Code Veronica/X Steve is way more annoying than Ashley. The Darkside Chronicles version of Steve I would take over Ashley though.I'll raise you and ask who's more annoying - Ashley or Steve?
(It's Steve.)
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Code Veronica/X Steve is way more annoying than Ashley. The Darkside Chronicles version of Steve I would take over Ashley though.I'll raise you and ask who's more annoying - Ashley or Steve?
(It's Steve.)
I remember that. It was originally a launch title for OG XBOX. I saw that and the showing for it on Tech TV back in 2001.I think mine would be Malice.
It's a fairly generic 3D platformer game with a "too cool for school" sassy girl/goddess who acts like she came right out of the 90's. The gameplay isn't really bad but it's also not really good, it's the tier you'd expect from the previous generation of consoles. Yet I can't help having a soft spot for it. I think it's really just the art direction, the game is actually fairly original with its enemy designs and I guess I see it as the last gasp of 3D platformers before the genre died aside from Mario and so I have a soft spot for it.
What kind of name of Steve "BURNSIDE"I'll raise you and ask who's more annoying - Ashley or Steve?
(It's Steve.)
I'm not gonna say you're wrong, but boy howdy, HotA turned it up to 11 and then broke off the knob.So...just like the original then?
A Roomba with a sharp nail taped to the front of it > Ashley Graham.Sheva Alomar > Ashley Grahm.
Yeah I genuinely don't like that game, and actually stopped playing it during the climax mission, because I realized I was at the end, and just didn't really care, or have an idea as to what the motivation was for the badguys. But I LOVED the way the game incorporated your actions during gameplay. Specifically I remember 2 things. One is a particular mission, where you go infiltrate a mercenary army's base for information, and are forced to talk to their boss at the end via video conference. If you make it through without killing anyone, and without being seen, he's genuinely impressed with your abilities, and you get a huge reputation boost with him, allowing instant access to him as a resource going forward. That was just so cool to me. Also I liked how the game rewarded you for particular gameplay styles, by making you even more effective at them. Specifically when I unlocked the stealth takedown achievement, after doing it 100 times or something, and the reward was that my noise detection radius was reduced by 25%, which was just really cool. It reminded me of the little achievement perks you got in New Vegas for doing certain things X times. And I really liked that kind of player feedbackAlpha Protocol.
How is that even bad?When I think of bad games I like my mind always goes to Sonic Adventure 2.
Its probably the first and only Sonic game I really enjoyed although I think its a pretty bad game. But, gotta love that buttrock.
It's not. I will say that the game has a lot of glitches but it's a very fun game and has the best overall soundtrack I've ever heard from a game.How is that even bad?
The controls are bad, most of the levels are annoying to get around, the story is less nonsense then most sonic stories but still nonsense, the voice acting is bad, the animations are bad. Its just a bad game, but I kinda love it, well, love might be a bit strong, I at least like it.How is that even bad?
They said bad games. Bioshock 2 isn't a bad game. It's just not as good as Bioshock, and from what I've heard, Infinite.Fine Ill say it. Bioshock 2 is good. Its worth playing and even as the lesser of the trilogy its still hand and fist and heart and soul better than 95% of FPS on the market, especially since its creation
Its commonly seen as a bad game, mostly because of ZP, but also by simply being the weakest of a fantastic franchise.They said bad games. Bioshock 2 isn't a bad game. It's just not as good as Bioshock, and from what I've heard, Infinite.
I would say its much stronger then the first one in terms of gameplay. But, its story is weaker, at least it doesn't have the fantastic mind fuck moment, but its still not as wasted as the story in Bioshock Infinite is.Its commonly seen as a bad game, mostly because of ZP, but also by simply being the weakest of a fantastic franchise.
Can I steal this? I want to file it next to "Not as long as some other games" and "It's about people nobody likes doing things nobody cares about".Duke Nukem Forever. I walked in expecting a train wreck and was pleasantly surprised to find a fender bender.
Did you play the PC version, that eventually got patches and updates, or the consoles? The console version never received any updates, so people on those systems were stuck with what they got. I think the other major problem being it was 2012. This is when the depiction of women in gaming became a really hot button issue, and Duke's capture the babe mode set off a ton of nuclear offended people. I am not defending the mode, but some of these people went way overboard.Duke Nukem Forever. I walked in expecting a train wreck and was pleasantly surprised to find a fender bender. After 178 years in development hell, it was ultimately an inoffensive, basic and uninnovative game that played decently, had some interesting level design and the crude humor you expect from a DN game. It was entertaining for what it was and it new what it was: the butt a decade long joke that was so bad it was… well not “good;” it was so bad it was not THAT bad.
Ha! All yours, my friend!Can I steal this? I want to file it next to "Not as long as some other games" and "It's about people nobody likes doing things nobody cares about".