Joe Biden's double digit polling lead.


Regular Member
Escapist +
Jun 23, 2020
United States
Joe Biden is leading Trump by 14 points in a recent NYT/Siena College poll. There is also a Marquette Law School poll that has Biden up in Wisconsin, a key battleground state. Now obviously polls cannot predict the future and it is a long time until November. For all we know Biden says something goofy for the hundredth time or just stares at a camera for 30 seconds straight in a debate and throws the election. However, I think if you take the old saying seriously that political polls are snapshots in time then it looks like Biden may be doing alright when stacked up against Trump.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
Biden is doing alright by doing nothing in the midst of the most serious domestic crises since the 2008ish recession and 9/11. There is plenty of time for him to fuck up when he gets around to doing anything in the next 4 months.

Frankly, from a political point of view this pandemic is the best thing that could have happened for his campaign, and not for any good reasons. Giving him an excuse to hide and wait it out is not great democracy.


Regular Member
Escapist +
Jun 23, 2020
United States
Biden is doing alright by doing nothing in the midst of the most serious domestic crises since the 2008ish recession and 9/11. There is plenty of time for him to fuck up when he gets around to doing anything in the next 4 months.

Frankly, from a political point of view this pandemic is the best thing that could have happened for his campaign, and not for any good reasons. Giving him an excuse to hide and wait it out is not great democracy.
I agree that Biden is benefiting from simply not being Trump during a time when more and more Americans are realizing that having competent leadership is important. While I didn't vote for him in the primary and admit he says stupid stuff sometimes I like the guy well enough. He sort of checks a lot of the boxes that people who voted Trump looked to as a positive. I don't think we accuse Joe Biden of being politically correct. If he reigns in some of his more ridiculous tendencies and plays it safe he may be able to take the White House.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Yeah, Biden’s only winning by default.

Pelosi has screwed about half as much as Trump. Which would be a problem during a normal year. But, you know, Trump. Biden has said at least as many stupid things as her.

Who would have thought after 2016 we could get a stupider election? Well, now look where we are

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Yeah, Biden’s only winning by default.

Pelosi has screwed about half as much as Trump. Which would be a problem during a normal year. But, you know, Trump. Biden has said at least as many stupid things as her.

Who would have thought after 2016 we could get a stupider election? Well, now look where we are
Eh. At least this time we don't have the threat of our first female president being Hillary Clinton.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
All I'll say is this.

The Polls before were right about the Majority of Americans voting for Hillary. They did. Millions more.

Republicans have amplified their vote via Redmap, taking the will of the people away from the masses and putting that voting power in the few hands they deem fit.
If a poll can tell me how to counter that, I'd be more thrilled.
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Regular Member
Escapist +
Jun 23, 2020
United States
All I'll say is this.

The Polls before were right about the Majority of Americans voting for Hillary. They did. Millions more.

Republicans have amplified their vote via Redmap, taking the will of the people away from the masses and putting that voting power in the few hands they deem fit.
If a poll can tell me how to counter that, I'd be more thrilled.[/URL]
Well said.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Biden is doing alright by doing nothing in the midst of the most serious domestic crises since the 2008ish recession and 9/11. There is plenty of time for him to fuck up when he gets around to doing anything in the next 4 months.

Frankly, from a political point of view this pandemic is the best thing that could have happened for his campaign, and not for any good reasons. Giving him an excuse to hide and wait it out is not great democracy.
It's not, but he's up against a man who can't shut his fucking gob for 2.5 seconds. I'd be hard pressed to think of some way Biden could emberess himself that Trump wouldn't immediately yank the attention back to himself within a day or so. Trump sees the POTUS as The Trump Show 24/7 and god forbid he's gonna let any of us forget it, so we all get a front row seat for his myriad fuck ups.

Bidens Smart enough(or he actually listens to his advisors) to know if your opponent is making mistakes, let him.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
It's not, but he's up against a man who can't shut his fucking gob for 2.5 seconds. I'd be hard pressed to think of some way Biden could emberess himself that Trump wouldn't immediately yank the attention back to himself within a day or so. Trump sees the POTUS as The Trump Show 24/7 and god forbid he's gonna let any of us forget it, so we all get a front row seat for his myriad fuck ups.

