US 2024 Presidential Election


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
My statement about protections being discovered in the constitution was a general statement, it wasn't just about gay marriage. A DM is not going to allow you to do something (at least none of mine) out of the ordinary unless you can show why you can do it. If the DM and player doesn't know the rule (and it is a rule), then it will be discovered to be something you can do it when someone looks it up.
It doesn't matter if your point wasn't about gay marriage specifically. What I'm saying doesn't rely on your point being about gay marriage. That you invoked it just made it easy to continue using it to illustrate the deficiencies in your argument. You might recall that in my last two responses I've also invoked murder, interracial marriage, Civil Rights, and even - much as you had - D&D to illustrate the issue and show how the situations you laid out were not analogous.

So why you think "it wasn't just about gay marriage" somehow defends your position - when the point of contention was that you were clearly arguing from preconception rather than knowledge, your reasoning was deficient, and that the comparisons you were making were were severely flawed at best - is bizarre to say the least.

The legislature can just make a law, which is what they did. It doesn't matter if Obergefell is overturned. As long as the law isn't unconstitutional, which it's not, it doesn't matter. Congress can make an abortion law if they want and it won't be unconstitutional or matter that Roe go overturned. What are you going on about...?
Once again, that's not how it works. To appeal a case to the Supreme Court is to challenge the laws involved with the case as constitutionally invalid. It is not to simply argue that the lower court's ruling was wrong, it is to challenge that the applicable laws were unjust and need to be overturned. And that is well within the Court's power. And let me dissuade you of a misconception: The Supreme Court taking a case is not a simple matter of "it was appealed up to them". The Supreme Court chooses which cases it takes (and chooses very few of them, to the tune of roughly 2% of the cases appealed to them), and does so specifically because they anticipate that their ruling for the case would have national significance through their authority to lay down the law. This is not a secret. The SC is, to quote its own site "the final arbiter of the law", and its role is rooted in its "authority to invalidate legislation or executive actions which, in the Court’s considered judgment, conflict with the Constitution". And it has done so many times.

For instance, in 2011, the Supreme Court's ruling in Sorrell v. IMS Health Inc. overturned Vermont's Prescription Confidentiality Law (State Law). In 2009, their ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission struck provisions of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (Federal legislation). In 2009's Boumendiene v. Bush, they overturned Section 7 of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (Act of Congress). In 1966's Loving v. Virginia, their ruling not only struck Va. Code Ann. §20-58, 20-59 (State Law), but declared that every anti-miscegenation law in the United States was an illegal law, ensuring that the Federal anti-miscegenation laws that were being proposed died then and there by establishing that they wouldn't be legally valid, rendering them dead on arrival even if they did pass. Lawrence v. Texas was appealed to the Supreme Court specifically to challenge sodomy laws, resulting - much as in Loving - in said laws being overturned and rendered unenforceable across the US.

And in the Dred Scott case - shitstain that it was - their ruling was that that any efforts to limit the spread of slavery were necessarily unconstitutional, explicitly overturning the Missouri Compromise and its successor the Kansas-Nebraska Act (Organic Acts/Acts of Congress), used it to declare that the Federal Government had no power to free slaves, and moreover used the case to strip citizenship from every African American (by using "originalism" to claim that the Constitution's writers would not have considered black people to be citizens) and declare that as far as the law was concerned black people had no rights at all. (These decisions, of course, were ultimately rendered moot by the Civil War and 14th Amendment). Hell, the Taney majority made no secret of the fact that they were using the case as a vehicle to try and settle the slavery debate by using their ruling to codify slavery into law (much to the adulation of the slaveholding states, which were quick to decry the northern states objecting to it as lawless rebels who refused to accept the Supreme Court's ruling as the law of the land and final word on the subject), making it one of the most brazen cases of what we call "legislating from the bench" in US history.

