For some reason I only get errors when visiting that link. No matter if I use Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer.
If someone actually manages to access the tweet chain in question, could that someone please reproduce it in this thread? If I am having troubles odds are someone else has too.
Ask, and you shall receive.
PRESIDENT Russ Pitts (R): "True story: My first, big investigative article for Escapist was exposing 'guerrilla marketing' i.e. companies hiring commenters, etc. I almost got fired. Turns out guerrilla marketing was, at the time, Escapist's biggest source of (secret) revenue. Oops.
Anyway, if you read the RS article linked at the top of this thread, you'll get an idea of how Escapist's finances were managed, i.e. badly. Contributors would go unpaid for months (one for over a year) while Macris and CFO spent lavishly. My job was to pick up the pieces.
I quit when my day-to-day became half consoling angry, unpaid contributors, and half punching up at company leadership. I'm proud of what we built at Escapist and love all the talented people I met and helped there. But the job physically and mentally broke me.
Funny aside: When I was at Polygon, my superiors at Vox asked for an intro to Macris (then VP of Defy Media). I was like 'HAHAHA FUCK NO!' I think this confused them."