I imagine Donald Trump has actually paid women to get abortions.
Personal life has nothing to do with policy, though. Lots of legislators have pushed to punish abortions while also pushing their mistresses to have them.
I don't think governing Republicans do anything more than talk about abortion. How many USSC justices that are upholding Roe v Wade were put there by Republican Presidents? EDIT: 5/9 were put there by Republicans, yet Roe still stands.
They keep pushing for "TRAP laws" to try to shut down clinics while trying to look like they're not.
And honestly, I'm shocked that Roe is still standing (probably because just enough people on the court have constitutional principles), and quite worried that if Ruth Nader Ginsberg dies and is replaced with another Kavanaugh figure, it'll be overturned almost immediately.
ITMT: we have a program that actually bribes women to socially disenfranchise men: WICBMFO: Women, Infants, Children But Men Fuck Off. And while domestic violence is instigated 50-50 men and women in hetero couples, we have a Federal DVAWBMFO act.. Domestic Violence Against Women But Men Fuck Off act. As women live longer, it is more likely that a social security check is sent to them, not men. And more.
I haven't seen "but Men fuck off" in their actual titles...
Really, it feels like you have legitimate trauma over this, and I do sincerely encourage you to seek therapy to work through it. There is no conspiracy. Women are not trying to take over, and the men in government are not putting women above everyone else.
You are not being sized up to be mowed down and thrown into a killing field and murdered just for being a man. You are jumping at shadows. I sincerely recommend therapy.
My fear is, with the Left, not only will men become virtually enslaved but often murdered, with our corpses rotting in a killing field somewhere. No thanks. For now, if we could just get the government to stop proactively harming us, that would be something.
Mate, under the corporate (and yes, right wing) status quo, men are already virtually enslaved (along with women, might I add) with shit wages and less and less assistance. Men are already being murdered and kidnapped and etc etc by the state.
And the Left is actively trying to fight it. Yet, you have yet another trauma (ie, you know people who have suffered during revolutions) that makes you see any movement that appears leftist to be just a stepping stone in some communist revolution that will genocide everyone.
...In fact...I'm about to scare the shit out of you.
You want to prevent a violent communistic/marxist/hardcore extremist left revolution?
Then there needs to be concessions made to the people (ie, that list of "Are you in favor of these things, whey would save lives" I pointed to you twice, which are
leftist priorities).
See...Revolutions don't "just happen" because some marxist was like "hon hon, I shall now take over for the greater good!". They happen when the rich and power inevitably gain so much power that they outright start crushing people and making them miserable en-masse and they start getting desperate looking for a change, and starting going "Hey, these commies are sounding pretty resonable, capitalism is killing us!". Like they're feeling right now.
I don't have the exact stat, but a majority of households cannot afford a thousand dollar emergency. And there's a pandemic raging that has crushed the economy. Something like a third of households were not able to pay rent or mortgage last month. And yet, the US people got ONE small cheque over the last 6 months, while the government shovelled trillions into corporations.
Given that the economy is collapsing, and there's no help coming to the people, and that if the government stops protecting them from eviction a shitton of people will be now homeless...That's a lot of anger and feelings of being victims of injustice that are happening, not helped by federal goons grabbing people off the street for mostly peaceful protests.
People are more and more questioning the way the system is working, where
they get screwed and the rich and corporations get bailouts with no conditions. Normally, this could manifest in peaceful change via reforms and democratic power (and we're slowly seeing that with outsider leftists getting elected)...But between the pandemic making all of the problems immediately worse, and the established government people (GOP AND DEM leadership both!) refusing to do anything to help...
Well, honestly, I'm worried that if things don't change soon, there very well could be radical rioting and violence (not all leftist either), because people will be so screwed that they will be desperate for any kind of change and see it as life or death.
The list I keep sharing are all common sense things that DO stop the government proactively hurting the people, and would release that pressure before it cracks society.
If those common sense left-leaning things happen...Well, the pressure is released. People who are content (not necessarily happy, just content) do not turn to violence and rioting and revolution. If people had a UBI until the pandemic is over, did not lose their homes, and had their healthcare taken care of at no cost and that was the only changes done, that would probably actually be enough.
So, what I'm saying is, if you want to stop a Marxist revolution, you gotta concede to the left to take the pressure off. I mean, you don't see angry uprisings in Australia, the Nordic countries or Canada, but you're sure as hell are seeing the start of them in the US, now ain'tcha?
You know what, fair 'nough. And good luck with the game dev!
Thanks. I have another 29 days to finish, and with the core combat system done, I should be able to clinch it.