Point being that the impact of Supreme Court cases is far more expansive than you pretend, and carry the weight of law with them, including overturning, amending, or otherwise editing that law. And as we've seen in multiple cases (most infamously the aforementioned Dred Scott case) whether or not the court declares something to conflict with the Constitution can very well be down to spin. For goodness sake, that's why I gave you a rundown of the cases leading up to Loving and the court's 180 on whether or not anti-miscegenation laws conflicted with the same aspect of the Constitution (the Equal Protection Clause). If the Supreme Court decides to take a case, related legislation existing means diddly-squat, as their decision to take a case means - as a matter of course - that the laws related to it are in their crosshairs as something to codify, modify, or strike.

Read the actual arguments of these cases, most of them don't matter. Roe was based on right to privacy, that would mean you can't make any operation/medical treatment illegal because it's then a right to privacy issue and you can do anything thing you want essentially. Do you not understand how problematic that would be when applied to things other than abortion? Even RBG said it wasn't argued well.
That I have read the arguments is the reason that I know that you are simply parroting a strawman and haven't actually familiarized yourself with the case. The actual argument was that the laws banning abortion as a matter of course without regard for circumstance violated the Due Process Clause. It concluded that while the State cannot override that right entirely, it has its own interest in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life represented by the fetus, with that interest overriding the woman's right to Due Process later in the pregnancy when abortion procedures (at least at the time of ruling) posed a much greater risk to her own health (ie, the increasing risk hit a point where it outweighed the benefit).

While privacy was an element of this, the case gets bastardized by ideologues as claiming that the case was wholly "based on a right to privacy" which they - and you - pretend was conjured out of the aether (when in fact Griswold v. Connecticut that first explicitly claimed that it was a constitutional right a few years earlier, the case law officially establishing it as precedent dates back to the 1920s for Federal Law and 1900s at the State level, and had been explicitly opined on in the Harvard Law Review in the 1890s), and further bastardize it by pretending that the case declared it to be some unalienable right, which the plain text of the case shows - in no uncertain terms - was not actually the case. Roe v. Wade was explicitly a compromise position.

And don't get me started on how absurd it is that you're actually trying to argue "how problematic [privacy laws] would be when applied to things other than abortion". You claim to have worked in a hospital, and yet you're acting like HIPAA is a foreign concept to you. Not only is medical privacy very much applied to things other than abortion, it's something that they take very seriously, up to violations potentially being felony offenses.

Once again, you failing to understand the case because you have gotten its basic facts wrong is not the same thing as it not making sense.

Most of Obergefell arguments were pointless talking about how marriage is the foundation of a family or a dignity issue, neither of those things matter because they are subjective concepts vs objective ones. Why don't you go up to Kurt Russell and tell him his family doesn't have good foundation because he never married or that his family lacks dignity, he'd probably punch you in the face.
Once again, you're presenting a strawman of the case. The argument is not that families don't have a good foundation or dignity if they don't marry, but that the right to marry is fundamental for reasons in line with the rulings of previous cases like Loving v. Virginia and Turner v. Safley. It does not argue that unmarried couples are lesser, but that denying couples the right to marry for no justifiable reason violated the Equal Protections Clause. Moreover, the arguments against allowing homosexual couples to marry are frequently predicated on declaring their relationships to be lesser and seeking to codify that value judgment into law (to the point of arguing that permitting homosexuals to marry is to disrespect the idea of marriage). What you're referring to is contextually a repudiation of the arguments against gay marriage.

Again, you not understanding the case - and make no mistake, you've made it abundantly clear that you haven't so much as to even tried to understand it, instead simply looking for a pretext to declare that it's wrong - is not the same thing as the case not making sense.

Has anyone asked the Illinois court if declawing is considered animal abuse? You have to at least ask is what I'm saying. If it's not asked, it might be protected, it might not. It's like a kid not asking his parents if he could go to the park, they might say yes, but you have to ask first.
Setting aside that they've been even proposing legislation to ban the practice for years now: That is again, not how it works. The law does not do that kind of uncertainty. There is no "the law might protect something". It either does or does not protect something, and until such time that it declares that something is protected, it is not. The definition of protection is that something is officially (and therefore, necessarily, explicitly) safeguarded.

