I love Yellowjackets but I can't really argue with this, it was hitting the point where I'm not confident they know where they're going with it. And with so long in between seasons, my interest level dropping hard.Caught up in Yellowjackets
Season 2 finishes on a weird note, with at least more character development in the last few episodes than anything beforehand. Still leaves the carrot dangling as to just wtf is going on, so I guess we’ll see what season 3 brings next year. Not holding my breath or anything though, as this was kind of a filler show.
Appropriate that when the show started it was compared with Lost due to the premise, and now again I'm doing that as a show that started off awesome and then got... well, lost.
Season 3 should end the story, if not I dunno if I'll bother. And it's a shame because it's maybe my favorite cast of any recent show.