Bidens Smart enough(or he actually listens to his advisors) to know if your opponent is making mistakes, let him.
I think that’s mentioned in Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” somewhere.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Don’t let him come out and say anything, I need him to not fuck this up so the down ballot progressives have a better shot.
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We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Always worth pointing out: people like me are progressive, people who want the elimination of western society as we know it decidedly aren't.
For those guards which you behold in front of all the temples, although they are placed there as a protection against violence, yet they bring no aid to the orator, so that even in the forum and in the court of justice itself, although we are protected with all military and necessary defences, yet we cannot be entirely without fear. But if I thought this adverse to Milo, I should yield to the times, O judges, and among such a crowd of armed men, I should think there was no room for an orator. But the wisdom of Cnaeus Pompeius, a most wise and just man, strengthens and encourages me, who would certainly neither think it suitable to his justice to deliver that man up to the weapons of the soldiery whom he had given over as an accused person to the decision of the judges, nor suitable to his wisdom to arm the rashness of an excited multitude with public authority.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Biden's smart to keep his mouth shut for now. Debates probably aren't going to happen, or they'll be done virtually, or maybe Trump will throw another tantrum and derail the whole thing. Who the fuck knows? Still, in the fall Biden needs to not only bring up Trump's multitudinous failures, but also have a progressive policy answer for them. So far his platform is looking pretty good. Abolishing private prisons, mandatory minimum sentences, the death penalty, cash bail out and cocaine sentencing disparities hits most of the right notes on criminal justice for example. Still need to put the screws to him on legal weed at the federal level, forgiving student debt, free college and Medicare for All. But the fact that progressives are getting concessions at all should signal just how popular these policies have become.

Biden may not be an ideal candidate, but he can be reasoned with. I know that's damning with faint praise, but he is up against a man who is actively disrupting his own party's national convention as part of an extended tantrum.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Biden may not be an ideal candidate, but he can be reasoned with. I know that's damning with faint praise, but he is up against a man who is actively disrupting his own party's national convention as part of an extended tantrum.
I mean, being even mediocre is a still a sight better then the raging dumpster fire of the current POTUS, who now is trying to get his own supporters sick with Covid by throwing massive rallies just to feed his own damn ego. Which feels like it should be a form of criminal negligence at best, but apparently if the President does it, it's not illegal.

Hell, Phoenix has a mandatory facemask rule now, but it wasn't enforced at Trump's Megachurch rally there just the other day, because it would make him feel bad. Fuck public health and curbing the spread of a deadly disease, Muh Feelings are important!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Biden could drop dead just before election day and I'd still vote for him over Trump, because a dead man wouldn't be nearly as incompetent at the job as the current officer holder.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Biden could drop dead just before election day and I'd still vote for him over Trump, because a dead man wouldn't be nearly as incompetent at the job as the current officer holder.
Shit, I would vote for the lamp on the Resolute Desk at this point. At least it does its job. VP pick will be interesting. I was initially sure it would be Kamala Harris, but given that she's a cop and we now have... all this shit doing down, that could be an albatross around her neck. She would have to unequivocally admit that her stance on law enforcement in the past was wrong. Don't know if she can, not sure if she will. I mean, I would prefer Stacy Abrams, but this is an election where we can complain about the candidate after they put the fire out.

EDIT: Fuck, I just saw the clip from tonight's Hannity interview where he was asked by Sean Hannity what his priorities would be for a second term and Trump answered by staggering from one irrelevant topic to another. Jesus, Biden has a fucking platform. WE ARE IN A FAILED STATE WHERE HAVING A PLATFORM AT ALL IS AN ELECTORAL ADVANTAGE!
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
For those guards which you behold in front of all the temples, although they are placed there as a protection against violence, yet they bring no aid to the orator, so that even in the forum and in the court of justice itself, although we are protected with all military and necessary defences, yet we cannot be entirely without fear. But if I thought this adverse to Milo, I should yield to the times, O judges, and among such a crowd of armed men, I should think there was no room for an orator. But the wisdom of Cnaeus Pompeius, a most wise and just man, strengthens and encourages me, who would certainly neither think it suitable to his justice to deliver that man up to the weapons of the soldiery whom he had given over as an accused person to the decision of the judges, nor suitable to his wisdom to arm the rashness of an excited multitude with public authority.
Why does that sound like something from Coriolanus?