It does not mean that 'you rolls the dice and takes your chances', so to speak. If there is no clear indication that something is protected, then it is simply not protected. Once again, this is a foundational element of our legal system. If the law is not clear on an issue, then it is invalid in that context. This is a legal principle known as "Void for Vagueness", which - fittingly - leaves very little wiggle room. And it's why legislation takes such pains to be exactingly clear on its provisions, assumptions, definitions, penalties, and qualifiers.

To be blunt, you clearly have no idea just how telling it is about the gaps in your knowledge that you're even trying to argue this point.

Law and interpretation of a law are 2 different things. In the cat declawing example, that definitely wasn't protected before there was an animal abuse law. But until you ask if declawing is considered animal abuse (once that law is in place), it's essentially up in the air.
So close and yet so far. Once again, it's closer to the opposite. Until you ask if declawing is considered animal abuse - or more accurately, until it is affirmatively declared to be so - it is not considered animal abuse. It's the basic principle of a null hypothesis: two phenomena are not considered to be linked until such time that an alternate hypothesis causes you to reject the null hypothesis. It is not that it is "essentially up in the air". It is that it is still legal because it has not yet been legally recognized as animal abuse. This is once again, a foundational principle of our legal system, arguably most directly represented in the maxim of "innocent until proven guilty". A defendant is presumed to have no connection whatsoever to the events they are accused of (the null hypothesis) until such time that the evidence demonstrates the opposite (the alternate hypothesis).

Law works the same way, as seen in many cases and - once again - in protected classes. In order for something to be considered protected by the law, the null hypothesis must be rejected by affirmatively establishing that it is protected. Legal protection is a binary proposition. It's an explicit guarantee that violations of that protection will be de facto considered a violation of the law. That is something that either "is" or "is not" the case, with "is not" being the null hypothesis. Until such time that the null hypothesis is explicitly rejected, it remains the default. There is no limbo when it is "essentially up in the air", because that would be - once again - be Void for Vagueness, and thus default to "is not protected". There is no "we do not know" or "have not decided". If the answer to "is this protected by law" is not an unambiguous "yes", then it is "no".

Again, this is not a negotiable point nor is it difficult to understand. Bluntly, your failure to understand as much is exactly that: your failure to understand. These are extremely basic and uncontested principles. In fact, they're premises that our legal system is built around. You're simply refusing to even try to understand them, and then confusing your willful lack of personal knowledge on the subject (and apparent lack of interest in learning about it) for its content being ambiguous. It's not ambiguous or "up in the air," you're just being obtuse.


Elite Member
Aug 23, 2011
Not only is this a great summary of the facts, but it also manages to invoke some real Alan Shore vibes for me.

The notion that the supreme court is an institution separate from politics is laughable, and to pretend that they aren't partial is equally so.

For any other readers I'd recommend the podcast 5-4 in which three lawyers cover supreme court cases and the clear and obvious failings of those cases. And while they are, clearly and unapologetically, liberal, they aren't afraid to criticise either side.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

A humanitarian situation? I wasn't aware that Lebanon was hit by an earthquake! How sad! Just wish there was more we could do to help The People of Lebanon with their "Humanitarian Situation" :(
You should see the comments section.

Why aren't you spending this on Hurricane Helene? (Because Republicans cut funding for FEMA)

What about the people of North Carolina? (Read above)


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America


The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra


Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
Why would Republicans help their own voters when they can leave them to suffer and then blame it on Democrats?
While this entire fiasco is completely idiotic...increasing funding to SBA disaster loan programs ain't it. It's a hotbed of fraud, misappropriation, and misuse. Most of this doesn't actually go to small business, but rather "small business", privately-owned high-profile and high-market cap companies, and in some cases shell companies that have no other footprint than to receive and launder small business funding. In those cases it's rarely to never necessary to keep businesses afloat, and is basically just a vehicle for "owners" to provide themselves largesse at zero- to no-interest if not receiving debt forgiveness later.

This should really be no surprise to anyone after the PPP loan shitshow.

