Man, he managed to piss of Leftists (not exactly hard given how shitty Democrats are) but he has managed to piss off all the talking head VBNMW Democrats too!
In some defence of Schumer, whilst I'm not 100% sure on this, historically when there's been a shutdown, it tends to be Congress that has taken the blame and loss of public approval more than the president has. As the ones doing the blocking, this would mean the Democrats taking the hit. One might also argue that if Trump is presiding over a shitshow that will ultimately damage the reputation of him and his party, the saying "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake" applies.
However, the Democrats also need to take into account the fact that... they're kind of drippy losers. They seem like people who just don't comprehend just how far events have moved past them. Like when the House moved to censure that guy who heckled Trump, and 10 Democrat idiots decided to support the motion. They said things like "Rule based order, got to stand for doing things properly, blah blah blah" but they don't seem to realise that their opponents not only couldn't give a shit about the rules, bipartisanship and all that jazz, but
also won the elections. They need to start fighting rather than protesting that this isn't what the rulebook says, because the rulebook doesn't seem to much matter anymore.