Cunk On Life: Fucking Brilliant / Great
Philomena Cunk, terribly uninformed yet oddly curious, asks some of the biggest questions of the biggest brains about science, spirituality, and all the muddy waters between the two.
I've not laughed this hard this often in a VERY long time. Cunk's (Diane Morgan) deadpan delivery is expert level, top notch, *chef's kiss* TROLL. She asks some of the most absurd, asinine, and inane questions to ACTUAL scholars without so much as grinning, and the experts (bless them) just, I dunno, deal with it? I know it's proably not the case, but in my heart of hearts, I want to believe the experts aren't in on the joke; I want to believe they were told they were being interviewed by a serious person, then get asked "what does the 'U' in 'A.I." stand for?" Apparently, Cunk has a series of shows like this? I'm tracking them all down now; it's my new favorite thing.
HIGHLY recommended. A++