Kaos: Ep1-8 Decent / Great
Set in a modern-day version of reality where worship of the ancient Greek gods has persisted, several of said gods are plotting to secretly end the reign of Zeus, the hedonistic, selfish, cruel, and insecure "king of the gods." How so? With an elaborate plan using three mortals in varying stages of life and the afterlife and "fate."
A dark comedy, imho, but I also admit I've yet to be able to put my finger on exactly what that means. It's clearly intended to be funny or a parody at times, but too much serious shit with dire implications goes down to pass it off as just plain comedy. Think The Boys, but Greek gods instead of superheroes. Not nearly as overtly violent or incredulously raunchy, but certainly the gist is the same when viewed from far enough above. All of the gods are terrible persons with little regard for the humans that worship them, but not necessarily irredeemably so. There are a few arcs wherein a god or two, in service of their end goal to bring Zeus down, sides with humanity, risking themselves, but you can't help but think humanity is little more than a means to an end.
Not bad; I'd recommend it, but it falls a little flat at the end. For the last episode, when everything is supposed to come to a head, it basically just ends leaving all of the interesting consequences to your imagination while the credits roll. The final episode is honestly the weakest of the eight. Even if a seasons 2 was planned (and apparently scrapped according to Google,) it really petered out in a way that doesn't leave you intrigued so much as annoyed and wanting to get to the next season.