Old games you remember playing, but can't remember the name of


May 20, 2020
Hello fellow nostalgics,
I am looking for a game from the mid to late 90s. You maneuvered a hovering aircraft through canyons and other terrains and fought of other aircraft in isometric view. If i remember correctly, you took damage hitting canyon walls or enemies. I remember one enemy craft, that made a shrieking sound when you came in sight, then it charged and rammed you like a rhino. Your weapons were mounted to the top of your vehicle and could be turned independently from your movement. Your vehicle was affected by innertia. When you stopped, your vehicle would move on. When you shot a big gun, the repulsion would make your vehicle drift. There were crash sites with stranded people you could pick up if you hovered over them. I remember enjoying this game a lot. Please someone remember the title.


Jun 23, 2020

I am looking for an old PS1 game which i had played for a short while before as a kid.

I actually cant remember much about it. All I can remember was that it was some kind of escape room/house/puzzle game. Which the objective of the game was to escape from a hotel? I guess, that was what my father told me when he bought the game LOL.

The game start as the main character will wake up and find himself in a room, and he had to look around the room or trigger something to get out of the room.

I remember I had tried to use an alarm clock to bomb off the wall of the room to gain access of an adjacent room. Then somewhere somehow, I managed to find an lift to bring me down to an bowling alley, which then I would be able to bomb off the Pinsetter/bowling machine walls. From there I will able to find crawl across the hole and find another room inside where there were more clues.

Thats all I can remember, and all above is at the very early stage of the game, and I am always stuck in the game after bombing the Pinsetter. Sorry that I am unable to give more info.


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Ok I honestly think this game never existed and it just exist in my brain.

All I can make of it is that it was a demo.

It was a fighting game where you play as cut little animals with cartoon like combos but you can transform into badass more monsterous versions mid fight. I only remember on PC and I have no idea where it came from maybe a website. I know it was from the 90s cause I remember along with my Spiderman Cartoon maker.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Ok I honestly think this game never existed and it just exist in my brain.

All I can make of it is that it was a demo.

It was a fighting game where you play as cut little animals with cartoon like combos but you can transform into badass more monsterous versions mid fight. I only remember on PC and I have no idea where it came from maybe a website. I know it was from the 90s cause I remember along with my Spiderman Cartoon maker.
That is probably 7th Level's Battle Beast
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Jun 30, 2020
United States
This was a PS2 game from my childhood.

I believe the box had a white background and a Japanese title but I'm not sure.

So the game itself is a 3rd person view and I believe you take on missions. You start on a beach and fight some big bad. But you end up in a village which requires you to get some piece of armor to prove you're ready to set out (hunters gloves is how I remember it) to leave. After I ended up in a city and I accepted a mission to beat up a bunch of monks where I always die. I didn't get very far and would love to play it again.

Sorry if this was too vague! Dm me if you have any further questions or answers.


Jul 2, 2020
I think it was on PS1 or PS2. the hero is a child with large sword. I think it was like ff9 graphics. The kid learned the crouch slide ability later in the game. I remember sliding under a gate. I think that is the key piece to finding it. I think the sword could power up and he could spin with it. It was a 1 man hero. lots of puzzles in game, I remember a green/blue block that is smoothed out as part of the puzzles. camera view is 3rd person view often above character fixed to dungeon ceiling, but not top view. Think like ff10 trials. Parts I am less sure about are that you might of been able to rotate the screen though. he might of had blue hair, but I feel they all had blue hair in that generation of games. I keep wanting to think it's Alundra 1 or 2, but it's definitely not that game. It is not Technomag, Brave Fencer Musashi, Granstream Saga, or Dark cloud, Now Zelda either. It had lots of dungeon puzzles to solve. The graphics made it look like a children’s game, but was not as simple that kids could just blast through it. I went to listchallenges.com and found the PS1 and PS2 games for the US and could not find it by the pictures either. I tried reddit and they could not help. You guys are my only hope!


Jul 8, 2020
There is this mobile game that I played on IOS, where you had to build a castle out of different rooms and there were troops. The goal was to destroy the rooms of an enemy monster castle. I think there was like a trophy room and stuff.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
There is this mobile game that I played on IOS, where you had to build a castle out of different rooms and there were troops. The goal was to destroy the rooms of an enemy monster castle. I think there was like a trophy room and stuff.
Was it Castle Storm?
Jul 9, 2020
United States
Please help! My siblings and I have been going insane trying to figure out the name of this PC game. We spent literally hours playing when I was little on our dinosaur of a family computer. I can't remember when it would have been released, I probably started playing it after watching my older sister play it for a while.

