They could have (and should have) ended military assistance immediately. It's morally repugnant that they didn't. But that would not necessarily have ended the war. Israel's own military, US assistance aside, is still overwhelmingly capable of carrying out these kinds of 'operations'. Biden could potentially have brought an end to it through additional pressure or sanctions on Israel, above and beyond merely turning off the faucet.This could have been done this entire time but Biden/Harris weren't willing to actually DO anything to Israel when they spit in our faces. How many fucking "RED LINES" did Biden give cause I distinctly remember at least two of them (and that was just in Public).
Biden and Harris could have stopped this at any point by turning off the faucet of weapons they were giving to Israel and they chose not to. Trump clearly did something to get their attention because Israel broke real fucking quick once Trump walked into the door and told them to accept the ceasefire or else.
The deal that is now being finalised is the one negotiated by Biden's team. I expect the timing of Netanyahu's acquiescence is because he was waiting in the hope that Trump would tear it up and introduce a new one more favourable to Israel-- and then when that turned out to be a non-starter, he just took what was already on the table. That's not much to Trump's credit-- the same outcome would have happened, and earlier, if there hadn't been an election on the docket.
Any credit Trump gets is for being willing to stick to Biden's terms.
I'm sceptical about that, as your very first thought seems to have been about how the announcement reflects on the Democrats.Whether Trump deserves full credit or just some credit is frankly, something I don't give a flying fuck about.