It's shit, unfinished, and completely regressive from what Civ games have featured before. Don't waste your time or money.
Still more effort than they put into the game.Congratulations, you have said practically nothing.
Much much better. When you just say something is shit, that means nothing, you have to be able to say why something is shit for it to have any weight.Ok Fine.
Civ 7 continues the tradition of Civ games being terrible until an expansion comes along to fix most of the issues with the game, from bad ai, to bad ui, to straight up missing features present in the previous Civ games removed for the new one, only to be added back in later for no reason when it should have been there in the first place.
Civ 7's biggest issue is UI design, maybe because it's trying to be streamlined for consoles I don't know Civ 6 isn't great on consoles because the genre really isn't built for a controller in mind. But the UI here in Civ 7 seems to be trying to be clean, but ultimately makes things harder to find and navigate because each little menu doesn't have enough information on it.
What happened to auto explore? I don't why but now you have to set your ground troop movement every turn, even the exploration units. Why?
The AI also seems really buggy. I had warriors take over a bandit camp, only to have an army of bandits spawn in the next title on the very next turn and killed my weaken troops immediately. How did a camp I took over continue to generate troops against me?
I also had a nation ask me for open boarders, only to get mad at me when I agreed. Why?
Game feels unfinished and undercooked and I wouldn't bother with it. Steam refunds are nice.
Much much better. When you just say something is shit, that means nothing, you have to be able to say why something is shit for it to have any weight.
Worthless, so sit in the corner with your weirdly full bag of shit.What if it’s ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag though?
Worthless, so sit in the corner with your weirdly full bag of shit.
How else would you know its 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, its your shit, you get rid of it.It’s not mine and I ain’t carrying it anywhere even if it was!
Critical already weighed it FFS!How else would you know its 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, its your shit, you get rid of it.
He was just double checking, its what he does.Critical already weighed it FFS!
A…it was a counting exercise. Yeah.I did what the fuck now?
Well, I guess Civ has always worked with a series of prebuilt nations, where many other strategies of that type are build your own (with some prebuilt if you just want to get going.) So Civ has obviously decided to move towards the "build your own" model, but rather than going the whole hog have done it partially by putting some stats in the leader and some in the nation and then letting you mix and match,I think my biggest issue is change to the gameplay format, particularly on how the leaders don't necessarily have to represent the civilization that they lead, and you are allowed to pick any combination that you want; I.E. Benjamin Franklin can lead a Mongol empire.
IDK, feels like this is one of those features that belong in an arcade mode or a mod, and shouldn't be the core gameplay mechanic. Granted it let's you experiment to your heart's content, but I also feel if everything becomes a melting pot, then the elements that makes up that mix lose their uniqueness.