I didn't ever quite figure out the point of the game, I played it when I was pretty young, I might not have been 10 yet. I'll try to describe it as best as I can. It was a pretty involved game!

It was a sort of sim, management type of game I think. I think there might've been an objective, there were "puzzles" I would try to figure out but never could. The entire game world was on one huge space ship. There were many different sections of the ship, each having a different biome or function. You could get to the sections via a sort of circular door/portal. There was one section of ship with ONLY doors/portals like a long hallway. One section was my particular favorite, an ocean/water biome. On one side of the area there was a sort of deep ocean part, in the lower middle was a sort of plain "nursery" type holding area, and the right was a coastal/reef portion. You could "spit out" different types of fish eggs and seeds from a dispenser into the "nursery" area.

There was also a desert section too, with cacti and scorpion like creatures.

The "home" section was forested with different wooden platforms that could be reached by raising and lowering elevators. The trees that blended into the background grew fruit that continually grew bigger until falling to the ground, bursting open with a bunch of seeds you could use to feed your benevolent creatures.

One area I think was an airlock/quarantine area. Things or creatures you wanted to get rid of could be placed in the airlock, and expelled into space. Freaky.

The "good" NPC creatures on this ship I can barely describe, other than primate like. They hatched from eggs that continually got bigger as they got closer to hatching. They also made purring like sounds? Heck I don't know. The "evil" NPC creatures that could hurt/kill/wreck havoc on the ship were maybe lizard like? Their eggs were plain, while the "good" creatures eggs were colorful.

Both good and bad NPCs could be "punished" by hitting them by clicking on them. It would make a slapping sound and they would jump. Brutal but effective. This could make them stop what they're doing, drop something, or run from an area you don't want them in. If you hit the creature enough times they would die, YIKES. Many times I would lose my "good" creatures to the "bad" ones from the slapping via the bady, because the creatures could hit each other. When a good creature dies, it lays there for a little while and then disappears with dust and parkles, and twinkling sound. The bad creatures disappeared by "melting" into a boiling green sludge. There were also toys available for the creatures. A few I can remember was a "radio" and a spinning/flying top.

It was so much fun, but I don't necessarily want to play it again. I just want to research it a bit, and get some intense nostalgia. Thank you!!! Please ask if there needs to be any clarifications.


Jul 8, 2020
Hey fellow gamers,

Came here to ask if anybody remembers an adventure game from the early/mid 1990's. I'm pretty sure it may have been a shareware or freeware game, as I remember downloading it off a BBS possibly at the time. The graphics and interface were fairly similar to early Sierra/LucasArts adventure games, so it was either text parser or point and click. The graphics I believe were very similar to most games of that time period as well. It was set on some tropical islands in a semi-modern time-period and you had to fix your ship/boat/yacht to get off the islands. Before anybody replies with it, it was most definitely not Monkey Island. I've been trying to figure out what this game was called so I can download it again and see if I enjoyed it as much as I did then, but for the life of me I cannot remember the name of it. I want to say it was the name of your boat, but I'm not sure if that is right. Thank you in advance!


Jul 11, 2020
United States
Here's my head-scratcher:

Back in the early 00s, my friend had a Toshiba laptop with an interactive screen saver game on it. He called it "Bug War," though I have no idea if that was the actual title or not. In the game, you would randomly spawn as a mechanoid robot "bug"--I remember an airship with fly-like "wings" and a four-legged spider walker with a big tank cannon, but there were others. You played until you died, then respawned as another unit. The entire game was played from the top-down and was definitely not in 3D. Instead of bullets, you would fire red or blue orbs. There were no life bars or anything. You just knew you were near death because your "bug" started to catch fire until it ultimately exploded. I never knew if this was an actual -screensaver- or if it was a game that had a screensaver "mode" you could activate. Essentially, when his computer went idle, the game would come up and play by itself until you either hit escape to return to Windows, or took control of the bug and began fighting. As far as I could tell, there was no actual way to win the game. You just kept fighting endlessly until you died and respawned, or quit and did something else.

I've actually been looking for this game for years. I've never found a single trace of it anywhere and am starting to wonder if I somehow imagined it.


Jul 11, 2020
United Kingdom

I'm looking for a game that was on the Commodore Amiga or possibly the Atari ST.

