows 10 dirty. Sidenote, this all distracting from the fact that Windows 11 is also a massive flop. The user base is down to like 30% versus Windows 10, supposedly they're on the verge of abandoning Windows 11 next year and doing a Windows ME thing.
The problem with making a good OS - and Win10 was one of the better Windows versions - is that they feel very little need to upgrade. I don't think MS made a good job of persuading people happy with Win10 of the case to upgrade. (Which is sort of unfortunate, because I'm pretty sure Win11 is better than Win10.)

I suspect a lot of it corporate. Switching OS can be a massive issue for many IT departments. If the old one does fine, it's not worth the fuss moving to the new, and that will go double if a lot of the hardware the organisation uses is a little quaint, and may struggle with higher software demands. I'm pretty sure a lot of them skipped Vista, for instance, going straight from XP to Win7. The organisation I worked for at the time certainly did.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
The problem with making a good OS - and Win10 was one of the better Windows versions - is that they feel very little need to upgrade. I don't think MS made a good job of persuading people happy with Win10 of the case to upgrade. (Which is sort of unfortunate, because I'm pretty sure Win11 is better than Win10.)

I suspect a lot of it corporate. Switching OS can be a massive issue for many IT departments. If the old one does fine, it's not worth the fuss moving to the new, and that will go double if a lot of the hardware the organisation uses is a little quaint, and may struggle with higher software demands. I'm pretty sure a lot of them skipped Vista, for instance, going straight from XP to Win7. The organisation I worked for at the time certainly did.
Im in IT, yeah everyone skipped 8. Nobody remembers but theres also 8.1 which is literally a distinct OS they put out because no one would adopt 8. I don't recall the exact details, but I wanna say 8 tried to completely revamp the classic windows desktop and hid it behind a confusing icons menu that resembles xbox, the problem was many many apps were not compatible with the new gui, but also it created serious security loopholes. 8.1 allows you to switch back to classic I think.

I went 98, 98se, 2000 pro, xp pro sp1-3, 7 pro, 10 pro. I use 10 pro edu edition because edu had government restrictions against what spamware Microsoft could ship with it. I had vista briefly and man I want to like it, but it several major bugs that literally prevented me from running apps I needed.

Windows 11 is kind of a big shit show, I took one look at the new UI and Said "nope", granted a bunch programers have posted online how to restore the classic shell I just don't need any of the new features. That said last week Microsoft announced they're beta testing ads in toolbar, which you can of course disable "today".

Yeah as a power user I literally just want a static start menu, CLI and a toolbar. I don't want fucking clippy, Cortana, or an AI trying to redirect everything I do.

Theyre claiming windows 10 security support ends next year, but I suspect they will back pedal because the install base of windows 11 is so low ironically despite the fact they try to trick you into upgrading everytime you restart.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
This whole brand-identity thing just makes me wonder what the Xbox brand is going to look like the next generation.

Xbox is obviously looking to cede the majority of their games over to PlayStation, and it is pretty obvious that they are not going to reciprocate. So if the PlayStation has all of Xbox's games, what does that make the Xbox? A gamepass box, and that is about it.

But then the big question there is what is the audience for people who would knowingly skip PlayStation's games, just to buy an Xbox for Gamepass?

But at the end of the day, Gamepass is really what is keeping Xbox afloat. Gamepass subscriptions alone account for <£250m every month, but as Sony's market share increases, and presumably more and more people make that jump across, these numbers are only going to shrink as time goes on, and likely plummet when the next generation of consoles are released.

And at that point, would the Xbox even be worth porting games for? Probably not.

If I had a say, I would probably say that MS's best bet would be to make an Xbox-branded PC. Not dissimilar to the Steam Deck (or one of those older Steam Machines), where it runs a console-like UI, but is capable of playing the entire library of PC games. Stick Gamepass onto that, and I can see that being a compelling purchase, especially at a (presumably) discounted price vs other PC prebuilds.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Windows 11 is kind of a big shit show, I took one look at the new UI and Said "nope", granted a bunch programers have posted online how to restore the classic shell I just don't need any of the new features. That said last week Microsoft announced they're beta testing ads in toolbar, which you can of course disable "today".
im upset that you can't get a new PC with windows 10 anymore. Everything i have is windows 11 and I fucking hate it. It's the stupidest dumbest windows I've ever seen and i remember Windows ME.