Astro Bot - Charming Propaganda


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Astro bot has been a sort of unofficial Playstation mascot since I think the Eyetoy was released. The developers behind the cute little bot serve as Playstation tech demo makers with a frankly incredible ability to make a tech demo into a fun and charming little experience.

When the PS5 launched it released with a lovely platformer called Astro's Playroom, a game designed to showcase the PS5's power and the capability of all of the new controller features. For being a little tech demo game it was really rather fantastic. So fantastic that Sony gave them free reign to turn Astro's Playroom into a full length game. Which is exactly what Astro Bot is, a direct sequel to Playroom in the guise of a full modernized Mario World type of game.

Your Ps5 spaceship is attacked, parts are stolen and scattered across the galaxy. It's up to you to find all the bots and puzzle pieces to help you rebuild the Console the day I guess.

If you've played Playroom, you know what to expect here. You'll traverse a series of levels, gathering bots and puzzle pieces along the way. Where the game gets the charm comes in two ways. The first is the creative level design seen throughout the game, I am 70% complete with the game and I have yet to see repeated level ideas. Each level feels unique with new enemies and sometimes new bot suits that grant new abilities to Astro for that level. Some powers we saw in Playroom like the money suit, but there are many more that are new like the metal ball suit which makes Astro a heavy steel bar to roll over spikes, be immune to crushing, and able to roll into small passages. Speaking of small, there is a size suit allowing you to become tiny or big at the push of a button allowing you to traverse the level in different ways.

The second part of the charm is all the bots you find and save. Some are generic bots that will build and work around your crashed mothership in the hub zone, while other bots are video game characters posing around the area doing little cute robot things related to the game they are from. Like the Ryu and Ken bot that constantly punch each other back and forth, or the Solid snake bot that crawls around in a box. It's all referential and leans heavily on video game nostalgia, but also leans really hard into Playstation's history. This is as much a love letter to Playstation as it is to the games along the way. And in some ways that could turn people off because it's product placement the video game, which hasn't really been a thing since the death of the movie game.

For the most part Astro Bot is the perfect platformer, the only negative I can really find is the shilling of playstation products which I could see upsetting people who aren't long time Playstation fans. As far as the gameplay is concerned, I can't really find a fault in it. The secrets are clever without being frustration, the boss fights are fun, the charm is delightful, it's just a great little game if you don't mind the heavy handed branding.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I am currently going through Astro's Playroom. I am amazed at what Team Asobi has done with this demo, and even more amazed they've done such a fine tuned sequel. At this point, Astro should be the official face of PlayStation and not some generational thing where they keep switching it up.

For the most part Astro Bot is the perfect platformer, the only negative I can really find is the shilling of playstation products which I could see upsetting people who aren't long time Playstation fans.
I highly doubt you'll find that many. Considering the amount of people that have bought PS consoles, a majority aren't going to have a problem, and they can ignore the cameos/references and not miss much. The ones that do have a problem with the "shilling" are either anti-fans of any Sony/Sony adjacent IPs or are upset because they know Microsoft/XBOX doesn't have much of legacy characters to stand on.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
About product placement, it makes sense here because it’s an exclusive that celebrates PlayStation’s legacy. People having a problem with it can piss off I guess? Or redirect to a legit shameless form of product placement like what’s found in Death Stranding.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I mean, is super smash bros product placement?
There are at least three games I never would've played if I didn't learn about them from Smash Bros first, so whether it's 'product placement' or not, it worked.

(Earthbound, Fire Emblem, and Metal Gear Solid, for the record.)
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
This game is so good that I'm enjoying a thing I normally hate- 3D platforming.
I f***ing hate 3D platforming. You have to jump on stuff and also control a camera and when the camera is like behind you but you have to jump at something in front, you have to rely on a z-axis that's portrayed on a flat screen and like sort of guess you're gonna make it. Well, that's how I feel about it, anway, I know I'm in a minority because 3d platforming kind of defined the entire generation of gaming I skipped over, along with first person, which I also detest.

But... this game does it well enough. Normally I can stop what I'm doing and turn the camera around. I found a couple of super challenging areas and managed to finally beat them by just learning when to pivot the camera to the angle that works for me.

I'd say I'm about a third because there seem to be 5 main areas, each with a bunch of levels and I've completed 2. By completed I mean found every bot, puzzle piece (which is used to unlock the ability to change cosmetics), and alternate hidden exit that opens new levels. So three more main areas plus all the hidden areas I'm unlocking plus presumably a final boss/arena left.
And so far I like how they handle challenge- all the hard stuff is optional. This is one of the things I like about Sony games- they make it easy for us filthy casuals but have some stuff for if/when you wanna get sweaty. And I do like the mechanics where you need to complete or find a certain amount of "stuff" to progress but you can find or complete in different ways- like get a certain number of something. In this case it's finding a certain number of bots to unlock new areas, and each level has bots so as long as you don't just run past everything I imagine you'll beat the game.

But I wanna platinum so I run through a level the best I can then run it again with a guide to find what I missed.

Maybe the best thing about this game is that it's Mario for those of us who don't have or want a Switch. I have played Odyssey and of course seen a bunch of clips and everything in the Mario games is constantly moving and colorful and has funny faces and sometimes things dance and it's all delightful. Astrobot is the same- every little leaf, random critter, coin, object, is doing something or something can be done with it. It makes you want to explore every pixel.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I've read that Deacon's voice actor is buying a copy of the game because of all this.
Pat mentions it in the video too! So even the voice actor of the actual character is looking at the bigger picture and appreciation the game for what it is.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Pat mentions it in the video too! So even the voice actor of the actual character is looking at the bigger picture and appreciation the game for what it is.
This was my comment on the video:

"Imagine being so angry at being invited to a picnic that you rush over there just to take a shit on their pretty red-and-white checkered blanket. This is that kind of energy."
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This was my comment on the video:

"Imagine being so angry at being invited to a picnic that you rush over there just to take a shit on their pretty red-and-white checkered blanket. This is that kind of energy."
I gave you a thumbs up in the YT comments. The username you will see is CoCage.



Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
So is this the first game actually worth getting on the PS5 that isn't also on the PS4?


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Returnal, Demon Souls Remake, Spider-Man 2, and Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart all say hi.
I already have Demon's Souls on PS3. Was Returnal actually that good. I was a little interested because it because it was a roguelike, but everybody seemed pretty mixed on it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Everybody I've seen that:
a) liked rogueli*es
b) likes shooting things games
c) played Returnal

Freaking loves it.

I tried it and yes it's an excellent game, but a) and b) don't apply to me so I returnaled it.

The other games u/Brawlman are freaking fantastic. And despite all the internet whining about PC Master race and "failed generation," my PS5 has been absolutely worth it.
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Reactions: BrawlMan


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I returnaled it.

other games u/Brawlman are freaking fantastic. And despite all the internet whining about PC Master race and "failed generation," my PS5 has been absolutely worth it.
Same here. Though I mainly got my PS5 for The free upgrades that came with most PS4 games, Japanese games, and a few exclusives.

Aside from some of Nintendo's line up, this generation, most of 7th generation, and some of last generation, made me realize how much I don't care much about most first party games. All of Sony and Microsoft's fumbling make me care about them even less, because they are either taking forever or keep shutting down studios with no clear guidelines. Even looking back at my GC, PS2, and Wii, I have little to none first party games. I am mainly referring to my PS2 as there are no 1st party Sony games I own.