Under normal circumstances this is the sort of thing your typical Republican and corporate Democrat should rubber stamp in a heartbeat, since it's one giant quid pro quo paycheck to the donor class, but in this case...well, broken clocks and all. It's also just sad neither party will support any kind of genuine, meaningful disaster relief program, let alone one that incorporates regulations and funding for future-proofing civilian infrastructures for technological advance and (more importantly) climate change.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Good. A job that can be performed by a machine without a loss in quality absolutely should be performed by a machine. Why should a human toil away at a work that is simple enough that an automaton could do it?
The kiosks actually provide better service too. I'm a person that hates using the drive-thru, I always walk-in and the kiosks are just better (I don't even call into a Chinese or Mexican restaurants either, I just walk in and order carryout, the food is ready pretty fast, no reason to really call ahead IMO). With the kiosk, I can more easily look over the menu and see any deals, and the order is also less likely to get fucked up if you're removing/adding extras to your burger/sandwiches/order because you're doing it yourself. With that said, I hardly go to fast food places anymore because their food is garbage; I really only go to Culvers nowadays with any consistency and they don't have kiosks (they literally just got an app this year, useful for knowing the flavor of the day mainly).

No, not really. One of them relates to the constitution in part, but is primarily about perception. The constitution itself isn't preventing them ruling any way they want.
And the fact that slavery being a constitutional amendment and then them reversing it has nothing to do with perception?

The fact that people understand certain parts of the constitution by simple literacy and the Supreme Court saying that doesn't count in a ruling is very much tied to perception. Kinda like charging more than $1 for Arizona tea, it's says it's a $1 on the can...


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
It doesn't matter if your point wasn't about gay marriage specifically. What I'm saying doesn't rely on your point being about gay marriage. That you invoked it just made it easy to continue using it to illustrate the deficiencies in your argument. You might recall that in my last two responses I've also invoked murder, interracial marriage, Civil Rights, and even - much as you had - D&D to illustrate the issue and show how the situations you laid out were not analogous.

So why you think "it wasn't just about gay marriage" somehow defends your position - when the point of contention was that you were clearly arguing from preconception rather than knowledge, your reasoning was deficient, and that the comparisons you were making were were severely flawed at best - is bizarre to say the least.

Once again, that's not how it works. To appeal a case to the Supreme Court is to challenge the laws involved with the case as constitutionally invalid. It is not to simply argue that the lower court's ruling was wrong, it is to challenge that the applicable laws were unjust and need to be overturned. And that is well within the Court's power. And let me dissuade you of a misconception: The Supreme Court taking a case is not a simple matter of "it was appealed up to them". The Supreme Court chooses which cases it takes (and chooses very few of them, to the tune of roughly 2% of the cases appealed to them), and does so specifically because they anticipate that their ruling for the case would have national significance through their authority to lay down the law. This is not a secret. The SC is, to quote its own site "the final arbiter of the law", and its role is rooted in its "authority to invalidate legislation or executive actions which, in the Court’s considered judgment, conflict with the Constitution". And it has done so many times.

For instance, in 2011, the Supreme Court's ruling in Sorrell v. IMS Health Inc. overturned Vermont's Prescription Confidentiality Law (State Law). In 2009, their ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission struck provisions of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (Federal legislation). In 2009's Boumendiene v. Bush, they overturned Section 7 of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (Act of Congress). In 1966's Loving v. Virginia, their ruling not only struck Va. Code Ann. §20-58, 20-59 (State Law), but declared that every anti-miscegenation law in the United States was an illegal law, ensuring that the Federal anti-miscegenation laws that were being proposed died then and there by establishing that they wouldn't be legally valid, rendering them dead on arrival even if they did pass. Lawrence v. Texas was appealed to the Supreme Court specifically to challenge sodomy laws, resulting - much as in Loving - in said laws being overturned and rendered unenforceable across the US.

