How were we supposed to know? Are you blaming us for not breaking into Defy Media's private email server to find out this long-held secret?
We apologize for not being omniscient.
I apologize, I wasn't clear in my previous post.
I'm not blaming you or any GGer for not knowing about an episode that was not public knowledge at the time.
And I'm not blaming early GGers who got swept up in the movement and bought into the vast amounts of bullshit that were being pushed, namely here on the Escapist Forums. I talked with many of those folks, on the now-deleted megathread and in private, and I thought then and still do think that many of them were will-intentioned albeit seriously misinformed and misguided.
I do blame Defy Media and Achron for being total and absolute frauds on journalism ethics.
And I blame a lot of the supporters of that movement who refused to realize/acknowledge it had nothing to do with journalism ethics. It was a culture war. You can't make an honest case for that movement caring about ethics when time and again, we saw other outlets and streamers doing *actual* unethical shit, and instead of caring about that institutional rot, they were going insane over Anita freakin' Sarkeesian videos.
So when, for example, some extremely popular streamers get in trouble for not disclosing their "sponsored" videos that are essentially paid advertisements, and they're cited in an official complaint from the Federal fucking Trade Commission for unethical practices, and the movement doesn't so much as making a fucking peep and
instead actually rallies around those people and defend them, then they don't have a fucking leg to stand on when it comes to arguing about ethics in games journalism.