In addition, WB and NRS just need to make new IPs (not invest too much money nor go all in on high budget), and not become an MK-Batman factory. Focus on smaller projects. They won't do this, because of pride and greed from those at the top. Once again, another systematic issue with AAA gaming. If any peon doesn't get it at this point, they never will or refuse to understand. It's why told WB to fuck off a long time ago. This is the same company that is willing to cancel different or unique movies for a dumb ass tax-break, but is willing to pour $200-500 million + for a shitty sequel that was never needed in the first place to a one-off film, and dumb live-action Flash Paradox.
My 2 cents - Fuck timelines, and fuck WB. NRS needs to find another plot and pub and then give this series a very long rest before returning. Also a new combat system would be wise.
Keep trying to push the limits of what people will accept with microtransactions and DLC prices, and you'll find the limits when you get to the wrong side of them.It was in trouble as soon as WB was the pub, but it’s just the effects of it are now becoming glaringly clear.
Funny it started a little with MKX>>>MTX.Keep trying to push the limits of what people will accept with microtransactions and DLC prices, and you'll find the limits when you get to the wrong side of them.
In short, they fucked around, and are finding out.