And in the Dred Scott case - shitstain that it was - their ruling was that that any efforts to limit the spread of slavery were necessarily unconstitutional, explicitly overturning the Missouri Compromise and its successor the Kansas-Nebraska Act (Organic Acts/Acts of Congress), used it to declare that the Federal Government had no power to free slaves, and moreover used the case to strip citizenship from every African American (by using "originalism" to claim that the Constitution's writers would not have considered black people to be citizens) and declare that as far as the law was concerned black people had no rights at all. (These decisions, of course, were ultimately rendered moot by the Civil War and 14th Amendment). Hell, the Taney majority made no secret of the fact that they were using the case as a vehicle to try and settle the slavery debate by using their ruling to codify slavery into law (much to the adulation of the slaveholding states, which were quick to decry the northern states objecting to it as lawless rebels who refused to accept the Supreme Court's ruling as the law of the land and final word on the subject), making it one of the most brazen cases of what we call "legislating from the bench" in US history.

Point being that the impact of Supreme Court cases is far more expansive than you pretend, and carry the weight of law with them, including overturning, amending, or otherwise editing that law. And as we've seen in multiple cases (most infamously the aforementioned Dred Scott case) whether or not the court declares something to conflict with the Constitution can very well be down to spin. For goodness sake, that's why I gave you a rundown of the cases leading up to Loving and the court's 180 on whether or not anti-miscegenation laws conflicted with the same aspect of the Constitution (the Equal Protection Clause). If the Supreme Court decides to take a case, related legislation existing means diddly-squat, as their decision to take a case means - as a matter of course - that the laws related to it are in their crosshairs as something to codify, modify, or strike.

That I have read the arguments is the reason that I know that you are simply parroting a strawman and haven't actually familiarized yourself with the case. The actual argument was that the laws banning abortion as a matter of course without regard for circumstance violated the Due Process Clause. It concluded that while the State cannot override that right entirely, it has its own interest in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life represented by the fetus, with that interest overriding the woman's right to Due Process later in the pregnancy when abortion procedures (at least at the time of ruling) posed a much greater risk to her own health (ie, the increasing risk hit a point where it outweighed the benefit).

While privacy was an element of this, the case gets bastardized by ideologues as claiming that the case was wholly "based on a right to privacy" which they - and you - pretend was conjured out of the aether (when in fact Griswold v. Connecticut that first explicitly claimed that it was a constitutional right a few years earlier, the case law officially establishing it as precedent dates back to the 1920s for Federal Law and 1900s at the State level, and had been explicitly opined on in the Harvard Law Review in the 1890s), and further bastardize it by pretending that the case declared it to be some unalienable right, which the plain text of the case shows - in no uncertain terms - was not actually the case. Roe v. Wade was explicitly a compromise position.

And don't get me started on how absurd it is that you're actually trying to argue "how problematic [privacy laws] would be when applied to things other than abortion". You claim to have worked in a hospital, and yet you're acting like HIPAA is a foreign concept to you. Not only is medical privacy very much applied to things other than abortion, it's something that they take very seriously, up to violations potentially being felony offenses.

Once again, you failing to understand the case because you have gotten its basic facts wrong is not the same thing as it not making sense.

Once again, you're presenting a strawman of the case. The argument is not that families don't have a good foundation or dignity if they don't marry, but that the right to marry is fundamental for reasons in line with the rulings of previous cases like Loving v. Virginia and Turner v. Safley. It does not argue that unmarried couples are lesser, but that denying couples the right to marry for no justifiable reason violated the Equal Protections Clause. Moreover, the arguments against allowing homosexual couples to marry are frequently predicated on declaring their relationships to be lesser and seeking to codify that value judgment into law (to the point of arguing that permitting homosexuals to marry is to disrespect the idea of marriage). What you're referring to is contextually a repudiation of the arguments against gay marriage.

Again, you not understanding the case - and make no mistake, you've made it abundantly clear that you haven't so much as to even tried to understand it, instead simply looking for a pretext to declare that it's wrong - is not the same thing as the case not making sense.