You played a boy who sat inside a flying ring (I think it was red and white) which flew around over the ocean. The point of view was always above and behind the ring.
You had to shoot beacons in the ocean that were guarded by what looked like green mermen. I think after you had beaten the 'beacon' there was a floating green gem to pick up.
There were several ways the mermen could kill you (each with there own animation), and one I definitely do remember is they shot a bubble which covered the top of the craft and went over your head. You ineffectively punched the bubble a couple of times before running out of air.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Please help! My siblings and I have been going insane trying to figure out the name of this PC game. We spent literally hours playing when I was little on our dinosaur of a family computer. I can't remember when it would have been released, I probably started playing it after watching my older sister play it for a while.

I didn't ever quite figure out the point of the game, I played it when I was pretty young, I might not have been 10 yet. I'll try to describe it as best as I can. It was a pretty involved game!

It was a sort of sim, management type of game I think. I think there might've been an objective, there were "puzzles" I would try to figure out but never could. The entire game world was on one huge space ship. There were many different sections of the ship, each having a different biome or function. You could get to the sections via a sort of circular door/portal. There was one section of ship with ONLY doors/portals like a long hallway. One section was my particular favorite, an ocean/water biome. On one side of the area there was a sort of deep ocean part, in the lower middle was a sort of plain "nursery" type holding area, and the right was a coastal/reef portion. You could "spit out" different types of fish eggs and seeds from a dispenser into the "nursery" area.

There was also a desert section too, with cacti and scorpion like creatures.

The "home" section was forested with different wooden platforms that could be reached by raising and lowering elevators. The trees that blended into the background grew fruit that continually grew bigger until falling to the ground, bursting open with a bunch of seeds you could use to feed your benevolent creatures.

One area I think was an airlock/quarantine area. Things or creatures you wanted to get rid of could be placed in the airlock, and expelled into space. Freaky.

The "good" NPC creatures on this ship I can barely describe, other than primate like. They hatched from eggs that continually got bigger as they got closer to hatching. They also made purring like sounds? Heck I don't know. The "evil" NPC creatures that could hurt/kill/wreck havoc on the ship were maybe lizard like? Their eggs were plain, while the "good" creatures eggs were colorful.

Both good and bad NPCs could be "punished" by hitting them by clicking on them. It would make a slapping sound and they would jump. Brutal but effective. This could make them stop what they're doing, drop something, or run from an area you don't want them in. If you hit the creature enough times they would die, YIKES. Many times I would lose my "good" creatures to the "bad" ones from the slapping via the bady, because the creatures could hit each other. When a good creature dies, it lays there for a little while and then disappears with dust and parkles, and twinkling sound. The bad creatures disappeared by "melting" into a boiling green sludge. There were also toys available for the creatures. A few I can remember was a "radio" and a spinning/flying top.

It was so much fun, but I don't necessarily want to play it again. I just want to research it a bit, and get some intense nostalgia. Thank you!!! Please ask if there needs to be any clarifications.
That kinda sounds like Space Station Silicon Valley... but not entirely.


Jun 18, 2020
Hello guys! I'm 32 years old and there is a game that I'm looking for a long time!!
This is the scene I have in my mind:

You are a lumberjack guy with a riffle. Platform style. There are zombies and this jelly acid guys that jump on your face suddenly and you die.
Very challenging game as far as I remember!

Someone old enough here that have clue on this one?!👴👵🧓


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Hello guys! I'm 32 years old and there is a game that I'm looking for a long time!!
This is the scene I have in my mind:

You are a lumberjack guy with a riffle. Platform style. There are zombies and this jelly acid guys that jump on your face suddenly and you die.
Very challenging game as far as I remember!

Someone old enough here that have clue on this one?!👴👵🧓
That would be Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion, AKA Dangerous Dave 2; one of the first games made by the team that would latter become Id software.
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Jun 18, 2020
OMG! Exactly this one!! 🤩
Thank you! Much respect for you and this forum!
I'm blown away!! You rock!!
for those who might be interested to play:


Jul 16, 2020
Hello everyone.
The game I couldn't remember the name was something like a game of intelligence. There were blocks of different colors or letters. I couldn't remember the detail. We selected and destroyed the blocks with the mouse to have the same color/letter. Then other blocks were falling, but no new blocks were coming from the top. Our goal was to combine as many blocks as possible to detonate them and to keep the few blocks indestructible. I was playing on an Xp computer, I think it may have been around 2005 or before.