Some more Demon's Souls classic. It's interesting going back after so long and noticing all these little things I didn't really see before. Like how this is probably the only Fromsoft game where the differences between bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage genuinely makes a huge difference... and this is also the only game that doesn't tell you what damage each weapon deals, you have to infer that from their type, moveset and flavor text. The difference in damage between bludgeoning and slashing weapons against the skeletons in the Storm Shrine is night and day for example. On one hand I like that the game actively pushes you to consider your loadout when heading to new worlds, and on the other I don't like how it basically forces you to use weapon types not suited to your build.
This game's incredibly unbalanced. Due to the basically open from the get go structure, it's incredibly easy to become completely overpowered within like an hour of gameplay, and without even using any kind of hidden tricks or magic. You can farm souls ridiculously easily at the Adjudicator Archstone, and then head out and buy all the weapon upgrades you want at the tunnels. It almost feels like the soul farm was deliberate, because the amount of souls enemies drop is ridiculously lopsided between the different worlds. The leveling curve is also indrecibly steep, with levels costing 10k+ souls before you even hit level 40, so that's another way the soul farm feels intentional. There's also some jank with the shops and prices: Sticky White Stuff costs 5k souls apiece, but you can farm infinite amounts of it with basically zero effort once you've beaten the Old Hero.
And while we're on the jank: world tendency. The most fuck-stupid game mechanic of all time, and has actually gotten worse after the online servers were shut down. Because of how this rat's anus of a mechanic works, a noticeable amount of content in the game is basically inaccessible now for anyone playing the game normally. The only way to get to Pure White world tendency, which opens up several doors, pathways and NPCs, is to defeat every boss of its area without dying in human form. Which means that after defeating every boss, you're basically required to yeet yourself off the top of the Nexus so you never die in human form out in the world. Which is just so fucking dumb. The mechanic is never explained in any way, and even if online messages were still available, they wouldn't be able to do that either. It's a godawful mechanic in its execution, and I'm glad they never brought even a semblance of it to their other games.