Setting aside that they've been even proposing legislation to ban the practice for years now: That is again, not how it works. The law does not do that kind of uncertainty. There is no "the law might protect something". It either does or does not protect something, and until such time that it declares that something is protected, it is not. The definition of protection is that something is officially (and therefore, necessarily, explicitly) safeguarded.

It does not mean that 'you rolls the dice and takes your chances', so to speak. If there is no clear indication that something is protected, then it is simply not protected. Once again, this is a foundational element of our legal system. If the law is not clear on an issue, then it is invalid in that context. This is a legal principle known as "Void for Vagueness", which - fittingly - leaves very little wiggle room. And it's why legislation takes such pains to be exactingly clear on its provisions, assumptions, definitions, penalties, and qualifiers.

To be blunt, you clearly have no idea just how telling it is about the gaps in your knowledge that you're even trying to argue this point.

So close and yet so far. Once again, it's closer to the opposite. Until you ask if declawing is considered animal abuse - or more accurately, until it is affirmatively declared to be so - it is not considered animal abuse. It's the basic principle of a null hypothesis: two phenomena are not considered to be linked until such time that an alternate hypothesis causes you to reject the null hypothesis. It is not that it is "essentially up in the air". It is that it is still legal because it has not yet been legally recognized as animal abuse. This is once again, a foundational principle of our legal system, arguably most directly represented in the maxim of "innocent until proven guilty". A defendant is presumed to have no connection whatsoever to the events they are accused of (the null hypothesis) until such time that the evidence demonstrates the opposite (the alternate hypothesis).

Law works the same way, as seen in many cases and - once again - in protected classes. In order for something to be considered protected by the law, the null hypothesis must be rejected by affirmatively establishing that it is protected. Legal protection is a binary proposition. It's an explicit guarantee that violations of that protection will be de facto considered a violation of the law. That is something that either "is" or "is not" the case, with "is not" being the null hypothesis. Until such time that the null hypothesis is explicitly rejected, it remains the default. There is no limbo when it is "essentially up in the air", because that would be - once again - be Void for Vagueness, and thus default to "is not protected". There is no "we do not know" or "have not decided". If the answer to "is this protected by law" is not an unambiguous "yes", then it is "no".

Again, this is not a negotiable point nor is it difficult to understand. Bluntly, your failure to understand as much is exactly that: your failure to understand. These are extremely basic and uncontested principles. In fact, they're premises that our legal system is built around. You're simply refusing to even try to understand them, and then confusing your willful lack of personal knowledge on the subject (and apparent lack of interest in learning about it) for its content being ambiguous. It's not ambiguous or "up in the air," you're just being obtuse.
Again, you can find different court rulings that on their own are separate but all relate to something else (XYZ). If a lawyer looks through the law and finds the connections to XYZ (that no one previously put together), they can then have a legal argument for the legality/illegality of XYZ. Same thing in DnD where you look might have to look over 5 different parts of the player's handbook to figure out you can actually do something or jump this far or whatever it is.


Yes, if parts of a law are against the constitutional, the Supreme Court can negate the law and/or said parts. You literally quoted me saying "As long as the law isn't unconstitutional..." Per your slavery example, why wasn't the 13th amendment deemed unconstitutional then? The legislature makes constitutional amendments, not the Supreme Court.


You're saying RBG is wrong?
[RBG] believed that the Roe v Wade case had based the right to abortion on the wrong argument, a violation of a woman's privacy rather than on gender equality.

Are you thinking I'm saying people shouldn't have a right to privacy for medical treatments? That's not what I said. I said that the reason privacy is a horrible argument is because that means any medical procedure/treatment is protected as long as both the doctor and patient agree to it. That would mean euthanasia or cloning or whatever can't be banned.


All you have to argue is that marriage yields objective X, Y, Z benefits and these other people are losing out of those benefits and that essentially isn't fair, equal protections and all. Just marriage as a concept means nothing, a piece of paper (saying 2 people are married) doesn't make a relationship any stronger or weaker or better or worse. it's when the government acknowledges marriage and gives people benefits that are married. If the government didn't acknowledge marriage and marriage was just a religious thing people did, there'd be no issue with say the Catholic church (or any church) not marrying gay people as gay people could just make their own religion and get married if they wanted to.


I know in reality that animal abuse laws existed before cat declawing was perceived as a bad thing (it was normal when I was a kid and there was animal abuse laws already). I'm talking about the hypothetical. You can't list literally everything that is animal abuse in an animal abuse law, but you can give criteria for what would be considered animal abuse. And then if you can prove cat declawing fits inside that criteria, then it would be considered animal abuse and illegal.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
And the fact that slavery being a constitutional amendment and then them reversing it has nothing to do with perception?
Of course it does. In fact, it perfectly illustrates what I'm talking about: it shows the constitution was adjusted and rewritten to fit changing political perceptions. The contents of the constitution didn't stop them doing what they wanted.

The fact that people understand certain parts of the constitution by simple literacy and the Supreme Court saying that doesn't count in a ruling is very much tied to perception. Kinda like charging more than $1 for Arizona tea, it's says it's a $1 on the can...
No idea what you think the relevance of this is, and I suspect you don't have much of a clue either.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Of course it does. In fact, it perfectly illustrates what I'm talking about: it shows the constitution was adjusted and rewritten to fit changing political perceptions. The contents of the constitution didn't stop them doing what they wanted.
I haven't been bothering to follow this closely, but I'm still puzzled as to how someone could think this would do anything other than prove your point, not that it needed any more proving.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Again, you can find different court rulings that on their own are separate but all relate to something else (XYZ). If a lawyer looks through the law and finds the connections to XYZ (that no one previously put together), they can then have a legal argument for the legality/illegality of XYZ. Same thing in DnD where you look might have to look over 5 different parts of the player's handbook to figure out you can actually do something or jump this far or whatever it is.
I think the part you're missing here is that neither the supreme court nor the DM have any obligation to listen to or entertain your argument. It doesn't matter how good you think your argument might be, they can still reject it outright regardless of the potential merits.

That's literally built into the system, they can just not listen to you.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
And the fact that slavery being a constitutional amendment and then them reversing it has nothing to do with perception?
Apart from the 13th, which limited the scope of legal slavery (and is generally credited, falsely, with abolishing it), slavery is not addressed in amendments but rather the original text of the constitution itself.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
What an absolute piece of shit. Anyone voting for this waste of skin is a rotten human being beyond redemption.


Former President Donald Trump has delivered a barrage of lies and distortions about the federal response to Hurricane Helene.

While various misinformation about the response has spread widely without Trump’s involvement, the Republican presidential nominee has been one of the country’s leading deceivers on the subject. Over a span of six days, in public comments and social media posts, Trump has used his powerful megaphone to endorse or invent false or unsubstantiated claims.

He's a literal fucking nazi.

In an interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show” that aired Monday morning, former President Donald Trump criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her policies on the southern border and suggested that migrants have “bad genes.”
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat

What a piece of shit.

What's the rush for more hurricane relief? It's not like there's 2 massive hurricanes hitting within a week of each other.

This is why no one has any respect for congress. How do you respect people who are happy to go on vacation while their constituents are suffering and dying?
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Apart from the 13th, which limited the scope of legal slavery (and is generally credited, falsely, with abolishing it), slavery is not addressed in amendments but rather the original text of the constitution itself.
It is pretty galling that the US had a civil war over slavery and the Amendment has enough weasel words to make sure slavery was legal still


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
What an absolute piece of shit. Anyone voting for this waste of skin is a rotten human being beyond redemption.
So if you vote for someone that criticizes federal response to hurricanes, that makes you rotten beyond redemption?

I've got some bad news about which party that take favors...

To be clear, stop blaming natural disasters on presidents and/or whining about the monumental efforts done across the board to help people through them, but if you're only upset when Trump is doing the blaming and you're doing the blaming when Trump is in charge, you're kind of a ridiculous hypocrite.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Trump cancelled the interview.

Asshole threatening election workers in 20 states.